
Reincarnated as a vampire lord

Being a worthless person in his other life he also died a worthless death, He was a game player 24/7 all he did was play games which didn't earn him much income. He died and he was now reincarnated. -------------------------- 'Damm' 'what where the fuck am i' the boy thought as he looked around him, he looked like he was in a house and was currently lying on the bed, he stood up immediately as he went out looking around, he noticed that the place where he was looked like a village. 'Fuck am I in hell' he thought not wanting to voice it out loud so as not to draw attention, 'uh but where the fuck am I Going back into the house he was thinking hard about the question, where was he? Before he came to this mysterious place, he was running away from some bandits he caught harassing a girl he didn't even try to help the girl but still he was pursued by them, while he was crossing the road he got hit by a bus which should have made him dead by now. ---------------------------------- Now he had a vampire system but things didn't go well as his 'world' was being invaded by other system users and they were all stealing his spot light. "Have you heard of the great blue dragon?" "damn I pray that ??? Level demon stays away from me" (read the book to know why those question marks are there) "Do you know of those seven handsome male heroes? especially Lucifer he the most good looking" "Do you know of the creatures called vampires? Eww they disgust me" -------------------------- Now he had promised himself to make his race one of the greatest in the whole of history once again but when his goals are planned to be crushed which step will he take? Will he use sacrifices or find a safe route to his goal. ******************** DISCLAIMER- I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK COVER! MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT IT TO BE TAKEN DOWN. The first few chapters may be a little disappointing as I am still an new writer. Please support me with your reviews or powa stones I need them. Tags #HENTAI,# R18, #VAMPIRE, #MYSTERY, #SYSTEM, #WEAK TO STRONG, #EVIL MC, #REINCARNATION.

Dreamy_winter · Fantasie
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44 Chs


Name - Jagger sonnet

HP - 500/500

Level - 2

Race - vampire

Class - none


[Main stats]

Attack - 120+30(weapon)

Defense - 66

Speed - 110

Stamina - 125%/125%

Accuracy - 110

Reflex - 110


[Base stats]

Strength - 24

Agility - 22

Dexterity - 22

Critic - 31%


Extra points - 10

Exp - 19/200



Appraise LVL 1

Heavy strike LVL 1

Tough LVL 1

Urge LVL 1


'Hmmm, what's that class stuff it just recently appeared' Not thinking much about it as it may be because of his current level up.

Still, in the forest, neither of them had talked or rather attempted to speak to the other, as they went forward they had then found a cave "uh Jagger I think you should head back let me check this cave" the girl said but he said indifferently "you don't need to worry about me I can take care of myself" he replied smiling, the reason why Jagger was this confident was because of his new skill and being a vampire he had surprising

regenerating abilities.

when he entered the cave he suddenly got a message [Labyrinth has been entered]

[Quest - Defeat a labyrinth boss]

[Reward - instant level up by 10 levels, all base stats are increased by 20]

Seeing this his eyes opened wide even though he knew that this was just too good to be true even if it's is this tempting I really can not do it, the first reason I may not be that strong dagger thought but someone had already thought of other plans for them "Jagger are you ready" May said looking at him "uh May I think this is a labyrinth" Jagger said as he was now nervous not as confident as before "what! how do you know that" May immediately shouted at him but she paused and then breathed in and out before saying "sorry for my behavior but how do you know if I may ask" May replied this time calmly?

When he was asked this question he didn't know what to say so he just blurted out what was in his mind "if this were to be a cave there is a high possibility that he would have met beast here but again if they were had been cleared out then another beast would have settled here since a cave is where most beast stay but as you can see the entrance is empty and the path in there is deep which means it leads down " Jagger had explained this but he didn't understand a bit of what he had just explained but May seemed to be thinking it through as she then replied "we will come here later but don't tell anyone about this" she had thought it through and came to this conclusion 'she might not be as nice as she seems' Jagger thought looking at May.

They had gone back to the town, it was still silent as usual going down the road he in an alley he could hear the cry of a girl, he was not a hero so he had intended to pass by but he couldn't as he knew it would hunt him 'ah don't make me regret this' Jagger then followed the alley heading deep in it, he then saw the figure of a boy and a girl but it looked like he was forcing himself upon her, seeing this Jagger immediately turned back but the girl then shouted "mister please help me" he then paused 'shit why did you have to call my name he thought, this was the exact reason why Jagger was killed in his old life now he had seen the same scenario so he had intended to run but now she had just called him back he then turned facing both of them.

Walking forward he decided to try to do something "would you be willing to let go of her" Jagger replied nicely but the boy instead said "who are you don't you know I'm a knight" the boy replied as he seemed to hold the hilt of his sword 'damn he's part of those knights and he seems to want to kill me Jagger thought, 'oh well' Jagger thought running forward.

Slashing at the said knight the knight responded with a decent blocking but Jagger then intended to kick his leg down but the reaction of the knight was faster than his 'damn if this goes on I won't even do a scratch on him' Jagger thought as he then leaped back.

The supposed knight was continually slashing at Jagger and we were blocking and doing well but could not deflect all as he was hit by some of these attacks but it dealt some decent damage.

HP - 410/500

That was his current HP after taking a decent amount of damage but he was regenerating also if he didn't do anything it would take a while for the supposed knight to get tired.

After a series of fighting the knight seemed to get tired as he was panting heavily but he then grabbed the girl and put the blade on her neck "move back or she dies" the boy shouted as he was panting heavily seeing this as a chance, Jagger then put all his points into agility as he was no faster than before he quickly ran as he swiftly slashed at the head of the boy blood splashed everywhere, he had killed another person.