
Hinata's Birthday Part I.

The past two weeks Gin and Kamimaru were already attached to one another. They would sleep in the same bed, have breakfast together, train together, have lunch together, take a nap on the couch and eat dinner together. Kiba and Akamaru spent most of their time playing outside with Kiba's friends, and it seemed like the older twin had even less motivation to train than before meeting his ninken.

It was already two days before Hinata's birthday party, and Gin had yet to buy her a gift and a kimono to wear. Knowing he had a lot of money saved up since he never had to buy anything for himself and Tsume had been giving the boys an allowance since they were four the silver-haired boy decided to go shopping the next day.

"Kaachan, I wanna go out tomorrow to buy a kimono and a present for the Hyuuga girl." Gin declared while eating dinner with his family.

"Do you want me to ask your sister to take you?" Tsume asked and upon seeing the boy shake his head decided to inquire further. "Are you sure you won't get lost? You don't leave the house too often Pup."

"No Kaachan, Hana-nee-chan already showed me all around Konoha twice, I won't get lost!" Gin answered with conviction in his voice.

"If you say so, but be careful, make sure to take a map with you and if any stranger is trying to speak with you remember to rip off his throat." The mother said causing sweat to drip through the boy's back.

"Do I have to give her a present too Kaachan?" Kiba asked a bit annoyed at the thought of having to buy a girl he didn't even know a gift.

"Of course you have to Baka, it doesn't have to be anything big, but you can't show up empty-handed to a formal party!" Hana answered in place of her mother a bit annoyed at Kiba.

"Nii-san can you buy it for me?" Kiba asked his twin hopefully.

"Sure Kiba, just give me the money and tell me what you want me to buy." Gin sighted seeing the look on his brother's face and answered in defeat.

In the next morning, Gin made sure to freshen up, write a map and carry his wolf wallet before leaving the house with Kamimaru inside his shirt. 'Now that I think about when Kaachan gave me this wallet on my fourth birthday she was probably already planning to give me Kamimaru as a brother.' The silver-haired youth thought looking at the wallet in his hand.

Gin walked through Konoha with the little wolf until he got to the merchants square in the center of the village where most of the shops functioned. After walking for a little while he found a Kimono store.

The boy went inside and spoke to the woman behind the counter near the entrance.

"Hello miss, I would like to buy a formal kimono, do you have them in my size?" Gin asked before stopping and thinking. 'I might as well get one for Kiba, he will need it, and I haven't given him anything yet for his birthday.'

"Certainly, follow me please." The woman said before walking him to the back where they stored the child-sized kimonos.

Gin decided to get himself a traditional formal all black kimono with only the lower part being gray, but there was no way he would lose the chance to tease Kiba, so he chose a light purple colored kimono for his brother. Kamimaru could only sight at his partner's antics.

After paying the woman Gin decided to take a stroll around the stores looking for something to buy for Hinata, Kiba had already asked him to get her a notebook, and he had already purchased a yellow one since he didn't think she was the kind of girl that liked pink all that much. Gin spent the next hour looking until he found in a store on the far end of the square a beautiful and expensive hairclip that showed two purple lions in the end that made him remembered the twin lion fist Hinata used with Hamura's chakra in the story he read.

Gin bought it and asked the clerk to wrap it as a gift, but not before writing a note and putting it inside the little box next to the hairclip so Hinata could see it at the party. He then went home carrying four bags and started thinking about how dinner would go when Kiba saw the kimono he got for him to use.

"Hey, Nii-san did you buy the notebook for the Hyuuga girl?" Kiba asked his twin at the dinner table.

"Yes, I did Nii-chan." Gin answered picking up the bags that he had already left on the floor next to his chair. "The first one is the notebook you asked for and the second one is your kimono for the party, I bought you one as a birthday gift." The boy said handing one bag at a time to Kiba and grinning.

Both Hana and Tsume looked at Gin amazed at the kindness he showed his brother even remembering to buy him a kimono so he would have something to wear at the party, but seeing the looks on their faces only made his grin widened even further. Kiba wasn't even paying attention anymore and just started unwrapping his kimono as fast as he could but froze when he saw the color.

"Bwahahahahaha!!" Hana started madly laughing after looking at Kiba's face. "I can't believe you did this Gin-kun!! You're a genius!!"

"You shouldn't be mean to your brother Pup." Tsume said putting her hand in front of her mouth and turning her head away so no one could see the smile on her face. "puff...puff...puffffffff" She started laughing as well not being able to stop herself.

Gin just kept grinning and looking at the priceless scene of Kiba's face that frozen in time.

"Ichi do you know why they are laughing?" Ni asked his the other dog.

"I have no idea brother" Ni answered. "Do you know why pup?" he asked looking at Kamimaru.

"Don't mind them. Humans were always this weird." The youngest puppy answered sagely.

Another day went by, and it was already the morning of the party. The four members of Gin's family left home without their ninkens since Tsume was warned several times by Hyuuga Hiashi not to bring them to his house. They walked towards the Hyuuga compound and found a thirteen-year-old boy waiting at the entrance.

"Hello Tsume-sama, my name is Tokuma, and I am here to guide the guests inside, would you kindly follow me, please." The boy said giving them a warm smile.

The group followed Tokuma to the building where the party was taking place, and he directed them to a big area where most adults were sitting on cushions laid on the tatami floor. The boy pointed to a stage a few centimeters above the ground where one could see the Hyuuga Clan Head, his pregnant wife and in between them a little girl with straight dark blue short hair and white eyes that had tinges of lavender on them.

"Tsume-sama I am sure Hiashi-Sama would love to greet you so would you please go to the stage?" Tokuma asked not waiting for a response before continuing. "After that I can show your lovely children the area for kids."

They all went on top of the stage and walked in the direction of the Hyuuga Clan Head and his family.

"Ah, Tsume-san it is good to see you!" Hiashi remarked courtly. "Those are your children I assume?" He asked looking curious to the three kids.

"It is good to see you too Hiashi-san! Hana-san!" Tsume said looking first at the Clan Head and then at his wife. "And yes this is my daughter Hana that has the same name as your wife and these two boys are Kiba and Gin my twins!" She said pointing her hand at the eldest son first and at the youngest son second. "If I am not wrong this is Hinata-chan, your daughter, right?"

"Indeed! Hinata, say hi to the guests!" Hiashi said looking at the girl that had her head down.

"H-Hello T-Tsume-san, H-Hana-san, Ki-Kiba-kun a-a-and G-G-Gin-Kun." Stuttered the girl sheepishly after slowly lifting her head but avoiding eye contact.

Each of Gin's family members took out a gift and gave it to the little girl after saying a few words, Hinata then opened it and thanked them after seeing what it was until it was his turn.

"Hello Hinata-chan, this is my gift to you, and I hope you like it." Gin said handing her the wrapped box that he had under his arm.

When Hinata opened the box, she saw a hairpin and thought it looked adorable but her attention directed instantly to the paper note that laid in the corner of the little box and the girl grabbed it to read it.

'The absence of fear does not equal courage which is only formed by the will to overcome one's nightmares.'

Hinata was instantly shocked after reading those words and stopped to think about what Gin meant to say with that message.

"Very wise words young man!" Hiashi said looking suspiciously at Gin.

"Hai Hiashi-sama! My Oji-san taught me that phrase, and I wanted to share it with Hinata-chan. I hope you don't mind." Gin answered with a soft smiled on his face.

After hearing that the words came from an adult and not a child, Hiashi was convinced but not very pleased that his daughter lack of courage had already become widespread knowledge.

Tsume went to join the adults while Tokuma took the children with him to another area, reaching there he motioned for Hana the direction to the where the people from her age group were staying and then showed the twins were the five-year-old's room was.

Opening the door Gin saw right away a group of very familiar kids, a boy with dark spiky hair and small dark eyes that looked utterly bored, another boy that looked a little overweight had spiky brown hair and small dark eyes, a girl that had straight blond hair with big cyan colored eyes that could look blue or green depending on the light, another girl that had straight pink hair and big mint green eyes who looked timid and a boy that hand spiky dark hair and wore sunglasses that covered his eyes.

Gin Just looked at the group and thought. 'Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino, Sakura and Shino.' he went inside the room together with his brother and gave a small grin. 'This will be interesting.'

First chapter today guys! I will write another one for today, but since my internet has not been cooperating it might be released later than usual. Thanks for the support!!

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