
REINCARNATED AS GOJO SATORU ~ With multiverse system[Hiatus]

Current worlds~ JJK --> Demon Slayer -> Overlord(currently) _________ ~ Demon Slayer ~ Overlord ~ Tensura ~ AOT~ HXH ~ MHA ~ JOJO ~ Black Clover ....etc _________ [The initial chaps are short and may sound dumb...So, don't judge. Just give it a read, the story will get better after Chapter 13] Takeshi Minamoto, an ardent anime fan, adores the character Gojo Satoru. After a tragic twist, Takeshi finds himself reborn as Gojo, with a mysterious Anime Multiverse System. Join Takeshi as Gojo in an adventure that spans across anime worlds like | JJK, Demon Slayer, Overlord, Tensura, Attack on Titan, Hunter x Hunter, My Hero Academia, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Black Clover, and more|. Experience harem-building, ruthless decisions, overpowered abilities, and the charm of "GOJO" as he explores the vast multiverse. Discover the secrets of the Anime Multiverse System in this thrilling journey. "Ugh! It hurts ." "Hmm? Where am I? My body feels different." while thinking about so many things my eyes fell on a grand mirror in front of my bed. "HOLY SH*T! I got reincarnated as Gojo Satoru." {System initializing.....} {Welcome to Anime Multiverse System.....} . I use AI to assist me, edit the grammar and spelling, and increase the word count. So don't go Sherlock and commenting about it, much appreciated _______________________ Hi readers this will be my first official work on this website so plz show some love lol! will there be a harem? YES! will MC be ruthless? YUP! rich? op? handsome? He is the "GOJO" What do you expect? The story will start in JJK but later we will travel to different anime worlds like ~ ~ Demon Slayer ~ Overlord ~ Tensura ~ AOT~ HXH ~ MHA ~ JOJO ~ Black Clover .....and many more so stay tuned !!! I do not own the Cover picture and any of the characters in this novel, but I do own the story that I am writing in my novel 7 chaps/ week.

KuNaLsAmA · Anime und Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 44: All according to Plan...

Boo! A new chapter!


Dark Mind: "If we tamper with even the smallest details, the ripple effect, known as the butterfly effect, would undoubtedly come into play. By carefully choosing which aspects to influence, we can aim for targeted and favorable outcomes, minimizing the risk of unintended and potentially adverse consequences. This approach acknowledges the delicate interconnectedness of events and emphasizes the importance of thoughtful consideration. The possibility of Toji appearing inside the school barrier at the weekend is still more than 90%"

Gojo: "Then let's make it 100%"

Dark Mind: "It's possible to raise the possibility to 97% by doing.. Blah... blah... blah... blah... blah....*Lists 100 possible actions*...."

Gojo: "What are you? Chat GPT?"

Dark Mind: "What's Chat GPT?"

Gojo: "..... Never mind, the 69th strategy looks good....."

The conversation happened inside Gojo's mind in just 1 second.


They booked a hotel in Tokyo as Riko didn't want to go straight to Jujutsu high, in the evening Gojo took Riko, Suguru, and Kuroi to a big aquarium.

The aquarium was huge, with massive tanks lining the walls filled with colorful coral reefs and schools of fascinating fish.

As they walked through the dimly lit tunnels, the aquatic world swam all around them.

"Look, there's a seahorse!" cried Riko, pressing her hands to the glass. Kuro gazed at it with interest.

Next to her, Suguru studied the information plaque, "Hmm... Seahorses are crazy dexterous. Their tails are quite flexible for a reason, enabling them to anchor themselves to coral or seaweed when they're in need of rest. At times, they've even been known to wrap their tails around their mates so they don't lose each other.... is it cute or perverted "Reading about seahorse camouflage and mating habits he asked Gojo.

"Well, they look cute so it's not perverted.." Gojo replied mimicking a teenage girl's behavior.

"Ugh, let's go Kuroi!" Listening to their comments, Riko took Kuroi's hand and started walking towards different tanks.

Gojo and Geto followed behind at a leisurely pace, Watching Riko enthusiastically point out the different creatures, he was glad to see her alive, without a bullet in her bratty head lol.

As they moved on to the next section, Riko slowed. Large manta rays floated gracefully through the tank, their wingspans stretching enormously from corner to corner.

She gazed transfixed at their flowing motions, losing herself in the beauty and grace of their dance.

Memories stirred unbidden in her mind.

She saw her parents again, their smiling faces as they walked with her through an aquarium just like this many years ago. Her small hand gripped tightly in theirs.

Happier times, before the accident that destroyed their family in a car accident.

A lump rose in Riko's throat.

She fought back the tears welling in her eyes, not wanting the others to see her weakness. Quickly she schooled her features into a scowl and stomped ahead loudly.

"This is so boring! When are we leaving?" she grumbled, not looking back.

She missed the glance Suguru and Gojo exchanged, seeing past her attempt at indifference. They continued on quietly, allowing her space to process the private emotions only she could feel as Kuroi held her hand and patted her shoulder.

After some time, Kuroi and Geto were talking about Riko's past while Riko was alone.

"Tired of seeing fish already, Riko Chan?" Gojo teased gently as they walked. "I thought you'd be here all day if we let you."

Riko bristled. "Shut up! I can leave whenever I want."

Gojo chuckled, not rising to the bait. Her hackles were raised, walls thrown up in full force. He knew better than to push further now.

They came to the shark tunnel. Riko wandered ahead alone, stopping before the massive tank housing two great whites circling slowly. Lost in thought, she started when Gojo appeared silently at her side.

"Here, I thought you could use this." He held out a cold canned drink.

Her fingers closed around it automatically. Orange juice. She glanced up to thank him gruffly—and paused at his soft expression, filled with understanding. Something inside her relaxed ever so slightly.

Popping the tab, she took a long drink to hide the swell of emotion in her throat. The cold refreshment soothed both body and soul. But Riko's pride remained intact.

"I would have preferred cold coffee," she muttered sulkily, gazing determinedly at the sharks.

Gojo's low chuckle rumbled beside her. "Next time."


Gojo and Geto sat in the VIP section of the Aquarium, waiting for Riko and Kuroi to return from the bathroom.

They had been gone for a while, and the men were starting to get curious about what was taking so long.

"I wonder what's keeping them," mused Geto, reclining back on the couch. His gaze drifted over to the large fish tank, watching the colorful koi swim lazily around.

Gojo shrugged. "Who knows with women? Probably chatting up a storm in there."

At that moment, a loud boom echoed from down the hall, in the direction of the bathroom. Gojo and Geto shot up from the couch instantly.

"What was that?" Geto said, brows furrowed with concern.

Without a word, the men dashed down the hallway. When they reached the bathroom, their worst fears were confirmed. The door was blown clean off its hinges, scorch marks lining the frame. But there was no sign of Riko or Kuroi inside.

Geto cautiously glanced around the door. "They're not in here. But it looks like there was a struggle."

On the floor were signs of a fight - a broken bottle of lotion and splashes of water. Gojo cursed loudly. "Someone, or something, had attacked them in here"

'Just According to Keikaku ' Gojo smirked inwardly.

Geto heard muffled cries coming from outside.

Rushing to the back door, they burst out into the yard just in time to see two figures dragging Riko and Kuroi away in opposite directions.

Each woman was bound and struggling against a captor dressed in a white T-shirt, with only their eyes visible below a mask made of plain paper bags.

"Suguru, go towards Misato San. I am going towards Riko." Gojo said and Geto nodded.


A few miles away, in a small restaurant overlooking the harbor, Toji sat eating a bowl of chicken ramen. He seemed deep in thought as he stirred the noodles absentmindedly, barely touching his food.

The television above the bar was playing coverage of the annual boat races. But Toji paid it no mind, staring down at his phone instead. With a few angry swipes and taps, he made some changes to an open page.

The bounty listing for "Riko Amane - Alive". He increased the amount, raising it from 30 million yen to 50 million yen.

"Amateurs," he muttered under his breath.

He took another agitated sip of broth, then signaled to the bartender.

"Oi, old man, sort the bill and get the Check. Q.U.I.C.K"

"Y-Yes sir."

With the bounty raised, every Rogue curse user in the city would be after Riko, making the Gojo clan's brat more and more tense, heh.

/To Be Continued..../


A/N: Yesterday, went on a date with a chick from Gym. Also tipped the waitress generously to get a good impression on my date.... Today- The waitress followed me on Instagram (PS: didn't gave her my ID).... is it a sign..?

Give me some cheating tips!

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