
Reincarnated as a Viltrumite

Alex is reincarnated as a viltrumite and it follows his goal to become strong

the_holy_man · sci-fi
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7 Chs


A tall middle-aged blonde woman is cooking bacon and eggs whilst watching the news ''today on Tuesday news there has been an increase in truck deaths ''said the monotone news reporter.

''ALEX GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!!'' ,said the pissed of mom ,who didn't, realize she's burning the bacon and egg's. ''fuuuuuuuuuck'!!' ,the woman sneered aware she burnt the food.

''I'll be downstairs soon'' ,the black haired 16 year old boy shouted .

''Alex you have got ten minutes till school hurry up you haven't even have breakfast!!!''.she said her voice getting hoarse because of all her shouting.

''Sorry mom'' ,he quickly got the food and ran out of the house ,whilst saying ,''love you mum'',

''love you to sweetie'', said the now caring mom.'' ALSO BE SAFE I HEARD THERE'S A LOT OF ACCIDENTS HAPPENING ''.She said caringly, witch is shocking as she was using a voice that could make most men cower in fear but she is using such loving words.

''yeah I know I'll be careful mum'' .The boy said his mom meant so much to him ,he never had a Dad to look up to ,his mum was all he had, the only family he had and she cared about him even if she sounded like a speaker she was still the only family he had .

3rd POV

Unbeknownst to our mc he was going to get hit by a 10 ton truck aiming for him like a hit-man on cocaine just as our mc was about to realize the dire situation he was in he said ''oh shit'' these were the famous last words Alex Dexter .

1st POV

When you are hit by a speeding 10 ton truck, it feels like a baseball bat out to crush all your muscles , bones and organs you are winded not being able to breath, as then the realization that your ribs have been shattered and sent to every single organ and the worst part about it you are too weak to even do anything .To ease the pain because every single bone in your body is broken, dislodged and shattered . I just wish I was stronger , if i could have one simple wish its so that at least make me strong enough to help people never feel this pain and then when the loss hits me I lose my breath , to go to an eternal slumber.

3rd POV

Somewhere in the eternal abyss, is a god like entity with a bored aura until he sees the brightest light of a soul it has seen in eons this desire the soul has the pure greed for strength is so intoxicating that the being has to stop itself from salivating .The being gets a spark of imagination to entertain itself and quench its unpalpable hunger to cure it's boredom so it gives the soul a chance to get strong ,strong to help see if the bright soul can do what it desire's to be the strongest.







where am I its so small in here why can't I escape why can't I feel wait why can't I see hear or touch oh fuck fuck fuck I'm a fetus I've been through some bullshit reason/excuse to get reincarnated well nothing else to do might as well plan out my future and how to become the strongest.


''good entertain me'' ,said the demonic like being.