
Presents and Ninkens.

After spending the afternoon at the backyard with San taking a nap, Gin went to take a bath so he could have dinner with his family. While in the bathtub he started thinking about how his brother's progress during this last year declined so much, it seems Kiba found a new group of friends six months ago when they went to the park to play. His older twin was still training, but a lot less than he used to.

Kiba had already learned the Ninken Communication and started his training on the Inuzuka taijutsu. The older twin's form was still pretty bad, and he had close to no training in shurikenjutsu since he spent most of the time either at the park or in someone else's house. His chakra hasn't progressed much either, and it looked like The boy was content in being better than most of his pears instead of being better than he was the day before.

Gin got out of the bath, dried himself and put on some new clothes that looked an awful lot like the ones he was wearing before cleaning himself. He went to the dinner table and sat with his family next to his brother and close to his mother.

"Hey pup, how was training?" Tsume asked looking at the silver-haired youth.

"It was good. s I till have a long way to go before I can be considered Genin level, but when will you teach me ninjutsu Kaachan?" Gin asked while picking up a fork and directing it to his plate.

"Soon I think, you are almost ready." Tsume then looked at her other son and asked. "What about you Kiba, what did you do today?"

"I went to Shino's house, and it was pretty fun!" A smile beamed on Kiba's face while he answered. "we played ninja all day, and his elder brother also taught us how to juggle."

'Shino playing ninja like a normal kid? Maybe I should start going out with Kiba more often! That scene would have been priceless...' Gin immersed himself in his mind while listening to his brother until he was interrupted.

"Did you hear me Gin?" Tsume asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, sorry Kaachan I was lost in thought." He said scratching his head sheepishly.

"I was informing you how tomorrow you and Kiba will meet your new partners, but we have to do it one at a time." The mother stopped for a second before continuing. "So...who goes first?"

"ME!" Both twins yelled at the same time. They stopped, looked each other in the eye and raised their hands like they were ready to strike at any second. "Jannnnn....ken" they both started chanting. "GO!" The two screamed again at the same time.

"Yesss! I get my ninken first!!" The silver-haired boy declared his victory after using his paper to cover Kiba's rock.

"It's decided then. Gin tomorrow after you wake up, come to the kennels with Hana, I'll be there waiting." Tsume said before grinning at her children. "I almost forgot. Two weeks from now the Hyuuga will be throwing a party for their new heiress and you three will be coming with me."

"But Kaa-san that bunch of stuck up jerks will make it as formal as possible and I hate formal parties" Hana complained at her mother.

"No buts, I hate this kind of formal gathering as much as any of you, but we have to show respect and attend, besides there will be a lot of young people from all the clans, It's a great opportunity for all of you to meet new people, especially you Gin." Tsume finished not leaving room for argument.

"Why me? What the hell did I do?" Gin raised an eyebrow with slightly widened eyes at her remark.

"You never leave home, and you have zero friends. It will be good for you to meet people your age." Tsume answered.

After dinner, the boys went straight to bed too excited to do anything but sleep, both hoping their night would go as fast as possible so their birthday could start sooner. Kiba was the first one to wake up in the morning and was greeted by Hana with a box present that had a gray hoodie with some black fur on the end of this sleeves and around the hood, the only problem is that it was too big for the little boy.

"That's for you to use when you are older Kiba-kun" Hana informed him with a smile.

"So Cool!! I'm gonna look awesome in this!" The older twin declared.

About an hour later Gin woke up and went to wash his face before meeting his sister that gave him a big hug and a wrapped present box. Opening it as fast as he could to see what was inside Gin found a necklace made of silver that held a pendant with the kanji for 'Gin' in it. (Gin means Silver btw)

"Wow! I love it Nee-chan thanks!" Gin hugged the girl with all his strength too happy to restrain himself.

After the younger twin had breakfast, Hana took him to the Inuzuka Kennels that were close to their house. There he met his mother and another woman that had a very long straight brown hair that reached around her waist and big brown eyes with two of the smallest Inuzuka markings he had ever seen on her cheeks.

"This is your aunt pup. She is Gaku's wife, Inuzuka Kara." Tsume said gesturing with her hands in the direction of the woman. "She is also a veterinarian here at the Kennels, and was the one that trained your partner."

"Thank you for taking care of my new brother Oba-san." Gin said while bowing to his aunt.

"No problem Gin-kun, my husband talks a lot about you just so you know." Kara said while covering her mouth and giggling at the boy's politeness that was unexpected of an Inuzuka, especially one that was Tsume's son.

Both women took the little boy to a door at the end of a large corridor and shoved him inside. The room where they threw him in had white walls, with a white ceiling and a white floor, it was big and empty except for the little dog house in the middle. It seemed like a room that would be used for the sole purpose of presenting the Inuzuka clan members to their ninken.

From inside the dog house came out a little wolf pup he had a beautiful cloak of light silver hair that covered his whole body, small gray colored eyes, and a very sharp face. The little wolf looked exatcly how Gin would if he was born in another species which made the boy think. 'I guess I can see why Kaachan picked him for me, even though he is a wolf and not a dog he could very well be my second twin. Heck, he looks more like me than Kiba does.'

"Are you my new Alfa?" The wolf pup asked tilting his head to the left and looking at Gin.

"Not Alfa, from now on we are brothers. My name is Gin, what is your name bro?" Gin asked.

"Kamimaru!" Said the wolf while slowly walking towards Gin and smelling the air trying to capture his scent.

"It's a nice name. It means you will be better than your predecessors." Gin said before crouching close to the ground and extending his hand so the puppy could smell it. "Remember Kamimaru, from now on we are brothers! How old are you by the way?"

"I'm two" Kamimaru barked twice.

"Good! So that means I am the older brother, you can call me that." Gin started patting the wolfs head before skillfully scratching behind his ear making the puppy melt on the floor like he was receiving the best reward in the world. "Okay, Otouto-kun lets go out so you can meet your new family." He said extending his hand with an open palm at Kamimaru's feet.

The little wolf licked his new brother's hand asking permission and upon receiving a nod from the boy used Gin's arm to climb all the way to his shoulder before entering the black shirt making himself comfortable. Gin then started scratching behind Kamimaru's ear again since only the wolf's head coming out of the boy's shirt.

"That feels so good Aniki!" The little wolf said relaxing his body completely.

The two walked outside meeting with Tsume and Kara that have been waiting for them. Gin looked at his mother's face with a raised eyebrow before asking.

"A wolf?"

"Yes pup, he was found a year ago near the forest of death. Some ignorant shinobi saw him and thought he was one of our dogs then brought him to us and since we couldn't just leave the little guy to fend for himself, we adopted him and trained him like any other ninken." Tsume started explained Kamimaru's history. "When I saw him I knew you two would end up together, not only does he look like you, but he acts like you, and that was before you two even met."

"Yeah! When I first looked at him, I knew why you chose him for me, but it doesn't matter anymore." Gin said looking at the little wolf. "He is my little brother now, and no one can change that. The boy declared.

Boy and wolf walked out of the kennels together that day as brothers. Gin took Kamimaru home and introduced him to Hana that was already back and Kiba who just ran straight to out of the door desperate to get his hands on his new partner. Later that day they all sat together in the living room and celebrated, even Gaku and Kara showed up with gifts for the boys.

Kiba and Akamaru met just like it was meant to be. Tsume gave Kiba a pouch filled with ninja smoke and Gin a new set of sharp shuriken making sure to remember him that if he ever cut himself with them, she would beat him to death. Gaku and Kara gave them each a bag of Ninken treats specially made for canines that had a well-developed chakra system, making them highly nutritive for Inuzuka dogs and in Kamimaru's case Inuzuka wolf.

And just like this the boys and their new partners spent the next two weeks together, learning all they could learn about one another and bonding with their furry brothers.

I'm sorry about the late publish today! I spent the whole day planing what would I do about Gin's Ninken and what was the best choice for the future development. Since it took me longer than it should post today, I will make sure to write two chapters tomorrow. Enjoy!

Fenrrircreators' thoughts