
Louise's Confession

"Very well, Sister, make sure you don't hit me." 

"Take it off already." 

The tone of her voice told me that my sister was definitely mad at me right now. In addition, her fists were clinching hard. I did not want to put fuel on the fire, so I regretfully put my hands away from her gorgeous pair. Sister then put her arms beneath them right after I revoked my grasp, which raised them up a little. 

"Well then, Raphael. Let's be honest, after thinking thoroughly for a while, I realized that you and mothers are truly loving one another; even Sophia has accepted and supported it." 

Sister paused for a bit and raised her chest up. Her eyes were locked on me with conviction. 

"In the end, after talking with everyone and hearing your unethically valid reasons to prolong your relationship, I ultimately decided not to have any opposition to it and respected your choices in life. So basically, I am accepting your relationship with Mom and Mother."