
Reincarnated as an Orphaned Dragon!

Facing the imminent danger of a demon invasion, the Prazia kingdom establishes orphanages to uncover hidden talents among its populace. Lena, now known as Lava, is reincarnated as a dragon and becomes an orphan after her mother goes missing. However, not every fantasy world is filled with raw plot armor. Reality can be difficult, and Lava is not immune to being a pawn in the plans of others. Features a unique word-based magic system, no skills or levels. ----- Sorry for how slow burning and random the beginning chapters are, I just kind of made up plausible nonsense to keep the story flowing. It wasn't until about ch.23 where inspiration struck and the story really started to pick up speed. The main reason things started so slow is that I don't like writing highly unlikely events to drive plot like an mc saving someone that just happens to be a noble. Keep in mind this has a more realistic theme than most isekai stories, even with power mc is not untouchable and actually has to make difficult choices. Sometimes, reality can be dark. It's also not a wake up as a dragon and then fight endless monsters kind of story either, I felt that was already done too many times and chose to go for a more intrigue and life themed story. This is my first work, and I think it's rather good for a first story. Trying to develop my writing style on this. First chapters might come off as kind of rushed, I didn't spend much time on backstory and what happened to her mother I just kind of rushed mc to her new family and that really came back on me later on in the story. Cover is AI generated (Except for the title)

RecursiveDescent · Fantasie
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32 Chs


We traveled north for a few days, passing small towns and other cities as we passed the border.

Prazia was not very comfortable letting one of their newest top talents leave the country, but they couldn't exactly do anything about it without starting rumors and conspiracy.

Ria was excited to be going with me, which I already knew would be the case, but this time she also seems sad to be leaving behind the academy and her new friends.

We weren't going to be gone forever, anyway.

Valgore was a much smaller country, but it was by no means weak.

It made up for smaller size with stronger materials and equipment.

We crossed over the border and the first city was filled with impressive technology and the sound of hammers striking metal, even entering into the night.

We went into the largest blacksmith, and saw a muscled dwarf waiting for someone to buy something.

"Foreigners, eh? They're always good money. I'm Varga, what do you younglings need from a blacksmith?"

"We just need Orichalcum." I voice confidently.

The dwarf laughs heartily for nearly a minute.

"That's not something just anyone can get a hold of, kiddo! You'll need platinum and spungite for that, and platinum is expensive enough."

The platinum is just a money problem, but I'm not quite sure how to get the other one.

"Where can we get spungite from?"

"You're serious? Well, I don't know what to say... If you need it that bad you'll have to come back with at least enough spungite for an ingot and a platinum coin. The coin is expensive on its own, but the closest known source of spungite is the beastman tribe the kingdom gets its supply from." Varga says.

"Alright, then we'll be back." I state confidently.

"We should find a place to stay until the morning." Aya advises.

"We don't need to rent a place." I add.

"What do you mean by that?" She asks, puzzled.

This is one of the benefits of being a dragon, I can sleep anywhere and I'm basically a huge tent for anyone else.

"It's easy, we can camp outside the city! Nothing with any sense would mess with a dragon!"

"I don't know..." Aya hesitates.

"I want to go camping too!" Ria jumps energetically.

Aya hasn't learned how to resist her little charm yet...

"Alright, alright, we'll try it."

Using up money might have been better, Ria is just looking for reasons to be under my wings.

We didn't move too far from the city or the road, just enough not to be seen.

Aya was normal and was able to sleep fine.

Ria didn't care about sleeping at all and just wanted to pet me endlessly and get reactions out of me.

This whole time I've managed to stop myself from encouraging it, and even managed to sleep through the touching.

Sleeping definitely made her get bored and go to sleep, so luckily I didn't have to stay up all night dealing with it.

At least not until the morning...

My nose was itching terribly and as soon as I opened my eyes Ria was there poking my nose repeatedly.

"Wake up! I want to play!" She pouted blatantly.

"Why does it have to be right now?" I moan.

"Because you're my big sister! You have to!" She whines.

"I don't. But you're so persistent I'll give in a little. You can have a little nuzzle instead."

I haven't done anything like that before yet, but I figure just a little nuzzle will make her melt and stop bothering me.

I don't even have to be good at it to get her to shut up, just pushing my nose against her once was enough to make her squeak excitedly.

There was no way I could go back to sleep though, watching Ria squirm and laugh at my beginner nuzzling skills was a strange form of amusement itself.

I was almost tired of it when I heard a really close scream and saw a random dwarf staring.

"A DRAGON IS EATING A CHILD! HELP!" The dwarf screams and starts running frantically.

"Hey, wait! I wasn't-" I call uselessly.

'Damn it... Oh well, not much to do now but move.'

I had to wake Aya up to get a move on before they sent an army or something after me.

It wasn't the smartest idea not to stay farther away from the path, so this was my bad.