
Chapter 114: Trial and Error

There was a reason why I bestowed a unique skill on a goblin. And that reason was...

<Unique Skill Weaponist can be plunder. Would you like to obtain it? Yes No.> 

"Whooaa! It's really working! Yes." 

<Unique Skill Weaponist has been plundered. Unique acquired.> 

"Congratulations, SirBoss." 

"Thank you, Azrael. With this hack, I can finally evolve a skill or two within this day." 

In order to execute this hack successfully, I have many things to prepare. 

Firstly, I have to get my hands on the vessels for the backup skills. The vessels that I used were goblins. They are so weak and dumb that they probably don't know how to use a skill they haven't used before. 

Then, I will use the Bestow unique skill to make a backup file of the skills that I will be liquidating to the goblins. Unique Skills have the highest value since Bestow could only bestow skills up to unique level.