
Reincarnated as Acidwire in Bleach

The protagonist is reincarnated as Orihime's brother and influenced by Sora's feelings, decides to become stronger in order to protect her and change the world. In order to do so, he seeks to gain immense power, but risks losing himself to his insatiable thirst for more. NOT MINE !!!!! SHOUT OUT FOR THE OG AUTHOR { Aonte }

DrinkNozarashi · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

34. Calm before the day (3)

The next day, I found myself sitting beside Granz, drumming my fingers rapidly against the armrest of my chair as he pulled up a screen.

"It's quite surprising that your subordinates managed to find Grand Fisher in just a day." Granz remarked, a glint in his yellow eyes.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "They've been around Hueco Mundo for longer than me. It's normal for them to know a lot of people."

It was actually Pesche's contacts that got me the runaway arrancar. Yet, I couldn't let him take the credit. Pesche was an insufferable pest on a good day, and I shuddered to think how insufferable he would be if I praised him.

"Ah yes, Cirucci Sanderwicci used to be an Espada." Granz faked to recall just now, he was obviously teasing me. "But it's quite surprising that you only want to observe their mission from afar, when you're usually such a worrywart."

I feel a vein pop at my forehead at that last comment, I was only a bit overprotective because of all the crazies running around on Las Noches.

"They have proved to be capable." I declared and pointed to the screen. "Look, they actually already got to his hideout."

Granz nodded in agreement, his yellow eyes fixed on the screen. "Indeed."

On the screen, Asguiaro kicked open a rock that was blocking the entrance to a cave.

Cirucci looked around with a disgruntled look, clearly unimpressed with their current mission.

"I can't believe the boss sent me on this low-level mission." She muttered.

"Hmm, he sent you because your whip is perfect for capturing targets." Asguiaro looked at her with a disgusted look. "Though, you do seem to enjoy using it as a torture tool."

Cirucci's expression turned cold. "I don't need your approval, Asguiaro. And I still think you and a pair of monkeys could have finished this mission by yourselves."

Asguiaro rolled his eyes. "Don't be so overdramatic. We were sent together for a reason."

"Of course, you need a babysitter."

"Ha! Both of them are monkeys," Granz chuckled beside me, clearly amused by Cirucci and Asguiaro's banter. It was quite annoying, but I decided to let it slide just this time.

Anyway, Asguiaro raised an eyebrow at Cirucci. "You know, I always wonder how a crazy one like you managed to seduce our Lord."

Cirucci glared at him, twirling her whip. "I didn't 'seduce' him. I simply showed him the benefits of having a strong partner."

Asguiaro chuckled. "Sure, that's what they all say."

Cirucci looked at the side with a red face. "I started by praising him for his strength and his vision for our future. I could see how much he appreciated the attention. Then I offered to give him massages to help him relax. After a few days, he started to invite me on long walks with him."

Asguiaro interrupted her with a smirk. "Then you saw the snake, Cyan sung-sun, come out of his room and you got desperate. You jumped on top of the boss while he was resting and seduced him."

With an annoyed look, Cirucci grabbed Asguiaro by his jacket. "Who told you that? Was it Dondochakka or Nel?" Her voice sounded desperate, her usual shield of superiority cracked. "You better not tell anyone or I can't promise you a proper burial."

Asguiaro winced. "Calm down, woman. I would never dishonor our Lord like that."

"You better." The shamed woman threatened and released him.

Meanwhile, I feel My head hot out of shame. I should have warned them that we would be watching the whole mission. Now everyone knew what happened that day.

To make matters worse, out of the corner of my eye, I could see Granz scribbling furiously in a notebook with a big bold title: "Research on Acidwire's weaknesses."

I suppressed my anger once again, he was a useful, but annoying colleague, for now.

Turning back to the screen, I couldn't wait for them to finish this mission and capture Grand Fisher.

I regretted sending them alone, especially now that they seemed to be exchanging embarrassing stories about me.

I could only feel glad when they reached Grand Fisher's ubication. It was time to see Cirucci's strength outside her usual spar with Asguiaro.

Omake: River

Renato stood over the other side of the river, looking at the depressed Ichigo.

The boy had discovered that he was targeted by a hollow, which caused his mother to be killed in the process and was depressed because of it. Of course it was not the whole truth, but he didn't know it.

"It can't be helped, I will be the cool neighbor that gives good advice." Renato said, striking a thinking pose.

He was about to walk forward when Rukia stepped on his head, making him fall on the ground.

"Sorry." Said the hurrying girl.

Renato groaned on the grass.

"It seems to be a punishment for the tongue incident." Muttered Renato, believing that the world was dealing a punishment on him for his misdeeds.