
On Top of Her

"What are you trying to say, Mark?" 

"What I meant is, did you encounter the legendary dragon in the forest by any chance?" 

"Well, there have been plenty of dragons we have encountered in the forest so far, but I don't think one of them was the Ancient Dragon of Darkness." 

Inside the carriage, I replied to Mark's question and decided not to tell them the truth that I already subjugated the ancient dragon several months ago. I took a glance at my family, and also Sophia, and they did not seem to mind my decision. 

The Ancient Dragon of Darkness in question later became my subject and was now named Czarina. She was the apex predator of the forest, so Mark was a bit suspicious why the dragon did not make a move, as my family was making a city inside its domain, and the empire was wondering that too. 

"So, how about the black dragon statue in the palace? I think I have never seen or heard of a dragon with six wings before."