
Chapter 795 Expanding Influence

The atmosphere within the Celestial Forge shifted palpably as Salamander's excitement became the driving force of the tour. He led them through the sprawling complex with the eagerness of a child showing off a collection of prized possessions. Each piece of technology he presented was a testament to his admiration for the super soldiers and their legendary feats.

"This here," Salamander began, unveiling a sleek and highly advanced exoskeleton, "was inspired by the resilience and strength you demonstrated during the Siege of Orion's Belt. It's designed to augment the wearer's physical abilities, providing enhanced strength and durability without sacrificing agility."

Varik, intrigued, examined the exoskeleton closely. "Impressive," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a note of genuine respect. "The Iron Warden could have used something like this in the trenches of Zeta-9."