
reincarnated as Raiden shogun in dxd?

young guy gets reincarnated as Raiden shogun in world of dxd after dying thankfully Rob gives him enough power to not submit to anyone how will new Raiden deal with problem's involving Kyoto read to find out it's just test fanfic so please don't be too harsh English isn't my language and I migh be not written the fanfic well but I love the idea of Kyoto op guardian that is their saving grace. I obviously own nothing not dxd or anything in genshin or even art if it's in it's somehow bugged

koolko202 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Eye opening

The first thing Raiden saw upon awakening were two figures: a beautiful, mature blonde woman that could awake desires in anyone and a small girl, no older than twelve. The moment she laid eyes on the child, Raiden felt an overwhelming sense of familiar love.

With her usual cold expression, Raiden approached, intending to pick up the little girl and embrace her. But before she could, the child shrank back, hiding behind the older woman with a hint of fear. This snapped Raiden out of the trance of love she felt for the girl.

Turning her attention to the older woman, Raiden recognized her immediately — Yasaka. The name echoed both from the memories of the DxD anime and from her own past.

Before Raiden could speak, Yasaka rushed forward and enveloped her in a hug so strong it could have crushed a human. Raiden heard soft sobs as Yasaka whispered, "Welcome back, Raiden."

Raiden, unbothered by the tight embrace, gently petted Yasaka's head, using the situation to feel her adorable fox ears, which calmed Yasaka almost instantly. "It's alright now, Yasaka. Calm down," Raiden said soothingly.

Reluctantly, Yasaka let go and introduced the little girl who had been hiding behind her. "This is our daughter, Kunou," she said, pulling the shy girl forward.

Kunou, peeking from behind her mother, softly said, "Hello, Mother."

Raiden, now fully in control of her maternal instincts, noticed something peculiar. Kunou looked different from how she remembered her in *DxD*. Instead of the yellow hair Yasaka had, Kunou's hair was almost pink. Similar to Yae Miko she through to her self perhaps rob chaged few things?

To prevent an awkward silence, Raiden knelt beside Kunou and gently patted her head. "Hello, little one," she said kindly.

After a brief moment, Raiden stood, her expression returning to its usual seriousness. "Yasaka, tell me what happened while I was gone."

Yasaka's smile faded, becoming awkward. "It would be better if we sat down for this." She led Raiden to the throne room and sent Kunou to her room before the girl could spend more time getting to know her second mother.

With a sigh, Yasaka began explaining the events of the past years, recounting how they were forced to seek help from the Shinto gods and how the devils bullied them into surrendering a piece of land known as Kuoh.

Raiden listened, her face impassive. The news of territorial disputes didn't stir her much, but when Yasaka reached the next piece of information, Raiden's expression darkened. She felt her blood boil just hearing it

With a cold, icy voice, Raiden repeated the words she had just heard: "The nekomatas were slaughtered?"

Yasaka, her heart heavy with sadness, nodded. "Yes. We didn't find a single survivor in their village. We suspect the devils, but we have no solid evidence. The Shinto gods didn't consider it important enough to act."

Though Raiden's face showed little change, Yasaka could feel it — the air around Raiden became even colder, and small, nearly invisible particles of elemental energy began swirling around her. The anger Raiden felt was palpable.

As Yasaka nervously observed Raiden's growing fury, Raiden thought back to the plot of *DxD*. If only she had awoken sooner, perhaps this could have been avoided. But not all hope was lost — Raiden remembered that there were still two nekomatas which could be saved from the clutches of the devils.

Her cold expression and tone unwavering, Raiden gave a single command: "Lead me to the slaughtered village."

Yasaka, anticipating this reaction, led Raiden to what had once been the nekomata's village. Just a few months ago, it had been brimming with life, but now it was a ghost town, the remnants of its former vibrancy sending a chill down anyone who visited.

Raiden said nothing as they arrived, immediately getting to work. Activating her elemental sight — a technique that those with a *Gnosis* or *Vision* could perform — she quickly detected traces of subtle demonic magic.

"Fucking bats," Raiden muttered under her breath, before following the trail of magic, hoping it would lead her to any survivors of the nekomata race. Yasaka followed closely behind, staying silent, knowing that any wrong word might provoke Raiden's wrath further.

Inwardly, Yasaka chastised herself. She had failed as a leader, her carelessness nearly leading to the destruction of an entire race. Now, all she could do was hope that Raiden could bring justice and save any remaining survivors.

After some time, they arrived at an abandoned building. Yasaka felt a twinge of doubt; there was no trace of magic, life force, or even *touki* surrounding the building. It seemed completely ordinary. Just as she was about to ask Raiden about it, Raiden drew her sword and, with a single swing, demolished the building, not even leaving dust behind. Revealing hidden hatch , protected by a complex array of demonic, human, and magical artifacts.

Yasaka felt immediate guilt for doubting Raiden, even for a second. But there was no time for self-reflection — they had to act fast.


Meanwhile, in a research facility, a pitiful girl was being dragged by two guards and thrown unceremoniously onto the floor of her holding cell. She forced herself into a corner, crying from the pain of the inhumane experiments performed on her and the heartache of watching her home be destroyed. Only she and her little sister, Shirone, had survived.

Curling up in the corner, she tried to hold back her tears, refusing to give her captors the satisfaction of seeing her cry. As she wept, she overheard one of the scientists mention her sister's name.

The head scientist spoke first. "We need to use the second subject. The first one is too tainted by the demonic piece we implanted in her, and it could skew the results."

"But sir," another scientist protested, "we promised we wouldn't touch her sister. That agreement is the reason she's been so obedient. Are we really going to break our word?"

"Why should we honor an agreement with an animal?" the head scientist scoffed. "Now that she's useless to us, there's no point."

Hearing this, Kuroka's blood ran cold. She couldn't let this happen. Thanks to the twisted experiments performed on her, she had regained some of her strength. She had to save Shirone. She had to stop them.

Just as Kuroka prepared to break free from her cell, the ground suddenly shook — an earthquake.


author notes

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter as you obviously noticed this one is all around better I used chatgpt but don't worry I didn't use any promt to generate story I gave it my own version and asked it to help with Grammer then I just slightly changed few things and finished it anyways I kinda had feeling while writing this that the story is going somehow slowly which I think it's weird with this being only third chapter I mainly write this to ask if you have the same feeling or I am just weirdo anyways thanks for taking your time to read this and I hope y'all have wonderful days