
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 40 "Dark Magic Books"

Ever since Skyler acquired his wand at Ollivander's Wand shop, he had noticed its inherent amplifying effect on Dark Magic.

He vividly recalled the time he learned his first Dark spell, the "Curse of The Bogies," during his first year.

Originally, this Curse induced flu-like symptoms, causing subjects to sneeze incessantly and have watery eyes and a runny nose.

However, Skyler, in his experimental curiosity, applied it in an unorthodox way, causing Dobby to fall ill.

The House-elf became weak and nearly comatose due to excessive nasal distress.

Fortunately, Skyler had prepared a restorative potion, allowing Dobby to recover without needing a lengthy hospital stay.

Despite his natural aptitude for learning Dark Magic, Skyler had no intentions of becoming a powerful Dark wizard.

His exploration of Dark magic aimed to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of magic as a whole rather than confining himself to the sanitized knowledge sanctioned by the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore.

Skyler was acutely aware of the harm that learning and using Dark Magic could inflict upon his soul.

The usage of Dark Magic required a foundation of malevolent thoughts, rendering it akin to an addictive substance in the Muggle world.

He had to channel and release these malevolent thoughts with each use of Dark magic.

Over time, this process could unearth the darkest corners of people's hearts, distorting their character and souls, making them more tyrannical and uncontrollable.

The significance of the soul to a wizard's identity was a common understanding shared by all witches and wizards.

Once a soul became corrupted and distorted, it would inevitably lead to a path of Dark Magic.

This difference in approach was what set the two generations of Dark Lords, Grindelwald and Voldemort, apart.

Grindelwald sought to use Dark magic as a means to reshape the wizarding world in pursuit of his ideals.

He was the righteous party in his eyes, even if innocent lives were affected.

On the other hand, Riddle wielded Dark magic out of selfish desire.

He desired recognition, fame, and a name to be feared – hence his self-imposed title, "Voldemort."

His very name became a curse, and he conducted acts of terror to further his notoriety, including organizing Death Eaters and creating the Dark Mark symbol.

This path ultimately led to Voldemort's tragic end in the original storyline – his soul became too distorted, rendering him vulnerable to the love and consequences he had disregarded.

The magical world was riddled with mysteries, including love and karma, and Skyler was determined not to become ensnared by these enigmatic forces.

Returning to the three books on Dark Magic, one of them, titled "Fallen Creatures," contained records about the creation and secrets of Dementors.

Dementors were classified as "Non-Beings," residing in a state between life and death.

They did not reproduce but rather thrived in decayed environments, much like fungi.

Additionally, no known magic could destroy Dementors; they could only be repelled by the Patronus Charm.

You might be wondering why they haven't managed to take over the wizarding world despite the increasing number of Dementors.

The reason is that while Dementors can't be killed or destroyed by magic, they can perish by creating a specific environment.

Dementors feed on feelings of despair, and sapping people's happiness is just a means to generate despair.

If they find themselves in an environment devoid of desperate emotions to feed on, the Dementors will wither away on their own.

The first person to discover how to control Dementors was a dark wizard named Raczidian during the Middle Ages.

The exact timeline of Raczidian is uncertain, but it's known to have been before the establishment of the Wizarding Council, the predecessor of the Ministry of Magic.

During that time, the wizarding world followed the law of the jungle, respecting strength and preying on the weak, allowing him to study and use Dark Magic openly.

Raczidian stumbled upon the secrets of the Dementors and learned how to propagate them in a unique way.

He built a dark and decaying chamber in his fortress, creating an environment that sustains Dementors and allows them to thrive.

Raczidian also developed a unique method to control Dementors, which he used to send them to attack and plunder wizard villages near his castle.

However, his actions attracted the attention of a young man named Illyius, who used a Patronus to repel the Dementors.

Raczidian attempted to imitate Illyius's use of the Patronus but was unaware that a pure-hearted guardian was required to cast it.

As a result, his own Curse backfired.

His wand summoned a horde of voracious, swarming insects that instantly devoured his body.

Skyler's greatest discovery was the method for controlling Dementors.

When used correctly, this knowledge could provide him with an invaluable advantage.

In the book "Dark Potion," Skyler also came across a highly useful potion formula – the Enchantment Elixirs.

Enchantment elixirs are universally banned in the international magical community due to their use of dark biological materials.

The process of preparing them is fraught with risk because any deviation during brewing can lead to magical backlash, potentially causing the user's death.

Upon taking the elixir, the body undergoes short-lived discomfort, such as fever, weakness, vein dilation, rapid heartbeat, and a significant pain threshold.

This occurs as the elixir catalyzes the magical potential within the blood, intensifying it into active magical power.

Surviving this brief period of distress results in a significant boost to one's magical abilities.

Skyler had been struggling with a magical research bottleneck due to his limited magical power.

Enhancing his magical abilities had been his primary focus.

While he possessed extensive theoretical knowledge of magic, his practical abilities had been limited by his lack of magical power.

Overcoming this limitation would enable him to wield powerful spells and elevate his strength to a new level.

The preparation of the Enchantment Elixirs was not particularly challenging.

The primary obstacle lay in the rarity and preciousness of the required ingredients.

The rarest and most difficult-to-obtain material in the formula was, surprisingly, Basilisk venom.

However, this posed no issue for Skyler, as he had collected an abundance of materials, including Basilisk venom, in the Chamber of Secrets, providing him with sufficient venom to brew multiple vials of the Enchantment Elixir.

It's unfortunate that due to the toxicity contained in the Enchantment Elixir, each wizard can only consume one vial in their lifetime.

This limitation doesn't come as a surprise to Skyler.

After all, the potion uses snake venom to stimulate magical potential in the blood, and even with the most successful brewing, some toxicity will inevitably remain.

However, the quantity in a single vial is insufficient to pose a threat to the human body.

As for the other materials required, they are not readily available.

Sniffing Grass, for example, is a Class A prohibited item.

Skyler plans to test his luck in the Knockturn Alley black market.

If that doesn't yield results, he might need to rely on Snape's laboratory.

He has tasked Dobby with acquiring and collecting the remaining necessary materials from major apothecaries.

Skyler made considerable money selling spider venom and Basilisk skin and flesh at the end of the last semester, but acquiring the materials for the magic-enhancement potion consumed most of his savings.

He retains only 1,000 Galleon as a rainy-day fund.

"Abatel Volume One" is the most intriguing of the three books. It covers nearly every facet of magic in the wizarding world, from spells and magical mechanics to Transfiguration, curse seals, enchantments, curses, spirits, and souls.

Unfortunately, this book was divided into eight volumes due to a significant conflict in the Middle Ages.

The copy in Skyler's possession represents only one of those eight volumes, which predominantly focuses on spiritual magic.

From this, it can be inferred that the third-generation ancestor of the Malfoy family, Armand II Malfoy, likely stumbled upon this book and drew inspiration from it to create the Malfoy family Curse.

Many elements of spiritual magic found in the Malfoy family Curse seem to have been influenced by the content of this book.

While the book may not provide Skyler with new spells or an immediate boost in power, it deepens and solidifies his comprehension of spiritual magic theory, making it more commendable in the long term than learning a new spell.

Furthermore, Skyler has revisited the secret spells of the Malfoy family.

As expected, after reading "Abatel Volume 1," his understanding of the family spells has advanced.

He successfully uncovered the genuine inheritance of the Malfoy family: spiritual magic.

Armand II Malfoy possessed natural talents as a Legilimens and an expert in spiritual magic.

His profound and innate spiritual power became an inherent part of the Malfoy bloodline, passing down to future generations.

This explains why, upon bloodline activation, Skyler could easily grasp advanced spiritual magic.

The Malfoy family curses include many ancient and unknown spiritual curses, some of which belong to the category of dark magic and compare in power to one of the Unforgivable Curses, the Imperius Curse.

Examples include incantations of gods, god-breaking spells, hypnotic charms, memory manipulation spells, and the Gaze of Fear.

The mere mention of their names is enough to invoke dread and horror.

This raises the question for Skyler: why did such potent spells never manifest in the original Malfoy family, which possessed a rich magical heritage?

Why did they need to submit to Voldemort?

He can only speculate that perhaps due to the waning of their bloodline power, the Malfoy descendants became more reliant on intrigue and politics, focusing on business matters, ultimately neglecting the preservation of their magical heritage.

Similar examples exist among other wizarding families. For instance, Salazar Slytherin excelled in the snake language spells dependent on the pronunciation of Parseltongue.

These spells required a natural talent for Parseltongue, but this talent wasn't part of the Slytherin bloodline inheritance.

With the bloodline's decline, the knowledge of snake language magic was also lost.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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