
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · Anime und Comics
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284 Chs

Chapter 242 "Harry's Downfall"

Rita emerges from the Slytherin Chamber, seamlessly transitioning between her dual roles.

By day, she maintains her guise as a special correspondent for the Daily Prophet, traversing various locales to glean newsworthy tidbits. But as night descends, she seamlessly morphs into a foreign intelligence operative for the Serpentis Vigil Club. Utilizing the "Serpent Code," meticulously crafted by Skyler himself, she encrypts her findings within a double-sided mirror secured by a triple alchemical lock.

On the opposite end of this mirror lies the intelligence hub overseen by Susan Bones of the Serpentis Vigil Club. This innovative communication method circumvents the traditional reliance on house elves, ensuring swift and secure information transfer.

However, the intricate process of crafting these mirrors entails significant time and effort, limiting their proliferation. For now, Rita stands as the sole beneficiary of this cutting-edge technology.

With her expansive network of informants and operatives, Rita's intelligence webcasts a wide net, spanning far and wide. Her inclusion bolsters Skyler's daily harvest, doubling his intake overnight.

This sudden surge in intelligence places newfound pressure on Susan's team, tasked with processing and analyzing the influx of information.

Deciphering, analyzing, and synthesizing the amassed intelligence proved to be no small feat for Susan's team. They diligently worked to connect seemingly disparate threads, a task that strained their resources and manpower.

To alleviate the strain on the intelligence team, Skyler permitted Susan to requisition aid from other factions. Yet, he recognized this as a stopgap measure, not a permanent solution. The true remedy lay in the realm of magic itself.

Drawing inspiration from Muggle advancements in information technology, particularly the advent of artificial intelligence, Skyler envisioned a magical analog—an entity capable of autonomous thought and analysis. Similar to Aquila the Eagle or the Sorting Hat, this creation would revolutionize the handling of intelligence.

While Aquila was the brainchild of Ravenclaw alone and the Sorting Hat the collaborative effort of all four founders, Skyler lacked their combined expertise.

However, he possessed his own advantages. Over centuries of magical development, the wizarding world had discarded numerous ancient practices in favor of advancements in daily life and versatility.

For over a millennium, the wizarding world has seen a plethora of brilliant minds akin to stars in the night sky. Names like Paracelsus, Nicolas Flamel, and Cornelius Agrippa resonate through the annals of alchemical history, each distinguished by their unique contributions surpassing those who came before them.

Unlike the closed-off era of yore, these luminaries lived in times of openness and enlightenment. They freely shared their knowledge, penning books and disseminating their findings to research institutions, thus fostering the advancement of magical arts and sciences.

While they safeguarded certain arcane secrets as the legacy of their bloodlines, serving as the cornerstone for their family's prominence, they also championed the dissemination and accessibility of knowledge. In their epoch, the circulation of wisdom reached unprecedented levels compared to the era of the four founders.

Skyler, inheriting the legacy of Nicolas Flamel and possessing the vast repository of "non-esoteric" knowledge from other esteemed alchemists, stands at the apex of this tradition of enlightenment and innovation.

In the vast library of the Malfoy family alone, and amidst the shelves of Old Black, Skyler amassed a trove of knowledge from various sources, including the house and Ella's cabin.

Building upon the foundations laid by his predecessors, Skyler harbors the belief that he will one day pioneer the development of his own "artificial intelligence."

As the weeks swiftly passed, June 24th arrived, marking the culmination of the exam week and the climax of the Triwizard Tournament finals.

The morning of the competition found the young wizards' breakfast table abuzz with chatter. Above, the fluttering of wings heralded the arrival of owls bearing messages.

Harry's spirits soared upon receiving a lucky card from Sirius. Though the parchment bore nothing but a muddy paw print, it held sentimental value as a token from his sole living relative. However, his joy was short-lived—

A screech owl delivered the morning edition of the Daily Prophet to Hermione, as was customary.

She unfolded the newspaper, scanning the front page, only to spew a mouthful of pumpkin juice over its contents.

Ron snatched it, eyeing the headline briefly before exclaiming, "Merlin's beard, today of all days!"

"What?" Harry interjected, unable to contain his curiosity. "Is Rita Skeeter writing about me again?"

Though both Ron and Hermione had initially attempted to shield Harry from the news, his increasingly agitated demeanor compelled them to relent. With a reluctant sigh, Ron passed over the newspaper.

As Harry perused the article, his own image stared back at him, accompanied by a damning headline:

"Harry Potter – Distraught and Emotionally Dangerous"

"The boy who vanquished the mysterious man is emotionally unstable and potentially perilous," special correspondent Rita Skeeter reports. "Recent revelations cast doubt on Harry Potter's fitness to partake in the Triwizard Tournament, or even to remain at Hogwarts."

The Daily Prophet's exclusive exposé alleges that Potter frequently suffers from unexplained maladies at school, often citing discomfort from his scar... Just last Monday in Divination class, our reporter observed Potter abruptly leaving, claiming his scar was causing him distress.

Unable to withstand the allegations, Harry's grip on the newspaper tightened, his heart pounding with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

He continued reading, each word like a blow to his already fragile confidence:

"...St. Mungo's senior experts suggest that Potter's mental state may have been compromised by You-Know-Who's dark magic, with his persistent complaints of scar pain serving as evidence of significant mental distress..."

"The Daily Prophet has uncovered troubling details about Harry Potter, diligently concealed by Hogwarts' Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore... Fourth-year student Draco Malfoy possesses the ability to speak Parseltongue, was once believed to be the heir of Slytherin, and was responsible for the attacks on numerous students... He has also associated with werewolves and giants, demonstrating a relentless pursuit of power..."

"Parseltongue has long been associated with the darkest arts, famously wielded by none other than You-Know-Who himself. A Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor, speaking on condition of anonymity, insists that any Parseltongue should be subject to rigorous scrutiny... Likewise, individuals who consort with creatures of darkness, such as werewolves and giants, are often predisposed to violence..."

"Albus Dumbledore must question the wisdom of allowing such a troubled individual to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. There are concerns that Potter's desperation to win may drive him to embrace the darkest of magics. The third task is scheduled for this evening..."

Ron took the paper out of Harry's hand instantly and crumpled it before he threw it on the ground, "Don't mind all this nonsense, Harry!"

Even though Ron was trying his best to comfort him, the weight of what he had just read currently burdening him further down into depression.

As the weight of the accusations settled over him, Harry's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, his trust in Dumbledore and his own place at Hogwarts suddenly thrown into turmoil.

Harry seethed with annoyance and anger, his fists clenching involuntarily as he struggled to contain his emotions.

At the Slytherin table, Draco's cronies erupted into fits of laughter, their amusement palpable even from across the Great Hall.

Though Draco refrained from childish taunts and antics like those in the original books, the impact of his calculated move was undeniable. Theodore, typically aloof and detached from such gossip, even cracked a rare smile, adding to the festive atmosphere.

"Hahaha, well done, Draco!" Blaise slapped Draco on the back, his laughter echoing through the hall. "Potter must be seething right now. I doubt anyone will have an ounce of sympathy for him..."

"Absolutely," Pansy chimed in gleefully. "That scrawny boy with the lightning scar is nothing but trouble. What right does he have to vie with Skyler for the Triwizard Championship?"

Skyler remained composed, a faint smile playing on his lips as he observed the scene unfolding before him.

Gone were the days when he meticulously monitored Harry and his friends' every move, no longer driven by the need to manipulate the plot or inflate word count.

Instead, Skyler focused his attention elsewhere, confident in his own abilities and unfazed by the petty squabbles of his peers.

Those who believed otherwise simply lacked comprehension skills. The truth lay in Skyler's desire to exploit his ability to predict the plot and maximize its benefits. This was how he emerged as the hero who vanquished the basilisk, secured its valuable materials, and garnered his first taste of fame.

Today, his reputation, connections, and resources far surpass Harry's, rendering the latter almost inconsequential to Skyler. In essence, Harry, once a pivotal tool in steering the plot, now held little value in Skyler's eyes. Consequently, there was no need for Skyler to concern himself with Harry and his companions, nor did he feel compelled to adhere to the original storyline.

He had forged his own path. The one he struggled ever since he got transversed into this world, a way to secure his future by managing all the risks together with a handful of trusted people.

Draco's utilization of Rita to prank Harry, in Skyler's estimation, merely served to indulge Draco's penchant for mischief. As Draco himself asserted, there was no personal risk or cost involved in the endeavor. Why not proceed?

While Skyler wouldn't actively encourage Draco's actions, neither would he intervene because it more or less secures one of the paths for his future.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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