
Playing with water

(Back to snakes Perspective)


Name: ???

Species: Hatchling grey snake (???)

Level: 5


Strength: 13

Agility: 21

Intelligence: 23

Mentality: 23

Hp: 44/55

MP: 0

[Skills: Venom Fang lv2, Launch Attack lv 2, Slither lv 2]

[Racial Skill: Grey Out lv1]

[Evolution Path:]

[Grey Scales]

[Venomous Fangs]

[Movement Sensing Eyes.]

[Danger Smelling Tongue]

[Vibration Sensing Ears]


Let's check out my evolution.

*flick* *flick*

I then felt a hand holding me and began to rub my scales as if cleaning them but to my dismay a little bit too hard.

Turning towards Sahra I saw her holding me with one hand and rubbing my scales with her other.


'Oh, easy girl not so hard on the scales!' I hissed at her.

As I hissed at her, she immediately stopped and looked at me with her two black dots... a little bit of worry could be seen on her face. Hmm maybe being a monster allows me to understand monsters better...

*flick* *flick*

Not wanting her to feel bad I nudged my head at her hand a little, signaling her that I am alright. As if understanding me she carefully started to wash my scales again, but now with more care.

It feels really nice that someone is washing my scales. The worst part is when you get an itch on your nose and can´t stretch it, but at least I have a tail to scratch it a little. Sometimes I wish I have hands again to grab stuff, but I wouldn´t be a snake if I had any more limbs than now. Limps are overrated anyway, hmpf!

Anyway time to get stronger!

'Evolution please' I thought.

Right after got a system notification.


The transparent blue display read.

[Choose Evolution:]

[Grey Scales --> Compacted Grey Scales or ???]

[Venomous Fangs --> Random or ???]

[Motion Sensing Eyes --> Random or ???]

[Venom gland --> Fast Producing Venom Gland or Random]

Gah, why have the eyes to be random again, and what´s up with all those question marks? But at least I know that it can´t evolve to something worse and only adds to the present evolution. Or so I think at least. And the biggest change is that there are now two options for each evolution!

Hmm, this time it is really hard to choose. There is even a new thing to choose from. I can evolve my venom gland that is kind of interesting, but faster venom production is not the thing I need right now. So that option is gone.

Compacted Grey Scales sound really alluring. It probably boosts my defense and I need at much of it as I can get to survive in this crazy world of monsters and magic. But not get hasty now.

My bad eyesight is the number one problem for me right now. Having bad eyesight is just too much stress for me. I can´t survive in this world seeing everything in a grey blurry outline and only seeing clear when they are moving. Furthermore, I was always a person that liked to gamble so let´s gamble a little. It can only get better from here on out.

My luck has been quite good in this life, despite the many near-death experiences in my short time here.

'I choose to evolve my eyes again system! I will choose the question marks choice!'


[You must be full Hp to evolve!]


Oh, I totally forgot about that.


What a mood breaker.

Hmm, my health is at 44/55, so I guess it´s time to find out if my health regeneration improved or not. The last time I checked it was more or less 1 Hp per hour. So I have to wait 11 hours till I evolve... Guess it´s time to grind some levels for my skills again!

I don´t have many options on what to level up, but I want to level up my launch attack as I have to improve my offensive abilities and I don´t have something to bite and level up my venom fang skill. That´s why I curled myself up again and launched straight ahead.


I jumped off of Sahra's hand and did a splendid belly flop into the water, slowly sinking to the bottom.

Wait a minute...

I am still in the hot spring and can´t swim!

*blub* *blub* *blub*

Oh no... this isn´t good, I can´t hold my breath for long and Sahra is still searching for me in the steaming water.

While panicking I wiggled my body upwards trying to swim back towards Sahra. It worked a little bit but if this goes on I will surely drown and end my second life, but at least it was more fun than my first one even if it was short.

*blub* *blub* *blub*

NO, I can´t give up just like that I have to survive, but my vision is already slowly turning black and hazy.


*cough* *cough*

I coughed up the water out of my lungs and looked at Sahra who was holding me close to her face while clasping my back.

Ah, you saved me again! I will repay this debt someday, I promise that.

I slowly neared my head towards her fleshy cheek and wanted to bop her head to show her my gratitude, but unconsciously flicked my tongue.

*flick* *flick*

Ups I accidentally licked her... she tastes a little bit sweet... is that good?

I saw that her eyes widen into circles and turned her head to look away, but I could still see that her face had a tinge of red.

Did she just blush!?

I clearly didn´t expect that and how can this monster show so many emotions without having facial features and two black dots... Truly a bizarre creature.


'Not now system!'

I ignored the blue display for now and saw Sahra turn her head towards me, giving me a little head pat with her trembling hand.


When I happily hissed at her. I could see her mouth curl up in a slight smile while tilting her head from side to side. Her eyes even turned into small crescent moons.

Guess I have to protect her from now on after seeing the smile...

After she calmed down, she continued to clean my scales from the dirt that got stuck on them. Meanwhile, I got back to look at the notification.

[Skill: Swimming unlocked!]

Ohhh, my near-death experience unlocked a skill, sweet!

But I should really be more careful from now on... but no risk no gain! I have to enjoy my new life to the fullest! Can´t waste it by cowering inside a hole and be scared the whole day. I have to get strong first to be able to adventure into the new world.

Now that I have the swim skill, I curled myself up again to jump into the water, but before I could launch myself a hand stopped me. I looked back at Sahra and saw her shaking her face with a black X on her face. I reassured her by lightly bopping her face with my nose.

She reluctantly retracted her hand to let me jump into the water. while the X changed back to the two black dots.


With another belly flop, I landed into the water and immediately started to wiggle my body in an S motion.

Slowly but surely, I reached the service and took a deep breath, while continuing to swim towards her.

Swimming is quite fun and way easier than I thought. Don´t know if it´s the systems or my genius doing, but one thing is for sure I am not complaining.

But despite having the swimming level 1 skill I still struggle to reach dry land.

Meanwhile, Sahra is just looking at me struggling as I try to swim back to her, while she has her arms half outstretched. Making sure to be able to pull me out as soon as I begin to drown. After reaching her hands she scooped me up and rubbed my head before I jumped into the water again to try to level up my skills.

During my fourth jump, I heard the system pinging me again.


[Beginning Evolution!]

That was quicker than I thought. Normally it should have taken 11 hours till I´m full life. Maybe the water boosted my Hp regeneration...

Right after reading the notification I curled myself up again and prepared for the pain to hit me.


Not long after I felt the sting in my eyes again, but this time it hurt a lot more than before.

ACKKKK!!! It hurts more than last time. I hope it is worth the pain.

I rolled around in agony.

Sahra seeing me squirm in pain panicked a little and pulled me out of the water and laid me on a flat stone near the hot spring.