
Chapter 549 A Mind Reading Mermaid

Tom grabbed a book and open them page by page as the internal chip inside his brain scanned them and upload them to the Mechanicum's database immediately.

After he was done, he grabbed another one. "Magical Vision Through The String Theory."

"What Are Those Spinning Disk In The Sky?"

"What is That Spinning Black Thing With A Ring Of Light Around It?"

Tom read the name of the books before he began scanning. Some of these books were about the study about space, the place outside this planet.

The Mechanicum and Duria had studied the stars and space for years, at least that was what the data told him. But they never made a ship to leave this world.

Why was that the case?

Tom tried to access more information about this within the Mechanicum's database, but he founded nothing.

'Hmm, perhaps, I need to ask Naley about this."