
Reincarnated As Black Diamond

Someone from our world is Reincarnated into Steven Universe as a Diamond, there's not much else to it. Watch as she struggles to cope with her new identity as a gem while ruling a Gempire. (OC will also have multiple forms so all images I use aren’t mine. Same with cover.) (This might be multiverse as Steven Universe is fun but I think it might be cool to see a semi-op space gem goddess in other universes/genres.)

GaZe_Zero · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

First Gemsperience

"Welcome to the Universe... Black Diamond." were the very first words I have heard in who knows how long.

It was bright, extremely so. The light that came from the being in front of me lit up my previously dark world and it was amazing. The person in front of me was non-other than White Diamond, and she was shining like a star... literally.

"Black? Are you okay?" My new sister, White Diamond asked me in a worried tone, which snapped me from my thoughts.

From my inserted memories I already knew everything about White, especially with my memories from the Steven Universe show. I could tell right now that she was genuine and not yet crazy, so let's make the best of it.

"Ah I am fine White, I was just... taking everything in." I took a quick look around and saw how it what only White and I on this... extremely dark world. The ground, if it can be called that was extremely dense, and burnt like charcoal. The night sky was surrounded in stardust, as if we were in an ocean.

White smiled slightly and looked at me with affection in her eyes. "Don't worry I too did something similar." White then raised her fist to her mouth and coughed slightly. "Anyways, back on track. Welcome to the Universe Black, we have much to talk about."

She turned away and slowly started walking up the hill, causing me to quickly follow her. It was weird being in this new body, I felt unstoppable, like a natural disaster. It was also weird getting used to moving again after not being able to for so long.

I was much bigger now, about the same size as White which was slightly awkward being this big. I also noticed I didn't need to breathe or even blink, which also added to the uncanny feeling that was growing in me.

Thinking about where we were I decided to ask something that has been plaguing me for ages. "So White, I am curious as to where we are right now. From my memories I can tell we aren't on Homeworld."

White smiled slightly and motioned for me to follow her to the top of the mountain that we were on. Quickening my pace, I was side by side with her as we slowly made it to the top.

At the top she spread her arms and loudly proclaimed "This is where you were created! Diamonds, unlike other gems, require much more energy to form... I myself was born of a glimmering white star. And you? Well take a look."

I was shocked at what I saw. It was so fantastic, so awe-inspiring! Almost mind breaking! Just joking...

It... was nothing. It was dark and the only light to be given off was from White and I. There was nothing truly special besides the night sky that surrounded us.

Deadpanning towards White I looked at our surroundings once more. "White... there is nothing. As in absolutely nothing, where are we?" My words came out with a little more bite than I intended but White did not look perturbed.

"Well Black, we are on a dead star. Diamonds require the perfect conditions to be formed, and I thought that for my counterpart that this star would be perfect for you."

White then reached down to pick up a rock. "We are on a Neutron Star, I am sure that you could feel the weight, the pressure that enveloped you when you were forming?"

'Yes, I could... oh!' It all made sense to me. The reason why I was under so much pressure wasn't just because I was a Diamond but because I was literally being formed in one of the heaviest things in the Universe.

"It's truly a blessing Black that you came out as perfect as you did. The sheer weight and density of this Star has helped make you... well you!" Whites smile almost shined as she looked at me.

"I know you don't have the knowledge of how Diamonds are formed. But what you should know is that unlike any other Gem, us Diamonds use much more energy to form. When I first planted your seed here this star had just undergone the change into a Neutron Star. Now look at it!"

'It's... Dead.' Was all I thought of when I looked around at the once burning Neutron Star. Sure, I knew that Neutron Stars were already dead, but they are still extremely rich in the elements that the previous Star formed.

"You alone cooled and absorbed the entire energy of a star to form Black. That is why we are different than other gems. Lesser gems absorb tiny bits of energy from where they are forming, but us?" White then spread her arms widely and shined like a star. More light came off her than what I could possibly imagine.

"We! Are! More!" White did a small twirl and she spun around facing the empty landscape of the star. "We are blessed by the Stars Black! We are meant to lead our race into prosperity with this power! We! Are! Perfect!" White shouted out to space.

'Well guess that not being entirely crazy bit was wrong... But it's not that bad, after all she is my sister.' My smile that was on my face slowly grew as I stepped up to be shoulder and shoulder with her.

"You are right White; we are blessed by the Stars. But with that power comes a responsibility that we both now hold. You came before me, so I am sure you know this more than I do but let us do our best use our powers to lead our race."

White smiled and grabbed my hand. "I am so happy Black that you are here with me now. It was... difficult to lead by myself. But now? Let us do this together."

'Huh so this is my new family... It's great.' I smiled warmly at White and hugged her lightly. "Yes, let's do this together White. Now enough mushy stuff! We are Diamonds so let's act like it. What do we do first White?" I asked her as I slowly stepped away from her personal space.

White suddenly sobered up and put her hands behind her back. "Well Black, first we must make sure you are ready to lead with me. We can only stay here for a little while as I have left Homeworld to get you, but I think we first should make sure you are comfortable with your body."

My new sister suddenly formed a White energy ball in her hands that radiated power. "I am sure you can feel it, right? The power within you? I want you to bring out that energy."

After White said that she aimed at a large boulder in the distance and shot a mighty beam of light that shredded and evaporated it to dust. She gave a prideful smirk and then motioned for me to go next.

I was in awe until I suddenly felt giddy. Grinning I focused inward on my gem. 'Alright so it's a power display you want?' I thought as I began to channel a greyish black energy into my hand.

From my formation I knew that my base powers were the manipulation of light like all Diamonds, but I knew I could do something special besides this. Like all Diamonds we all had a specialty, and I could tell mine was the manipulation of gravity. That weight that crushed me every day imprinted on my gem, and I now knew how to push that weight onto something else.

Opening my clenched eyes, I looked at another boulder in the distance and imagined the weight which once crushed me to be on top of it. The greyish black energy that pooled in my hand suddenly burst in my hands causing the boulder I was focusing on to be compressed.

It was sudden, almost instantaneous as the boulder slowly compacted into a glowing ball of magma as it got smaller and smaller. Despite already being an intensely compressed piece of a Neutron Star, the boulder still compressed to the point where it dug into the ground from its new size to weight ratio.

Stopping my power in shock I stared at the tiny glowing ball in the distance. What once was a tall boulder over half my height in the distance, was now a sphere about the size of my foot.

White gasped in surprise and smiled. "Congratulations Black, it seems you have the power to manipulate gravity. I am sure with some work you can show the full might of a Diamond."

I snapped my gaze off of the compressed boulder and smiled at White. "Thanks White, I am sure I can do something better with some practice."

"Great! Now that we know you can use your powers, how do you feel in your form right now? Do you feel like you can move properly? Any issues or abnormalities?" White asked with a worried look on her face.

'It feels good to have someone worry about me again.' I smiled gently towards White and moved my body as if I was stretching it. I felt strong, abnormally so, and felt 0 issues with my body. Being this big will take some getting used to, but I knew I could always change my size whenever I want.

"I feel just fine White. Actually, I feel better then fine, I feel great!" I did a small twirl as I fully embraced my new identity as a Diamond. The strength of my new form gave me the sense that I can achieve anything that I put my mind to. The supercomputer like thinking process I have was just a bonus at this point.

White took a moment to look at me and smiled before tapping a bracelet on her wrist. "Good, good. If you feel like you are ready, I believe it is time we return to Homeworld and get your court set up."

My new sister took a glance at me to confirm I was ready, to which I nodded in reply. "I am all set White. It's going to be a quite a bit of work for the both of us but let's split our duties and responsibilities between the both of us."

White tapped her wrist again causing a holographic screen to jut out of her wrist. With a few more pushes of some buttons the screen closed, and she looked upwards.

"Yes, it will be a lot of work, but we can focus on that later for when we are Home. What's more important is I make sure that you are all caught up with what is happening in our Empire on the trip home." White tapped her foot as she stared up at the sky.

'What is she looking for?' I thought to myself as I gently nodded and put my hands behind my back.

I didn't have to wait long to see what made White so impatient, it was a massive ship. It wasn't overly fancy like the arm ships the Diamonds had in the show, but instead it was extremely imposing. What could only be described as a geometric abomination floated towards the surfaced of the planet.

It was a long, white needle like ship, with triangular spikes which pointed themselves backwards on the ship. Two massive pyramids jutted out of the sides of the ship which held massive thrusters on the flat part of the pyramid to move the ship. On the tip of the pyramids were massive laser cannons capable of disintegrating a small planet.

From my memories I can confirm that this ships thrusters allowed it to move close to the speed of light, and within it was an engine that could form a singularity in gravity to move faster than light. I could also tell that this thing was completely covered in weapons that were capable of blowing up anything unlucky enough to run into it.

This was Whites personal capital ship, that she used only on the most serious of occasions. My memories told me that it was manned by hundreds of the most elite gems in our Empire, each ready to do anything that White said.

"Ah, there it is! It took long enough to get here. Come along Black, we have much to discuss and much to plan for, so let us not waste any more time." White spoke impatiently as she suddenly walked towards the landing battleship.

"Oh-White wait up for me!" I shouted towards White in a comical manner as I straightened my posture and copied her brisk pace towards the landed ship.

'Well, this is going to be a very... interesting trip.' I thought as I walked side by side with White to the ship which would soon take me to my new home, and to my new Empire.


(A/N Time: Hey hope you all enjoyed this second chapter. Ik the interaction feels kinda weird between the two but im trying to get down a personality for Black right now so just hold up for a few chaps.

The next few chaps will be Black getting her court and her duty as a Diamond leader. I will also try to slowly form a personality for her as she gets used to her new life.

This chap was mostly just catching up and filler but hope I did White right. Overly prideful and energetic yet not crazy, and also caring towards her new sister.

If anyone wonders why White Diamond will act slightly immature in the coming chapters it's because right now, she is only 5k years old, which is not that old at all. In the show 5k years was actually the amount of time Pink was threatened to be grounded for, showing they don't really see it as too long of a time.

Anyways cya next chap, comment if you want anything specific or think I can change anything with how White/Black act.