
Hiring Sergei

"Instead of getting rid of you, I am here for another reason. Why don't you join my ranks?"

As he said those words to Sergei, Raphael raised his right hand to waist level, intending to shake hands with him. 

Being a newborn nation, the Queendom of Raevender was lacking in personnel in both the government and military departments. For that reason, the queendom was actively looking for capable people to fulfill what it lacked. 

One of the ways to hire military personnel was by scouting the frequent adventurers in the area. If an adventure or a party was showing incredible feats or had enough credibility from the guild, the government would try to ask them to join their knights' order. It had been a practice in every nation, which was why Raphael's was doing the same thing. 

"You want me to join you? Even though you just know me?"