
Rain Down

On a vast grassy prairie five kilometers from the white walls of the Kingdom of Astley's capital city, Richtpole, the two armies took up their positions and scowled at each other. 

Distinguished by the general hue of the soldiers' uniforms, the king's red army garnered one hundred thousand combatants, outnumbering the second prince's blue army of eighty thousand strong.

In spite of having a gap of a kilometer between the two armies, none of them had initiated a move yet since the arrival of the revolutionary army on the field about an hour ago. The tension between the opposing forces was heavy, and any move could possibly spark the start of the battle. 

"They haven't made a move yet." 

"Well, it seems like they're waiting for us to move," the old man replied.

Outside of the king's tent located on a somewhat tall hill behind the army, the king, Richard XV, who was clad in gaudy articles, spoke as he looked out at the stationary revolutionaries.