
After the War

Roughly two weeks had passed since Prince Paul won the civil war of Astley, and the kingdom was currently undergoing a major amount of change, both administratively and legislatively.

Upon seeing the cold body of his eldest son, the king, Richard XV, was terribly shocked and devastated. The death of his heir greatly affected his mind and body, and the king had trouble sleeping. 

Even though he wanted to avenge his death, most of his supporters lost in the war, and their powers and influence drastically dwindled as a result. There were a signature number of nobles who backed him out and either joined the other side or became neutral.

With almost no power to uphold it, the king ultimately relinquished the throne. Due to the fact that the crown prince had died, the second prince, Prince Paul, naturally inherited the throne, and he was crowned as the new king of the Kingdom of Astley.