
Chapter 7

[Congratulations! Dragon Ranch opened]

Ok, what? In the novel, there was a thing such as the Ranch. It was a place to raise animals, just like how the Farm was a place to raise the plants. It opened up at level 10. And at level 30, it will combine with the farm to create a Small World.

Even at the level 1 of the Ranch, it was able to rear 1000 animals. But it could rear animals only of its own level, in all, it had 100 levels with level 1 being for rabbits and other smaller animals; and by the time level 50 was reached, we were already in the realm of mythical beasts. I thought that I would have to raise the Dragons on my own in the Small World.

I run to the computer in the small hut, the place where the player is supposed to be, and just like in the light novel - there is a notification explaining the new Spatial functions.

[New Spatial Function - Dragon Ranch]

[Dragon Ranch - Raises and strengthens Dragons, the Dragon Ranch is able to merge in positive attributes of all dragons to all dragons possible to create the most fearsome of predators]

[There are options in the Ranch for suitable living grounds for the Dragons as well]

[At level 1 - only 1 dragon can be actively raised]

[Hatching time may vary on the Dragon's potential and other factors]

Hmm, this would change my plans considerably. Earlier, I had planned to first power level my farm to the small world stage, still might do it, if the Dragon ranch turns out to be a pain to level up, but still I guess the timeline for trade with Essos would have to brought earlier if I want access to dragon eggs; that or learn how to create portkeys or apparate to Valyria. If it is reasonable to level up, well, there is no such thing as too many dragons.

Alright now let's learn start learning Runes. Why runes specifically? Because they later evolve into Inscriptions and Warding. I don't know how anyone in the HP world slept without positively layering their house with intent runes, maybe I'm different, but I don't want to deal with brainwashed sleeper cells/spies.

Especially when I'm planning to showcase on being a genius. Wouldn't want Littlefinger to get more unsettled than he already is, due to me being Brandon's son. Like, in the books, he needed to decide which Stark child to kill to pit the Lannisters against the Starks, and he decides Bran; just because he was named after my father. Like, what? The boy isn't even a tween yet, how can anyone be so obsessive on killing someone; I guess Littlefinger did learn something from Robert after all.

Anyways, I need to start learning Homonun Revelio runes, Intent based runes, Identity runes, a broken down Accio rune (so that only the location is known) along with a Mana feeding rune to create my very own Marauder's map for Winterfell. Hell, I'll compile all the runes to create a runecluster (thank you LOHP), and make it portable so that I have my very own mini-map. I just hope that'll be good enough to update and better the monitoring station found in the farm. I mean seriously, they have a 250 m radius at level 10; with very basic enemy sensing; that is to say, only if the target is openly hostile. This can't do of course, so here I am, learning how to engrave runes.

(2 weeks later)

We are spending the night in Cerwyn, and tomorrow we'll be in Winterfell. The past 2 weeks have been extremely productive to say the least. I have completed the rune schema for the mini map, just waiting to reach Winterfell to create my very own Marauder's Map.

The monitoring station did get created, which was a distinct achievement because in the novel the monitoring station opened at level 10, I'm level 9 right now, so magic can be used to influence the farm better.Anyways, the radius is now a kilometre. The Farm was also able to bolster the wards to the point, where I get a CIA like ID file on every person who comes even a kilometre near me; and it will track and remember where someone went, at least inside the range of the station. Now, that's how you mini-map.

I've also started learning my Metamorphic abilities, because with the LOHP version, I cannot only change my appearance, but control my entire body consciously if I want. So, of course I'd do that, I can pump more growth hormones, control my muscle mass perfectly, control my heartbeat and blood pressure and make them more efficient to give me more stamina, I can get rid of all impurities and excess fat in my body, I've always wanted to cultivate..

Expanding on my Metamorphic abilities led to a very interesting discovery, apparently, due to my draconic bloodline strengthening, I was going to get more Valyrian features, like high cheekbones and strands of white and golden hair, of course I put a stop to the hair re-pigmentation, but as far as the cheekbones are considered; well, you'll not hear me complaining for getting more attractive.

It's even better because my cover - story mother Ashara Dayne herself had Valyrian blood, to the point where she had violet eyes, so this would only sell people more on the idea of me being the love child of Ashara and Brandon.

Coming back to the journey, Riverrun is what I imagined it being, needlessly opulent that only served to destroy its natural charm in my opinion. Hoster Tully was of course enraged to see me, having been thwarted in his political plans. I feel for the dude, I really do, I mean being at the very center of the 7 kingdoms means that everybody wants to mess with your kingdom. More than half the kingdom wide battles are fought in the Riverlands, even if they were never originally part of the conflict.

This just means that being the Liege Lord of this kingdom is less like herding sheep and more like herding wolves; 1 misstep and they are ready to tear you apart. So, yeah, I did sympathize with him, at least till I saw inside his brain, I mean, it hasn't even been an hour of our meeting and already planning on how to assassinate your goodson's nephew. The man's honestly too far gone, I of course put an end to such traitorous thoughts, him thinking of what Robert will do to a man who went directly against his decree did just fine as a mental block, I may or may not have also given him a mental virus that will give him the most horrific nightmares if he so even thinks about attacking me.

So, now, for "retaliation", the man will stop the discount he was planning to give the North on the food they buy because of Ned and Cat marrying. This of course, I did so that I'll be able to start of my self-sufficiency plans much, much earlier. It's not like the Northmen would starve or anything, there's still the Reach, at most it will hurt the Lord's treasury, and to someone who maybe planning on creating a Philosopher's stone, gold is honestly a cheap commodity. No harm in making my bannermen more indebted to me.

Catelyn was better of course. She hated the idea of her sons being someone else's bannermen, but being a proper Southern lady, she knew that nothing could be done and knew her place. She named her firstborn after Robert, just like in the canon, but is already having doubts about whether it'd be prudent to name her possible second born after Ned's brother, seeing as how there is already an heir ready.

Also, damnnn, with thick Auburn hair, deep blue eyes, full lips, delicate and fair skin and an hourglass figure, Catelyn Stark is a real sight to see. Let's just say that if Sansa takes after her like she did in the books, and I might just learn the Valyrian ways of sister-wives.

Now coming to the matter of my mother, I have already started working on a new runecluster that keeps everyone except the engraver sleeping, in a stasis and healthy. The moment the engraving is done, I'll pull my mother out of the body box where she has already been sleeping for more than a month now.

Alright, now I need to sleep, big day ahead, gotta act cute and brainwash the servants to be my lemmings, just another day in Westeros.

(NOTE :- First I'd like to thank all of you, I just started this fic on a whim and to see it do so well honestly makes me proud.. but onto the important bits -

Now that our MC is finally in Winterfell, the Kingdom Building elements can start taking root, of course not the very next chapter, but I like to plan my novels, so if there is something specific that you would like to see, please comment and tell. Also, pitch in about the future romance - would you guys like a harem or a non-harem route? Do remember that I'm very bad at writing lemons, so if you're just voting for being horny, then it won't help you either way.

I'm asking because if I am to go non Harem, then I'll introduce an OC, mostly because Daenerys and Sansa are too closely related and I don't like Margaery enough for her to be the only love interest. So if we do go non-harem, then I'll introduce an OC love interest from Essos probably, otherwise Harem everybody knows. So think it over, and comment down below!)