
Royal Visit

AN: Just a little warning, I still don't fully understand old noble rankings and all that political stuff, so if I make a mistake or something please point it out!

And with that said enjoy this week's chapter!"


A few days passed and I finally settled within the newly built temple.

Lana the elven woman that I "saved" was appointed as my personal caretaker, or whatever that meant. Her father Leonidas al Lodaria made quite some fuss about it demanding that I let her go. It was quite a show, but with the city lord interfering he finally shut up. Her father may seem overprotective, but he was still a good man. Still too intense for me.

"So what is on today's list Lana?" I asked, as I lazily laid on my back with my tongue sticking out. I was practically dying of boredom.

"My lord, there is nothing to do..." said the elf as she leaned on my feathers. She still refused to call me by my name but got quite attached to me after some time. Even sleeping beneath my wings, even though she has her own room.

The temple was quite spacious, I could even fully stretch my body and wings out and still have some room to roam.

There was a natural spring that constantly supplied cool fresh water, and a large stone plate with a heat lamp above it. But the most mind-boggling thing was the 10-meter-tall 20-meter-wide painting of me.

It was the first time that I saw myself after all that happened inside the cursed realm.

Whoever the painter was he was incredibly skilled and fast... If I walk closer I could even count every single feather on my wings.

But enough of that.

I lay down on the heated stone as two fully-clad armored knights walked in. I already sensed them but was too lazy from the heat to do anything.

"The Emporer of Lutora, Lakos Luvari II. has arrived!"

With a shout, the two knights saluted as a tall man walked through.

Lana sprung up and quickly smoothed out her dress.

The man wore pearl white and jade green light armor with a crown made of crystalized leaves. He carried himself like a ruler, and his aura was intimidating. It was similar to Scorges but less terrifying and more soothing. But the pressure he exuded was still the same.

The city lord already informed me that the Emporer would visit, but he never told me that it would be this soon.

With a wave of his arm, the two soldiers bowed and backed away guarding the entrance to the temple.

"I was informed that we finally managed to get one city guardian, but to think someone this young would have the necessary criteria to become one is quite astonishing."

Even though I looked down on him with my height, I felt as if I was being looked down on. No more like his pressure was overshadowing mine.

I did a little nod as I spoke, "Thanks for your kind words Emporer..."

It was quite awkward for me to speak to a ruler.

"And who might you be?"

"My name is Lana al Lodaria, my Emporer. I was tasked to help the city guardian with his basic needs." She did a little curtsy, she was quite elegant and trained as a noble, and I rarely saw that side of her as she spoke nonchalantly with me or the commoners who quite like her.

Lakos' stern expression relaxed and smiled, "Hmm, al Lodaria... Your father got quite some achievements under his belt, I hope you can reach that level in time."

"I will do my best."

With a nod the Emporer continued, "You are Dismissed, young lady."

He waited for her to leave the hall before focusing back on me. "Don't be so tense Serpent Guardian Raas. I only came here to excess you with my own eyes, and from what I see I am impressed. And I didn't come empty-handed. "

With a pause, he took something out of his pocket.

A hand-sized red orb.

"You may be too young to understand the importance of a city guardian. So let me explain it in a bit more detail before you accept my gift."

I nodded and made myself a little bit more comfortable.

Seeing me wiggle and circle around myself the Emporer chuckled a little.

"I was informed that you want to go back to the central continent Zenith, especially the woodland dungeon, correct?"

"Yes." I nodded, 'Information sure travels fast...'

"Hmm to explain a little bit, the woodland dungeon is on the border of the Vextia Kingdom, a major force in the central continent, some even say they have the strongest military force as the strongest person on the continent is part of the Vextia Kingdom."

"Who is that person?"

"A Star Gazer named Mavis Mavulus, quite the eccentric, but he is a topic for another time. The reason why I brought the Vextia Kingdom is that their history may be short, rising from a small country to a mighty kingdom in just a few hundred years. The only reason for that is because they have a guardian monster in almost every large city, only the Rokya queendom with their national guardian Sisil can somehow contest with them. But why are they so important?"

Emporer Lakos opened his free palm and the system prompt popped up.

"It's because of this."

[Mana regeneration increased by 10%]

[Mana capacity increased by 10%]

[Solstic Venom is now active!]

"Diffrent monsters give diffrent boones. And we might have hit the big price with you Raas. The mana regeneration and mana capacity increase is wonderful, but the solstice venom is what makes you truly unique."

I stared at him confused, I never understood the true capacity of my venom, I only thought it was more potent and that's it, I haven't even used my venom much after gaining Sol's gem and my wings. "Why is it so special?"

"Because that venom can negate all kinds of defenses, corrupt one's soul, and even after surviving all that they will be judged by the moon and the sun. It can be used to siphon life energy from others and even trying to remove it will only lead to a quicker death. No antidote was ever found. It was said that it could even kill a demigod with one drop, but to be honest I doubt such a claim. There are still parts of it undiscovered and no one knows the full extent, but one thing is true. It is just as deadly as it is helpful."

I just stupidly nodded with wide eyes and a slightly hanging mouth. 'The fuck!!!!!' I screamed internally.

"And to mean that the Solstice Venom is now active is a sign that the sun and moon are now also watching over us. So I must show you my sincerity. Please accept my gift serpent guardian Raas of Latia."

"Thanks emporer."

"You can call me Lakos."

I nodded and grabbed the "small" sphere with my tail.

"So what does it do?"

"It is a greater fire spirit core. Seeing that you have Sol's gem it will be of use fusing with it. It will grant you new abilities, experience points, and empower the existing skills."

Looking at it I didn't know how.

"You just need to ingest it Raas." Said Lakos with a chuckle as he watched me struggling with what to do.

"Ah right..."

I opened my mouth and swallowed it, it went down smoothly and it felt kind of warm as it traveled down my throat.


[Host has consumed a compatible energy source! Compatibility 97%, Integration chance 100%, Skill gain 99%, mutation chance 89%, Species change 1.03%, Death 0.001%]

[Integration will happen in 23h 59m 59s!]

"And with that, I hope you fulfill your duty while I will try to make contact with the woodland dungeon to find a way for you to travel back safely. Any person you want me to contact?"

"Well, there is the shadow dragon queen inside the woodland dungeon, Sahra, a sand golem, and Scorge a demon if you know him..."

"Hmmm, I don't know about the shadow dragon queen, and a sand golem named Sahra... but Scorge shouldn't be too hard to contact, even if that demon is quite a pain to deal with... I am truely impressed by how you managed to get in contact with the demon lord of wrath... But enough chit-chat for now, I must bid you farewell, and if the time comes maybe we will fight side by side against those humans."

"Have a safe travel Lakos, and if the time comes I won't disappoint."

He only smiled and left the temple.

As I saw him leave my sight I let out a massive sigh.

'That went better than I thought...'


(Human Kingdom Avarez)

Inside a large room, dozens of people sat around a long table. On the head of the table sat a strong broad man with silver hair and piercing grey eyes. Even though he is in his late 50s his vigor didn't lessen.

Graf Lakus Greyborn, the current head of the Greyborn countship, was holding a letter from the front lines telling him that his nephew died in a skirmish.

"You are telling me that my nephew Rudeus and his whole squad of elite soldiers died? And with no witnesses to that?!!"

The room was eerie quiet as no one wanted to speak up and anger the man further.

With a deep sigh, he burned the letter with grey fire.

"I already have permission from the emperor to lay siege on the frontline city Latia. We have waited long enough. Prepare the army, get the druids, call in the dragon slayers, and don't forget to prepare my armor and weapon. I will personally lead the army. I want them ready in a month's time. They all should be in their best form till then. Dismissed."

The room full of aristocrats silently stood up and left the room.

As the room emptied a small breeze went through.

"Gravus I hope you bring me good news." Spoke the Graf.

"My lord, our spies told me that the elven Emperor arrived at Latia. Rumors said that the city just gained a guardian. Serpent type. Still tier 3."

"A tier 3 city guardian? Did you find out what kind of enhancement it gives?"

"From the mana spike, I deduct that it only gives a 6-12% mana increase and regeneration. I still need some time to confirm it."

"Good work, prepare some assassins and kill that beast when the damned leave eater leaves."

"As you command!"

And with that, the veiled man disappeared just as he appeared.


[Time till finding Raas:]

[Holy Sun church: Loading... 9.1%]

[Mavis Mavulus (Vextia kingdom): Loading... 59.7%]

[Scorge (Legion of Wrath): Loading... 30.3%]

[Seekers (blemished ones): Loading... 72.5%]

[Sahra (Emerald Empire): Loading... 17.1%]

[Tree: Loading... 95.4%]

[Avarez Kingdom (Humans): Loading... 55.5%]



Changed elven kingdom to empire, as I scaled the war up. The war should be more intense now. So keep reading!

ps: power stones pls.

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