
Reincarnated as Issei in High school DxD

A former government spy is reincarnated into Highschool dxd where his soul merged with Issei’s. Will change the plot or leave it as is and will he still be as perverse, who knows? This story will be kind of a trust the process story For most of this story it’s going to follow the original timeline (yeah I know very creative) Uploading chapters whenever I feel like because this is just a hobby

susuke_uchiwa · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


AN- For those wondering I am going to keep the perverted trio around because I enjoyed every moment they were on screen in the anime (if I'm being honest they carried the slice of life moments in the show) plus I'm just writing this to have fun//

Issei woke up to sound of the girl in his alarm

"Ugh Damn, it looks like I got Tokyo Ghouled yesterday and man was it painful" Issei said to himself

He checked his body and noticed it was stronger than before.

"I'm happy that I'm stronger now but now I gotta be a slave for a little while because of it… oh well it's not like Rias is that unreasonable and her peerage are somewhat good people but once I get strong enough she'll have no choice but to let me leave" he said to himself

"Hey Ddraig" Issei said while summoning his boosted gear

[Whats up partner] replied Ddraig

"What do say about the thing we discussed a while back"

[If you're talking about changing out your human well former body parts for a dragons it's still too risky]

"Well how much do you think my chance of survival has gone and how long do you think I'll have to wait before going with the process"

[Well since you've become a devil you survival rate has increased my 6% but if you really want to do it I suggest waiting until you have the power to use all the 8 pawn pieces in your body]

"Alright Ddraig I'll trust your judgment"


"What? What happened?"

[it's just been a while since I've had such a cooperative host so I was just surprised]

"Aww does that mean you've taken a liking too"

Issei got no response

'I'll take that as a yes' Issei said internally

He got up and got ready and went to school just like any normal day.

In a random staircase in Kuoh Academy

" So you're telling me you guys don't remember her?" said Issei 'so I guess they really did gettheir memories wiped'

"No Man you probably made her up" replied Motohama

"You're probably just going crazy from not watching enough porn" added Matsuda

"But don't worry just come too my place after school and we'll hang out and watch my treasured collection of dvd porn" he added on excitedly

As Matsuda was talking two girls walked past and commented

"All those guys ever do is jerk off"

"So gross"


Issei was about to burst out laughing when saw what just happened

Matsuda just feigned a cough and said "anyway I just got a new movie and it's called 'double D's and the nerds who love them'"

"That sounds awesome" added Motohama with a perverted grin on his face

Two perverts voice faded into the background as Issei noticed the devils where watching him

After school at Matsuda's house

"Let's get this tape rolling" Matsuda said excitedly as he put the dvd in the player.

"I'm only here for the 'double D's and the nerds who love them' and I'm leaving afterwards" said Issei

Motohama replied "Suit yourself"

After watching the video Issei left and went for a walk.

'I should try and get used to this new body of mine' Issei thought to himself as he was wondering around town.

While he was walking around he noticed that his hearing became better and so was his vision and he could also see better in darker places.

After walking for a bit he ended up at the park where he got killed.

"I know what will happen if go into that park right now" Issei said while looking at the fountain in the background.

"But let's think about my possible actions and it's consequences. If go in there I have to fight a fallen angel and there are only two outcomes. One i win the fight and I make home safely two I lose and almost die very painfully again but I get to wake up next to a naked Rias. Man these are some choices and I can feel that the original Issei is trying to make his choice for me"

Issei felt like he could hear the originals voice trying to guide him and it's saying "if you know you're not going to die who cares boobs"

He felt a headache coming on then suddenly he came to a decision "fuck it i need combat practice in this new body anyway"

He walked around the park until he stopped and looked at the ground.

"This is the place where I was killed… and it seems they cleaned up well there's no trace of blood anywhere"

He continued to walk around he felt a presence near by

Issei seemed to have noticed the fallen angel and he seems to have noticed Issei too

A man with black wings in a coat and a hat landed in front on Issei

"How unfortunate for you, running into me" said the male fallen angel while hiding his wings

But before he could say anything thing else Issei interrupted him "man you talk too much if you wanna fight then let's get too it"

Try not to waste any time Issei summoned his sacred gear which was followed by a [boost] and started charging towards the fallen angel.

"Huh this brat, I only said one sentence and he

says I talk too much, this is why I can't stand lowly creatures" the fallen mumbled to himself as he made a spear of light which he proceeded to throw at Issei

Issei who was quickly closing in on his opponent noticed he could easily see the spear flying toward him and used the sacred gear gauntlet to deflect it making it fly right past him.

He closed the distance and threw a punch directed at the fallen angels liver before he could react fast enough to move out of the way.

The direct hit caused him stumble backwards while holding on to where he got hit

"You bastard!" Growled the fallen angel while dispelling his pervious light spear and making reappear in his hand.

'It seems he can only use one light spear at a time, that's good to know' Issei thought while getting back into a battle stance.

"You surprised me kid, I won't underestimate you anymore" said the fallen angel who is now using the light spear as a melee weapon.

He pulled out his pair of wings and started flying toward Issei at a surprisingly fast speed

Issei dodged the charged attack aimed at his chest by jumping out of the way but when he got up and turned around he saw a spear flying towards him

Issei could only hope to defect it again as it came closer.

He moved his arm as fast as he could pushing sideways causing it to penetrate his shoulder

He grunted and just grit his teeth because of the pain

"You're a thought aren't ya" said the fallen angel with a smirk on his face

'We are pretty evenly matched so come just hold out for another second' Issei thought while blocking an incoming punch with his gauntlet

Most of his worried eased when he heard [boost]

"God damn that was the longest 10 seconds of my life" Issei said while charging forward

Issei then went on the offensive with the momentum on his side.

Before it was close but after he got his second boost things changed toward Issei's side.

Issei was trashing the fallen angel with his fist because of his now superior strength and his more advanced fighting technique.

Issei who has now had repeated boost on his body was now beating up the fallen angel who is also now lying on the ground until he felt the presence of a magic circle.

As he turned to who it was who it was the barely conscious fallen angel made small spear and stabbed Issei's leg with it.

Although the stab didn't hurt Issei the light did which gave the fallen angel enough time to make a getaway

As Issei saw the black wings of a heavily injured man fly away he fell to the ground.

"I guess the adrenaline ran out and the blood loss is catching up to me" Issei said to himself

"I planned to let him live anyway so that maybe Azazel would owe me a favour for sparing his already dwindling species"

Issei felt the presence of three devils near by to he just decided to sleep