
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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284 Chs

Chapter 239 "Gathering Information"

It was now June, with the sun beaming down on the castle grounds and a refreshing breeze occasionally wafting through.

Everyone is engrossed in their activities as the season changes; some are learning how to advance their magic power, while some focus on their studies, trying to prepare themselves for the upcoming exams.

"Hey," Skyler called out as he approached the Draco trio gathered near the edge of the field, "Draco, Goyle, Crabbe, what's going on here? You seem quite engrossed in something."

"Ah, Skyler, perfect timing," Draco exclaimed eagerly upon spotting him, "I want to show you something. Take a look at this," he extended his hand, revealing a plump beetle crawling about. The markings around its antennae resembled a pair of unsightly spectacles. Beaming with pride, Draco awaited Skyler's guess.

A subtle gleam flickered in Skyler's eyes as he scrutinized the beetle. With a smirk, he replied, "What's there to guess? An Animagus, perhaps?"

Draco's jaw dropped, gaping like it could accommodate a goose egg.

After a moment of stunned silence, he shook his head, regaining his composure, and exclaimed, "Incredible! How did you figure it out?"

"Magic always leaves traces," Skyler stated calmly. "No matter how cunning the wizard is or how concealed the magic is, it's impossible to leave no traces. Take a close look at the patterns near the beetle's antennae. Do they resemble a pair of glasses?"

"Listening to you, it does seem that way," Draco replied, carefully examining the patterns before nodding with a smile. "You're amazing! But there's no way you'll guess who this is. Care to give it a shot?"

"Of course, I can't claim god-like omniscience," Skyler chuckled. "There have only been seven registered Animagi in Great Britain this century, and none of them were beetles. However, my guess would be a woman wearing glasses, likely not young—somewhere between forty and sixty years old. Am I close?"

"Brilliant!" Draco exclaimed, giving a thumbs up. "You're spot on. It's Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet. I just granted her an interview to write a piece about Potter." A mischievous grin spread across Draco's face. "I've got something special planned for him—consider it a 'big surprise'!"

"You," Skyler smiled wryly, "didn't you promise me you'd lay off Potter and focus on honing your own skills? Remember, you're carrying the Malfoy name on your shoulders—the future head of the family! We can't have you keep fooling around like this, brother... As the patriarch in line, you need to be solid with your choice."

"Right, right, I haven't forgotten," Draco retorted with mock irritation, then grinned. "I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it. Even if I can't best you, I'll at least give you a run for your money. I might not match your posse of cronies, but I'll make sure to needle Potter with just a few choice words. Can't let that opportunity slide!"

"Alright, alright, I trust you. We're brothers, aren't we?" Skyler enveloped Draco in a hug. "I may doubt anyone else but not you. You're my daft brother! Hahaha..."

Draco's cheeks flushed, breaking free from Skyler's embrace. "Damn it, when I'm stronger than you, I'll be the one calling you 'daft brother'! Just you wait!"

The two brothers exchanged a look before erupting into laughter.

Goyle and Crabbe, oblivious to the exchange, joined in the laughter, creating a chorus of joy under the tree's shade.

Draco looked at them before asking, "What are you even laughing for? This is a sacred moment for us brothers, not both of you dummies."

They stopped laughing upon hearing Draco's remark; seeing their downed expression, Skyler approached them and put his hands on their shoulders, "Oh please, don't be so down. My brother is only joking with you," He turned his head to Draco, "You must admit you've been quite hard on them, brother."

It took quite a time before Draco smiled, "These fools can't take a joke even though they are one of the biggest jokesters ever," He said before laughing.

"Okay, brother, I have a favor to ask," Skyler said, his laughter subsiding.

"You want Skeeter?" Draco quickly surmised.

"Well," Skyler didn't deny it, "She could be quite useful to me. Can you make her available? I need her help with the next few agendas I have," he said. As he spoke, the beetle suddenly spread its wings and took flight. Skyler swiftly raised his hand, index finger pointing.

The beetle seemed to hit an invisible barrier, unable to escape Draco's grasp no matter how hard it struggled.

Draco observed Skyler casting spells wandlessly, a tinge of envy flickering in his eyes. He had attempted to master this technique himself, seeking guidance from his family's ancestors, but could only use it sporadically, relying more on luck than skill.


Studying Skyler's expression, Draco eventually spoke up, "You intend to use her for gathering information, don't you?"

Skyler's gaze grew intense as he scrutinized Draco for a moment, then he smirked faintly and snapped his fingers.

A faint buzzing filled the air as Draco recognized the sound of eavesdropping with earplugs. Even Goyle and Crabbe, nearby, seemed uninterested in hearing what Skyler had to say next.

"I'm genuinely surprised you caught on so quickly," Skyler remarked casually. "So, brother, have your family ancestors ever imparted wisdom on what determines the outcome of conflicts and games? Is it sheer numbers?"

Draco pondered for a moment before responding tentatively, "Isn't it about logistics and resources? There's a saying that endless resources are the greatest asset in victory. In ancient times, they said, 'When the three armies are not moved, provisions come first.' Right?"

"No," Skyler shook his head. "In true power struggles, intelligence always trumps provisions. Strength and power alone won't suffice to become a competent family leader. You must learn to wield various forms of intelligence. In this case, information is the best resource one could manage in dire times."

Skyler's gaze was piercing as he continued in a deep voice, "I've established my own intelligence network, but Skeeter possesses her own unique method of gathering information. If you underestimate her, she could expose Hagrid's most closely guarded secrets—her prowess in unearthing decades-old memories is a testament to her power."

"What I desire is the intelligence network she's already established. I believe it could complement my own network quite well and save at least ten years of effort in its growth and development," Skyler explained.

Draco nodded, indicating his understanding, and handed the beetle in his hand over to Skyler.

Skyler retrieved a crystal bottle etched with alchemical traces, placed the beetle inside, and then set off back to the castle with Draco and his companions.


As they made their way, Skyler lifted his gaze towards the castle, his eyes sharpening like those of a falcon. From afar, he spotted Ron and Hermione peering out from the window of Gryffindor Tower.

With a generous wave, Skyler caught Hermione's attention, noting the surprise and subsequent blush that colored her features. Unable to resist a smile, he returned her wave before turning back towards the castle gate.

"A shame you are not a free heart, Hermione; you should focus more on your trio rather than splitting your attention toward me," Skyler mumbled as he walked before the corner of his lips curled into a smile.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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