
Reincarnated As A Reflection

With an average background he’s reincarnated a something different than your average reincarnation. With so many possibilities he goes on a trip from weak to strong. New writer who has 0 experience doing this on a whim

Legacy23 · Aktion
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What am I?

As I woke up, I tried to pick up my phone on the nightstand next to my bed but grabbed nothing but air. As I sluggishly got up I realized I'm not in my old apartment anymore. I forgot I moved out and am living in my parents house. They lended me the house for when they were gone on their trip.

I'm 22, but I had to move to my parent's house after not having enough money to stay in my old apartment. I always wanted to be free and live my own life but that went downhill after living in the real world for a few years.

I don't have any siblings so it was just me and my parents growing up. Neither my mother or father had good relationships with their parents so grandparents were also out of the equation.

Maybe that's why they got married and had me. My father was named Devin and my mother was called Sarah. As for me, I was called Noah.

I'm 1.7 meters tall with an average face, black hair, and brown eyes.

I put on black shorts and a white T-shirt after brushing and taking a shower. As I left the house I put on my shoes and walked out the front door. It was close enough to where I moved so I can walk there instead of driving.

As I'm walking on a sidewalk I hear a ringing and looked around me to see where it's coming from. I look down to see a circle with intricate designs in it under me. I immediately see it and think that I'm being summoned to a new world or something like that. Oh, I forgot to mention it but I'm a closet weeb.

I get exited and wonder if there'll be a kingdom that needs saving or a princess who falls in love with me. Becoming an OP protagonist through trials and challenges. I suddenly remember I still have family in this world though.

I still had a decent relationship with my parents and while it couldn't be called best I don't know what would happen to them if I suddenly disappear. They cared about me but here I am thinking of going to another world leaving everything behind.

By the time he finished his thoughts he was being teleported. He could only guess that because he didn't know what it would do.

With the glowing lights and the queasy feeling in my stomach I felt sick. I could still see what's around me albeit barely to see what other people are doing because such a phenomenon wouldn't go unnoticed. It went completely unnoticed as people walked by as if I was air and the glowing circle didn't exist.

After being completely blinded now for a good 3 seconds it started to die down. Forgetting about leaving my parents because of what's happening I see a King on a throne and what looks to be his Queen on a seat next to him.

I look around to see guards positioned on either side of me lined up in a neat manner. They wore armor that completely covered them and held a spear in their right hand with the bottom part on the ground. After a few seconds of looking around I look back at the King. I hear a thundering voice start talking.

"YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED HERO TO DEFEAT THE DEMON KING!", He spoke as if he was trying to rally up a crowd.

I get ecstatic seeing my situation just barely holding in my joy so I can look good in front of the King and Queen. I didn't answer back immediately because I was still processing what was going on.

Seeing that I was still thinking about what was going on he said in a calmer but still loud voice "I have summoned you to defeat the Demon King that has terrorized the world and save humanity. This is the world of Damasu.

After looking at both of them for a second I could see a tail behind her and 2 horns coming out of the Queen's head. She had skin that looked grayer than a normal person. Anyone could tell it wasn't natural. It wasn't something you could do with makeup. It looked too real.

For some reason nobody else in the room said anything. He asked me to defeat the demon king but the Queen looks like a demon herself. I don't know anything about this world but I don't have a good feeling about her.

"But the Queen herself looks like a demon," I accidentally say my thoughts out loud. I suddenly realize that was a mistake after seeing the King's face darken. He was clearly that mad I insulted his wife.

Before I could say anything else he yells out an order, "KILL HIM!"

They can most likely summon another hero to do this if the previous hero fails. If not then why would he try and kill me after one insult. Thinking about how I would escape I feel a pain in my back and feel something warm trickle down my chest with pain immediately following.

I look down and see that the head of a spear went through my chest. The guard that was behind me pulled out the spear as I was falling to the ground while screaming in pain. Nobody came to save me and I died in 1 minute, but I fell unconscious within 10 seconds from the pain. With my last sight being the roof before I would go unconscious and die I cursed the King in my head.

After I died I started being pulled to an unknown location on this planet. It looks very different from what I've seen as technology has regressed by a lot. I'm going very fast as villages and cities pass in a matter of a few seconds. Even though I'm going this fast I can still see what big structures are. I just can't see the details and I couldn't even if I wasn't moving because I was just below the clouds.

Being in my what I can assume is my soul form isn't different from what I look like at all. I look the same, but just see-through and without as much color.

Suddenly my path changed after 2 hours of flying. After changing paths I started heading into a volcano. Yes I'm going into a volca— I'M GOING INTO A VOLCANO I scream in my head. I closed my eyes and put my arms in front of me trying to shield myself.

I can't fly off course because I already tried and failed before. I can fly around and do rolls but I can't leave the path I'm on. As long as I'm flying toward where I'm being pulled, I'm somewhat free but not free enough to leave.

When I feel nothing after a full minute of bracing myself to hit lava. I started to smell something salty and feel a liquid. This liquid wasn't hot at all. Actually I couldn't feel the temperature of it.

I open my eyes to see that I'm in the ocean. Seeing that I'm in an ocean I try to swim with my body out of instinct but I couldn't. This doesn't mean I'm not moving, it just means that I'm not swimming like I would with my body.

I can tell that I'm not human yet I still have sight, hearing, touch and smell. I can't taste anything because I have nothing to taste right now so I don't know if I can but I do have my other four senses.

I can feel myself in the water but not in the water. It's like becoming a concept that exists but just not physically. It's like being kinetic energy. It's a thing that exist but you can't touch kinetic energy. You would exist but not physically. It's hard to explain how it feels so I'll stop trying

I can see in all directions but only as far as my human vision can go. By now I can guess I'm not human but something else. I can feel water but not the temperature and I can move by just willing it and not having to walk. As I experiment I noticed that I'm unusually calm. It's like I was used to this and none of this was at all strange.

It's not like thinking about this will do anything in this situation so I decide to head in a random direction hoping to find something. After a few 10 minutes of moving around I felt myself getting tired. Wait how can I get tired if I'm not even human. Noticing this I try to figure it out and come to the conclusion that I'm tiring myself out mentally but moving for 10 minutes wouldn't do that to someone.

Is this something like mental strength and I'm using it sorts like stamina? Oh well, I'll think about it later so I should probably move on. If moving this much is a problem then how about my future I lament in my head.

I saw land in the distance after moving and resting for about half an hour. I hope it's a big continent with other people on it. I was still someone who lived as a person for 22 years and didn't want to be alone.

Just a bit further, I pushed myself. It took another half hour to get to the island so I was moving for about an hour in the ocean.

When I got to the edge to the land I saw a beach with shells of all color and shape I haven't seen before. It looked beautiful with all the different and vibrant colors on the shore. If this was on earth then it'd be very popular. Just past the beach was a forest with trees on the edge.

I haven't looked too closely but I looked at where the sun was at in the sky. It looked like it would set in a few hours if I based it on earth but for all I know this could be on another planet. There was a moon and sun in the sky, but from what I saw before I don't think this is earth.

After getting to the edge I tried to go to the land but I couldn't. I had a problem. I couldn't move onto land.