
Reincarnated as the Fallen Angel, Argus, in DxD

This is the story of how I was reincarnated as Argus, the Immortal Fallen Angel from the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang or MLBB for short. And Became the Strongest!

LoliConnoisseur · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 05 - Reunited Bonds

"Hey Kazumi... It's been a while."

"Akeno! You're alive?! H–How?!"

I was shocked! I know she survived in the original but what happened in this world is different!

"I was saved by someone."

Akeno said. There was also a glint of anger in her eyes which is directed at me.

"I'm... Sorry." It was obvious

"It's fine~ I already heard everything earlier."

"That's... A bit embarrassing." I said as my face heat up little. "Since when you're here?"

"From the moment you arrived. I followed you three."

"Wait, was it really you who I saw earlier?"

"Hehe." Akeno giggled and poked her tongue out.

"So Akeno, what now? Do you want to go back to them?"

"I want to meet them! I haven't seen my family in a long time."

I smiled.

"Then let's go." I grabbed her hand, held it tightly.

As we about to walk towards our families, Yuuma suddenly appeared.

"N–Nee-san?!" Yuuma was staring at her sister with various emotions. Her eyes tearing up.

"Yuuma-chan." Akeno smiled as she opened her arms wide.

Yuuma rushed towards her big sister's bosom. Akeno wrapped her arms around Yuuma.

Yuuma cried on Akeno's chest, while Akeno patted her little sister's back and shed tears herself.

Two sisters, reunited once more.

"I don't want to ruin the mood, but we should go back now."

The two looked at me with hostility but eventually followed me.

"Everyone, look who's back!"

They all look at me wondering what the fuck I'm talking about. Then their eyes looked at Akeno. At first they taught it was just Yuuma, however, they saw Yuuma who was beside Akeno.

"A–Akeno?! I–Is that really you?" Aunt Shuri slowly walked towards Akeno.

Akeno herself was crying. She ran towards her mother and jumped.

Aunt Shuri catched her.

"M–Mom!" She eventually bawled her eyes out.

"S–Shh... I'm here okay?" Aunt Shuri herself wept.

Uncle Barakiel slowly and reluctantly came near them.

Akeno looked at her dad. She stood up and faced her father. She balled her fist and said, "...Dad."

"Akeno... I... I'm so–" Uncle Barakiel was cutoff as Akeno suddenly shouted.

"You promised that you will protect me! Us! You promised!" Akeno shouted with her head hung down and tears dripping down.

"I'm... I'm sorry..."

"Wahhhhhhhh! Papa you liar! You meanie!" Akeno cried like a child. I've forgotten the fact that, Akeno, was in fact a papa's girl.

Uncle Barakiel hugged Akeno and she reciprocated.


It's been a while since that happened. After calming herself down, Akeno's face was bright red as a tomato when she remembered what she did.

Her flushed face was so cute when I teased her about it.

Itsuki and Yuuma also joined making her more redder than the color itself.

She often teased us back then. How about we give her a taste of her own medicine?


Eventually, we had to address my feelings for Akeno. Here's how it went.

"I understand that we have to talk about it but why is Itsuki here too?"

"Onii-chan, it's very important for me to be here too!"

"How important exactly?"

"They need my approval before they can have you as their boyfriend!"

" "And why exactly do we need your approval, Itsuki?" " Akeno and Yuuma in sync said.

"Nee-san, Kazumi is my boyfriend. You can't just take him away."

"Fufuu, he still has feelings for me doesn't he?"

"It's a one-sided crush! Kazumi and I have mutual feelings for each other!"

"Ara ara, who said it was a one-sided crush? I too have feelings for him you know?"

"Even so!"

"We can just share you know? And you'll be needing my help, Yuuma-chan. I'm sure many woman would want Kazumi as their boyfriend."

"Tsk. As much as I want to deny that, there's already a lot of horny girls in school who want to get into Kazumi's pants. Deal!"


"I do not approve this!"

"We can share him with you too, Itsuki."

"Why share him with you two? I can have him for myself!"

"Then why don't you share him with us two?"


"Hey, don't I get a say to this?"

" "Shut up, Kazumi!" ", "Shut up Onii-chan!"

"Okay." Inwardly, I was smiling. Happy that they get along like they used to. And as long as they're happy, I'm fine with it.

That's the thing about love. The smiles on their faces look so beautiful.

I've decided.

My goal is not only to protect the people that I love and care about. But also protect their smiles.

It doesn't matter even if I have to sacrifice my life, as long as I can protect their smiles, I'm satisfied with that.


That's how I got three girlfriends. Two childhood friends turned into my girlfriends and a little sister(not-related) girlfriend?

Having a harem has too much trouble... But who said I didn't want a harem?

I'm fine with just three.


Back to Kuou Gakuen.

Akeno asked for her class to be changed. From 1-A to 1-B just to be with us three.

We also met Akeno's "Savior" as she said. Personally, I dislike Rias. I don't know why but I just have a bad opinion against Rias. I didn't made it obvious of course.

We were not surprised when they revealed us that they are Devils. Akeno already gave us a head's up.

I still remember when I revealed my Fallen Angel heritage to Akeno...

"Kazumi, I've been hiding something from you..."

"...What is it?"

"I'm actually a Fallen Angel!" Akeno said as she unfurled her wings.

Her wings mesmerized me. Unlike Yuuma's wings which was like a warm sunny day, Akeno's wings were like a cool starry night. Which is weird because their wings are just black feathered wings.

"...Is it weird?"

"No, no. I was just mesmerized by it."

"Really? You aren't just saying that just to comfort me?"

"Of course."

"...Thanks." Akeno with a blushing face meekly said.

"Did you think I would be disgusted?"

"Ah! N–No... I..."

"Why did you think I would be disgusted by these beautiful wings of yours?" I said as I caressed her wings.

"...One of the assassins back then said that the reason they wanted to kill us was because of this wings."

"Do you hate these wings?"

"I don't know..."

"Personally I love them. Wanna know why?"


"Because seeing this wings makes me think that you chose to fall from the heavens just to be with me." I said as I look at her eyes.

She averted her eyes. Her face flushed.

"...Not fair."

"Haha, well want to know another reason why I don't dislike your wings?"

She just looked at me.

"Haha, I promise it won't be another one of those cheesy lines."

She stared at me then nodded slightly.

I smiled and said, "It's because of this."

I reveal my wings. My 5 pairs of wings. Now my power is 100,000.

"You're... A Fallen Angel too?" Akeno asked as she caressed my wings.


She just nodded and continued to touch my wings.

"So Akeno, do you hate these wings?"

"I love them. I love you too~" I felt my face heat up. She gave me a smirk, "Payback for what you did earlier."

"You little!" I put my hands on her waist as I started to tickle her.

"Hahahaha! Kazumi! Hahahha! Stop!" Akeno continued laughing.

"Nope~" I said and continued to tickle her. She suddenly slipped.

I put my hand behind her head. Then she hit the floor. My hands hurt but it's better than her hurting her head.

She looked at me. Panting as she's trying to catch her breath from the laughing she did earlier.

I looked at her. It was an awkward position we two are in. I was on top of her.

I also saw her cleavage showing. Those were really big. I wonder how soft they are. She looks sexy. Shit!

"K–Kazumi, your knee, it's poking me."

"...rThat's not my knee."

"What do you me–!" Akeno looked confused at first then she suddenly turned red.

"... Do you want to touch them?" Akeno suddenly asked.

"... Can I?"

She just nodded and averted her face.

"Then..." I took my hand and slowly tried to touch her breasts.


"Hey you two, dinner's rea– what's this? You two are doing something naughty?" Yuuma asked.

"Hey Onii-chan! My boobs are free for you to touch!"

I was this close!


Days passed. I'm doing well on school works. Most often I take a nap when the subject is Science and Math. Not because I'm having a hard time, but the opposite actually.

You see, even back in my past life, I took naps on those subjects.

(AN : Not to boast but that's true. I don't pay attention to math or science but I get almost full marks on the quizzes. For example, in a 50 item test, I got 47.)

For the other subjects, I'm doing quite well. Though there are some difficulties, my "Girlfriends" help me in exchange for I help them


A year has passed since. Me, Itsuki, Yuuma and Akeno are on the second year now.

I just realized something.

I have a system right?

A system like those other stories that I read.

I never said status...

Rie, status.

[ Name : Kazumi Hyoudou

Age : 17

Stats :

HP : ???/???

BASE POWER : 100,000

6th Pair Progress : 89.52%


Skills :

- Passive Skills : \/

- Active Skills : \/

Forms :

-「Dark Angel」(Fallen Angel)

-「Light Of Dawn」(Angel) ]

Wow. Just wow. My HP looking like that means I'm really unkillable.

Anyways, I need to train to get my 6th pair. Almost there.


Days have passed.

This day, I was walking alone. My girlfriends went somewhere else. They said that they are going somewhere to buy something. I told them that I could wait for them but they said that It's going to be a surprise so right now, I'm walking alone.

Walking around alone is boring but also nice.

Reminiscing about the memories I had in my past life.

My family.

Two bestfriends.

I missed them all.

I really do.


This is Earth yes? This Earth is similar to my past life's Earth right?

What if I go to my house in my past life?

I could fly there.

But what about them three?

My Girlfriends?

I guess I'll just message them on the way.



"Ah. I need to go to the restroom."

"Then let's go together."



Three phones suddenly vibrated.

They all look at their phones and checked the message they received.

"Kazumi said he's going somewhere."

"Where is he going though? He never had any friends." Itsuki replied.

"It can't be helped. He always prioritizes us before himself." Yuuma said.

Kazumi will probably follow them if they didn't tell him not to follow them.

It might seem that he doesn't trust them but that isn't they feel.

They feel his love. His dedication on protecting them. Sometimes, they get annoyed of course.

But not because they dislike it, no, he sometimes forgets about himself.

Just like the time where they had a date. He ordered lunch for themselves but forgot his. When he was about to order for himself, they insisted on feeding him.

Though it could be it's his plan but it didn't look like it was planned.

He looked really surprised when he noticed that he only ordered for them and forgot his.

"Then how about we buy something he'll truly enjoy? And I know just the thing~" Akeno said.



I slowly descend on the vacant lot we used to play.

Then, I walked towards my house.

My house isn't much but it's a lively home.

While I'm reminiscing, someone came out. It was me!

He didn't see me because I'm invisible.

Though judging from his clothes alone, he's going to a friend.

I didn't know what to feel about this.

That is me but Kazumi is also me.

Nah I don't want to think about it.

I guess I'll spend some time walking around this place.


2000 words.

Sorry for the late upload, I was on a trip with my friend.

Anyways, here's chapter 5! Very epic!

Here's some thoughts to think about:

How does a health potion work? Do you need to drink it all to gain +100 hp or every drop of it is +1hp?

If a woman has regeneration and it regenerates a severed limb, does it regenerate their hymen?

Add it to your library. I am not asking anymore.

LoliConnoisseurcreators' thoughts