
Chapter 50: Propagation 

"All I need to do is get a hand on their part."

"When you said part, it's not necessary for it to be flesh, right?"

"It's not necessary, but flesh had the highest chance of acquiring a Racial Skill." I answered her question before laying my back flat against the couch. "I think a strand of hair or saliva would be enough."

Using the Unique Skill: Organic Domination, I can thoroughly analyze and genetically copy the racial traits of an absorbed specimen, which includes Racial Skills.

Ever since her birthday last summer, Sister had been forced me Level Up faster than usual. The reason for it was when I told her a way to prolong the life of Mary, her future concubine.

She had me level up to Level 1000, evolve myself to a High Human, and acquire its Racial Skill, Longevity. After that, I will use my unique skill of bestowing Longevity to bless Mary with a long life and allow her to live with Sister forever.

Since my acquisition of the Unique Skill: Organic Domination, I have found an easier and more attainable way to obtain the Longevity Skill aside from leveling up or vampire conversion. That way is to analyze and replicate the Longevity itself.

To achieve that, I need to get a hold of the specimens first. The graspable specimens are just walking around the mansion, our High Human mothers.

But why did our High Human parents have offspring of the inferior race of humans? What's more? They were already High Humans before we were born but still gave birth to inferior Humans.

In my previous world, only species of the same kind could produce offspring. But there were some cases of hybridization, like the liger, the hybrid of a lion and a tiger. This world had its own way.

The concepts of reproduction here were way different than the ones on Earth. Here is some of the information I've read so far about reproduction in this magical world.

Offspring between two different races is possible, although with a low success rate, as long as the two are in the same evolutionary line. For example; Human and High Human, Elf and High Elf, and so on.

The race of the offspring depends on the parents. Offspring with parents of the same race always had the race of the parents. There is a fifty percent chance of getting one of the parents' races if the pair was in the same evolution line.

Although very rare to almost impossible, crossbreeding between two individuals with different evolution lines rarely happens even without the assistance of the Crossbreeding Skill.

While couples with different evolution lines bore offspring called Halflings or Mixlings, the combination of the parents' race.

The only known examples of Halflings are Half-Elves, Half-Dwarves, Half-Beastmen, Cambion (half Demon, Devil, Succubus), and Dhampir (Half Vampire).

There were races that crossed with races of a different evolution line, but the race of their offspring was still the same. They were races that were born with the Racial Skill: Crossbreeding.

Those races are usually single-sex races that need to mate with an opposite gender of another race in order to survive. If luck's on their side, members with Extra Skill: Alpha Omega could help them reproduce homosexually, like what our mothers did.

By the way, Alpha Omega doesn't alter the user's reproductive organ. Hence, no lightsabers. The user can choose between Alpha, who dominates, and Omega, who gives birth. In order to fertilize, the female, or Omega, has to intake the sexual fluids of a male, or Alpha, into their body.

Examples of those races are the all-female serpentine races of Lamia and Gorgon and demons like Succubus. They must breed with males of another race to give birth to a female of their own. By the way, Succubus having a Cambion child rarely occurs.

Both our parents were High Humans but we siblings are both Humans, an inferior race to theirs. That's because Mother used the Monarch of the Night: Birth Control and made us Humans at birth!

When we asked why they did that, they casually told us it was for us to work hard to catch up with their eternity. Since we wanted to live by their side forever, we raised our levels to evolve into High Human as early as we could.

There are no shortcuts in life, and not every single thing that we wish for can be granted in an instant. No pain, no gain. We had no choice but to work hard to achieve what we wanted.

"Well, all we have to do is pluck a hair or collect a drop of their saliva. Do you have any idea how to obtain it without them noticing?"

"Can you just pick up fallen hairs during the bath?"

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen a single strand of hair every time we took a bath. Perhaps it's the effect of their Longevity skill."

Since they activated their Longevity when they reached thirty, their appearances haven't changed a bit since then. Longevity doesn't only expand one's lifespan; it also prevents problems that occur as we grow older.

No matter how many years our mothers will live in the future, they will always have the same skin. Since they stopped their maturation, Mother and Mom will always be as fertile as a turtle! They are always active at night. It wouldn't be surprising if we had a younger sibling.

"How about we task ourselves with each of them?"

"Good idea. Who will you choose between Mother and Mom?"

"I choose you, Sister."

"What…? S-stupid! Quit joking around!" Sister yelled at me in crimson after I teased her once again.

(Maybe I provoked her too much?)

"Okay, okay. I'll choose Mom."

"As expected of you. You do really love Mom."

"Yes, I do. You, Sophia, and Mother, too."

"Hmph!" Then she averted her gaze. "Now that we've allocated the task, let's start the collection of samples right now."

"Okay, Sis."

After we get up from our seats, Operation Sample Gathering officially begins.