
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · Anime und Comics
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284 Chs

Chapter 206 "The Written Destiny"

"If I enter this portal, I think it would be like those stories where the main characters found themselves in another universe. It could range from any universe like Naruto, One Piece, or even the Super Hero realm of Marvels..." Just as Skyler pondered potential destinations – whether it be the Naruto world, the pirate realm, or the MCU universe – his worries took an unexpected turn.

Contrary to the common trope of protagonists being drawn into a black hole for a new adventure, Skyler wasn't engulfed in one. Instead, delicate threads of a peculiar energy emanated from the black hole, encircling him like ethereal tendrils.

In an indescribable state, Skyler felt his consciousness detached from the known world, glimpsing a higher-dimensional vision. To onlookers, his pupils glowed with a vivid green edge, and the subtle formation of a six-pointed star lingered.

This peculiar state persisted for a full two hours. His head went blank, akin to transforming into a cocoon state. His body shut down for the whole two hours before a glimpse of light sparkled in his mind.

Upon regaining awareness, there was no sign of the vortex black hole.

However, he was acutely aware that the recent events weren't mere figments of his imagination. There was a palpable, indescribable force coursing through his being.

After pondering, Skyler decided to conduct a small experiment. Using the Transformation Spell, he morphed into a tiny sparrow and concentrated on it. The sparrow promptly vanished as if subjected to an Apparate spell.

A faint glow three feet away heralded the reappearance of the small sparrow.

Skyler dispelled the magic, causing the sparrow to vanish again.

This modest experiment demonstrated that the sparrow, a creation of magic, could traverse space, unveiling a newfound revelation: the transfer of magical energy through space manipulation.

Mastery of controlling "ether" equated to the proficiency of traversing through space!

While Skyler's command over the fifth element, "ether," may still lack finesse and refinement, he holds unwavering confidence that with ample time, he can wield "ether" as adeptly as other elements.

"The ability to transfer magical power implies the potential to transfer magical spells. If executed correctly, all the magical transfer methods Professor Moody taught a few days ago seem trivial... Why bother with protective enchantments like Shield Charm when you can employ magic like this?" Numerous inspirations and tactical ideas for utilizing this newfound skill in actual combat surged through Skyler's mind.

Gazing at the Slytherin Chamber's ceiling, he released a long breath. "In that case, let's name this mystical technique 'Dimensional Shift'!"

[Space Magic Mystery – "Dimensional Shift" acquired!]

In this moment of acquiring a potent magic, one might expect Skyler to be brimming with excitement and anticipation. However, his heart remained calm, and his eyes revealed emotions seasoned by the twists and turns of life. It was as if an old soul, aged beyond a century, had taken residence within him.

"Harry Potter," Skyler murmured softly to himself. "Ever since my rebirth, you've been a lingering obstacle in my heart. Countless calculations and strategies have occupied my thoughts for many nights. How to capture your body, your fame, your destiny...? I need all the answers to that so I won't be left wondering about how your future will intertwine with mine."

"In this world, only one savior is needed," Skyler continued, half-squinting his eyes, fully immersed in his internal dialogue. "Magic abounds in this world like the sands of the Ganges. Yet, among the known magics, there's only one that can resist or even rebound the Avada Kedavra—the 'Spirit of Love' within you that's been bestowed by your mother's sacrifice. That's why the world sees you as the savior. Even Dumbledore places all his hopes in it. I've placed my trust in you for not knowing a better answer..."

"But now, starting from today..." Skyler's half-squinted eyes sparkled with a captivating light. "In addition to your 'spirit of love,' I also want to claim one more power—'Dimensional Shift'exclusively for me."

"Then..." Skyler's lips curved into an ominous smile. "In this new world, who stands between you and me? The 'child of destiny' favored by fate? Who is the 'savior' that will emerge? Who truly holds the role of protagonist in this world?"

Skyler's eyes closed entirely, a peculiar sensation enveloping his heart. It was a void, a calmness, a peace as if everything lay in the palm of his hand. At that moment, there was no more confusion or hesitation.

Unbeknownst to him, the Dragon Star in the distant night sky shimmered brightly.

In the Scottish Highlands, within Hogwarts Castle, at the principal's office on the eighth floor, Dumbledore, adorned in a purple and gold wizard robe, sat at his desk. Relishing each struggling brown cockroach, he simultaneously perused the intelligence network he meticulously maintained, gathering information from all corners.

Surrounded by the clamor of chattering portraits, Dumbledore remained focused on the confidential intelligence documents scattered across his desk. The animated paintings, depicting the past headmasters, contributed to the cacophony, but Dumbledore, accustomed to the constant buzz, remained engrossed in his work.

Abruptly, a silver instrument on a nearby table emitted a soft "ding," hushing the surrounding portraits into an immediate and absolute silence.

A gleam of intensity lit up Dumbledore's serene blue eyes. Swiftly, he approached the silver instrument, relocated it to his desk, resumed his seat, and produced his wand.

With a precise tap, the instrument came to life, emitting a rhythmic tinkling sound. Delicate wisps of light green smoke billowed from the small silver tube at the top, coalescing and twirling in the air. Dumbledore scrutinized the ethereal smoke with a furrowed brow.

After a brief interval, the wisps transformed into a steady stream, thickening as they hovered in the air.

The wisps of smoke coalesced into the form of a snake, its jaws gaping wide open. Dumbledore observed the manifestation with a calm demeanor, seemingly anticipating the occurrence. Yet, a trace of new perplexity flickered across his features, and he mused to himself, "Everything happens as it should, but is there truly nothing else behind all these?"

The serpentine smoke suddenly contorted as if forcibly twisted, and its shape gradually morphed. Initially, it sprouted four claws, then developed a pair of fleshy wings, and eventually, sharp horns slowly protruded from the snake's head.

The transformation halted at the eyes, rendering them blurry as if veiled in blindness. The overall appearance resembled that of a dormant fire dragon.

Dumbledore's countenance turned exceedingly solemn as he murmured, "Leave the Serpentis Vigil alone?"

Meanwhile, a simple room unfolded in the austere cell atop the Nurmengard Tower in the Austrian Alps. A narrow gap in the black stone served as the window, and within, a stone bed adorned with a tattered, thin blanket constituted the sole furnishings.

On the ceiling, peculiar magic runes were intricately engraved, akin to the Guruni Talisman but not identical. A weathered old man lay on a stone bed, propped against the wall, gazing at the window with eyes that had lost their brilliance.

Suddenly, a sense of awareness seemed to dawn upon the old man, prompting him to glance up at the ceiling. The runic inscriptions, a parting gift from his old friend, came to life, transforming into small spheres that moved with peculiar patterns. The elderly man appeared to discern something.

A subtle gleam flickered in the cloudy depths of the old man's eyes as he grinned, exposing a nearly toothless mouth. "Ah, there are new changes in the astral anomaly diagram..."

"Dragon rises, Phoenix is laying dormant, the Serpent's fang is hidden..."

"Hahahahaha..." The old man chuckled with a hint of excitement, occasionally covering his chest and coughing. "Don't you dare think everything is over; don't deceive me..."

"Things have changed, stars have changed, and the stars have turned upside down. Fifty years ago, you defeated me, thinking you had conquered fate. Little did you know that fate is ever-changing. I thought I was dead, but now..." The old man's frail form emitted an energy incongruent with a dying person. "Since my destiny has shifted, perhaps my second chance will come!"

Rising from his seat, the old man's feeble body underwent a miraculous transformation. Though seemingly frail, he exuded an aura of dominance that belied his emaciated appearance.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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