
The Other Choruses

The priestess channeled a large amount of mana through her body and her staff. She consumed so much mana that it cut her imaginary mana bar by more than half. She would surely cast a grand spell. 

As soon as she tapped the staff on the floor once, a large, twenty-foot-wide magic circle appeared on the floor with her as the center, and then she started chanting. The magic circle glowed white, and patterns like runes appeared on it. 

"I call forth my ancestors and spirit guides. Come forth to my side and assist me in the Sacred Rites of Magick! Level 8: Greater Angel Summoning!" 

Almost immediately after she invoked the spell, the magic circle started to react, and the magic circle glowed even brighter. Soon after, something, or someone, seemed to be emerging from the magic circle. 

Its head protruded first, and then its entire body fully emerged from the surface. When I got a grasp of its appearance, I began inspecting the entity.