
Wanting To Prove Our Commitment

Even before we arrived at their busy area, my sister and I had been constantly being glanced at by the tree spirits. They were expecting us to come over here today, so they had gathered here. 

"Those are humans..." 

"Are we really going to let them here...?"

"Will we be alright after this...?"

They expressed various feelings like doubt, hostility, fear, and curiosity. I totally understood them, of course, as their feelings were valid. My sister and I were basically the members of a race they substantially avoided, so our initial impressions of them were not that good in the first place. 

Aesfen sensed their strange gaze upon us before giving them sharp glares, subtly telling them to stay quiet. She turned to us and flashed a smile. 

"Your Highness Louise and Raphael, I am apologizing for the inappropriate treatment my kind have expressed toward you, even though we should be the ones who must pay respect toward our benefactors."