So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
Three dungeons to choose from so which one did we decide to head to first? In all honesty, there was no real favourite since we'd have to do all three but to start with, we're heading to the Spire, also known as home to the magi guild.
Guilds are actually a thing in this world despite me never really bringing them up, mostly because there's no point. I mean, what's seriously the point in me gaining money by collecting herbs, killing slimes and gaining a higher ranking within the adventure guild? Are there even slimes in this world? I don't think so, maybe the guilds wiped them out? Thy always seem to be low levelled trash for lower ranked adventurers, wouldn't surprise me if they did go extinct but I'm only basing that off anime and manga.
The guilds do kinda work how you'd expect from any type of normal isekai though, complete quests for money and then slowly gain a higher ranking in that guild itself, pretty sure the magi guild over by the Spire will be very similar to the ones I've heard about, just more magical. Hopefully we don't have to enter some shitty, annoying guild for us to access the dungeon they have hidden away. Knowing my luck, that's exactly what's going to happen though.
Apparently they have a dungeon in their basement, no idea how that even works seeing that the building is built on the gigantic lake that is kinda in the centre of this empire. Maybe it's built so far down, it's perfectly fine? Ah forgot it, just focusing on pointless things once again.
As for what's currently going on, I'm currently halfway through the journey to the Spire with everyone up on my back like with our normal travel arrangements, there is something odd going on right now though during this lovely sunny day we're experiencing.
"Hang on, is that snoring on my back?"
"Heh, those two are both asleep"
Priestess and knight have the audacity to sleep on my feathery, comfortable back while I'm carrying them? It's honestly pretty fine though, last night there was heavy rain and thunderstorms so sleep was terrible for all of us, me and Petra clearly have the stamina to last days without sleep, for those two it's more problematic.
"Should I drop them to give them a slight scare?"
"Heh, that might be a little mean"
I wasn't actually going to do it, just thought that might give her a slight laugh. It succeeded.
A little time passes still while flying and now my mind has wondered elsewhere, an odd question has come to mind. Seeing that those two are asleep, it seems like a good time to ask such a question.
"Hey Petra... what is it that you like about me anyway? Like the main thing if that makes sense"
That's something I've never really understood, I mean, other than my brilliant looks, that's something I don't have an idea on, why does Petra like me in that way? I'd use cute instead of brilliant looks but that's now reserved for Petra's teasing. Don't most people in relationships have these types of questions though? Can we even call it an official relationship yet? Kinda feel like we can...
She takes a second before giving me a response, clearly she was thinking on her answer.
"Can try to give you a specific one if you'd like... maybe your outlook on life might be the main thing, can't forget about your cuteness as well"
Urgh, I knew she was going to do that then, I'm a little confused what she said to begin with though.
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's probably about your carefree attitude to things that happen around you, your mental strength is strong when it comes to dealing with certain situations Ikarus. It's honestly pretty rare for most people to be able to deal with anything that gets thrown at them with a smile on your face. Heh, or beak"
When she means mental strength, it's clear that doesn't mean intelligence. Still, I guess she's got a point, I may worry about a load of things but I don't tend to sulk and prefer to just get on with it, well, I do sulk and I'll moan nonstop but I'll still power on though.
Just look at the whole switching gender and turning into a bird thing, pretty sure Zeki and Ariza took years to fully adapt, Ariza was apparently taking gender switch potions for a hundred years because she had troubles in the beginning. I swear it didn't even take me months to get used to all this odd shit happening to and around me.
"What about me Ikarus?"
Huh? What's she asking about? Got lost in thought for a second.
"Sorry, what was that?"
"What about me that attracted you Ikarus?"
Ah crap, that's a difficult question to answer, was hoping she wouldn't ask that in response. The problem is there isn't anything specific, there's literally nothing about Petra that I can point down, she comes as a complete package that has no flaws, at least in my eyes anyway.
"Well... if I'm being honest, that's slightly difficult to answer"
"Why's that?"
"It's cause you're perfect, trying to find a single thing that makes me like you is kinda impossible. I guess I could just say everything but that answer sounds fake even though in this situation, it really isn't"
She's gone quiet now, did I say something stupid? I don't think I did, all I said is that Petra's perfect, that's not something stupid, just saying how it is.
Is she seriously still quiet? I'm questioning her now, that wasn't something to cause an uncomfortable silence, at least it shouldn't have been.
"Oi, you haven't fallen asleep as well have ya?"
"No Ikarus, I'm still awake. Just thinking on what you just said... thanks"
Why is she thanking me now as well? I only told her the truth, I'm a bit unsure why she's gone a bit weird.
"For what?"
"Heh... don't worry about it"
Ah screw it, I feel like I'm being dense here but fuck it, let's find the Spire and finally meet a guild, you'd think this should've happened ages ago but alas, not every story needs guild interactions from the beginning...
"It'll be good to return to the guild"
(Ikarus) "You've been here before priestess?"
"Yes, my Lord suggested visiting this place to get help once he blessed this unworthy soul, there were some old issues that needed sorting since this vessel wasn't completely worthy for such a gift"
Off in the distance in the country sized lake, a gigantic magic looking tower can be seen with three small floating islands circling around the top of the sharp looking spire also on top of the building. I'm guessing how they've managed to do something like that is down to wind magic perhaps? How else would you get three islands to float? Ah forget it, this world is magical in nature after all.
It's honestly pretty impressive how I'm yet to come across this place but it makes sense seeing that there has been no reason to so far. Now there clearly is, there is a slight issue before we can enter the magi guild.
"There is a slight problem, how do we get over there?"
It's not exactly like I can just fly right up to the massive building, can I? There is slight platform which looks to be the main door in sight, the building has windows though so flying would reveal my existence to them getting that close.
Normally I wouldn't worry that much but with a bunch of magicians, who's to say one of them might want to do tests or dissect me? It sounds a little absurd but I am a bird of power and fire though, being extremely careful around powerful people is still kinda needed. Twenty-four-hour cooldowns ruin most of my attacks.
I could kill anyone who approaches me but with mages, I guarantee there must be someone extremely powerful inside.
"We'll have to take a rowboat"
Priestess suggests that, I guess there are loads of rowboats docked by the side of the river around here. I was hoping we could avoid using one of those since they look old and janky as hell, it'll take quite a while rowing to the building as well.
"Do they not have a portal or something to make this easier? Seems a little dumb to make your guild headquarters annoying to get to"
"They do Ikarus-sama but it's location is unknown for people not part of the guild"
Oh, that was just a throwaway complaint, didn't realize they actually use portals. Priestess definitely knows about this place, looks like she's gonna be our guide this time like how Petra was in the elven continent. Wonder if they have it shooting out of a gun as well...
Anyway, I find a suitable spot to land and once everyone's off my back, I quickly switch form into my normal human body and then we all follow the coast looking for a rowboat big enough for us four, there are quite a few of them around but most seem too small, it is odd why there are so many rowboats floating around here though.
There also seems to be no people near the area we're at, there is a town on the coast of this lake slightly to the south of us but that still is at least half a days journey away by flight. Probably should've paid that a visit and maybe gotten a boat from there thinking about it but oh well, what can you do about it now? We'd be backtracking a little if we went there.
We do eventually find a rowboat big enough for the four of us and get in, I instantly can't help but make a comment about it though.
"Jesus, I swear I can see holes in this thing"
"Heh, should be alright Ikarus, can always swim if it sinks"
I know Petra's making a joke but still, swimming that distance doesn't sound fun especially in human form, phoenix form is superior for swimming since all that chubby goodness helps me float, I swear I look like an orange swan boat while swimming like that. Actually I need to avoid doing that, Petra will definitely call me cute once again if she seems Ikarus the orange swan boat.
"No need to worry Ikarus-sama, my Lord says he'll help us in case we fall in"
"Lotte, your God can't help us swim though, can he?"
"He says he'll bless us anyway Nat, I didn't mean literally"
"Yeah I know, just playing with you"
"Oh, didn-"
Oh God, those two are getting chummy now, they really picked a bad time for this. I'm cutting priestess off; this isn't the time for this.
"Grab an oar and stop being chummy, I'm not rowing by myself here!"
I don't regret saying that and stopping them in their romantic tracks, at least pick a decent time for such a thing!
Everyone grabs a rowing oar and we very slowly start to make our way towards the Spire, this might take a little while.
Some time passes doing this boring, tiring activity and just before we're about to reach the docking platform, Petra has something to say it seems.
"Heh Ikarus, need to give you another warning like I've done before"
Another one of these warnings? The one about Zeki was needed, the one about the gnome wasn't so it might not be that bad.
"Who do I need to watch out for this time?"
"The magi guild's guildmaster, the woman a little... much, that's if she's even still alive, priestess should know since the last time I was here was quite the while ago"
So Petra's been to the magi guild as well? Seeing that she hasn't said much and has let priestess take the lead somewhat, I'm guessing she didn't spend that much time here.
"Miss Penelope-sama was still in power last time I was here Petra-sama, she is a little odd but she means well"
Even priestess is saying she's odd? Crap, I'm worried now.
"She should be alright but if she gets too hands on, don't be afraid to punch her... hard"
Petra is even telling me to punch her? This is going to be another annoying encounter; I can already tell. I'll make sure my punching and kicking ability are both ready to go, it's time to fight off an annoying woman!
We dock the boat up at the platform that leads to the door, then all get off and head towards the huge door of the tall building. The door does appear to look a little odd though, mostly cause of the gigantic head that's built into it.
"Who dares wish to enter the mighty magi guild!? None of you little peasants are worthy so bugger off!
'A giant talking head on a door, where have I seen that before? Pretty sure that was called a demon door?'
The huge head on the door appears to be talking to us in a stern, ghostly voice, this is a strange encounter, what type of weird bull-shittery is going on here?
(Petra) "*Sighhh*, these lot were always a little odd"
(Charlotte) "That's still not funny Jason, open the door and let us in already!"
Me and the knight both don't have a clue what's going on right now, both Petra and priestess are complaining at the door but we haven't a clue why, whoever is making it do this is clearly is annoying the other two women.
"Fine, just let me remove the magi locks on it and I'll let you in, make sure you don't tell Miss Penelope about this, please?"
(Charlotte) "Just open the door and we won't Jason"
"Then everybody, come on innnn!"
A large clunking sound, probably gears rattling inside of the door start turning and it slowly starts to open up. Looking past the opening door, a lobby type of reception desk seems to be the main thing inside, there's no stairs in sight but there are these weird looking glass upright pods around the back of the room.
While we're heading towards the seated receptionist, I've got questions like the usual.
"What was all that about?"
"Heh, idiots Ikarus, this entire guild is filled with them"
Petra sounds like she just now remembers this place, it seems more like a mild irritation than extreme annoyance though.
"That's a little harsh Petra-sama but Jason can be a little annoying at times, he's the spirit that controls the door and is supposed to allow everyone access"
"That door's name is Jason?"
"No Nat, Jason is a spirit who possesses the door, he's not actually the door itself"
I think Charlotte is being a little pedantic to her lover Nathan but I guess she does have a point if the door is actually a spirit, not even going to question everything like usual this time. This place is obviously just going to be whacky now.
We're now at the receptionist and she has words for us.
"What are you here for?"
A female woman wearing a hooded robe is the receptionist, she seems to sound a little rude and doesn't even look at us, she's just reading what appears to be a book or magazine.
"We're here to see Miss Penelope-sama"
"Third transporter on my left, use that and then head up three stairways towards the double doors. You can leave now"
Just what type of guild is this? We've spoken to an odd talking door, now an incredibly rude receptionist who doesn't even look at us and the woman we need to speak to about the dungeon could be even worse.
I've failed to acknowledge the fact she said something about a transporter as well, I guess that's what those glass pods are. Might be a bit of a squeeze getting us four into it but I guess we can just go separately.
Well anyway, we split up into couples and head into the transporter...
After being teleported what seems to be close to the top of tower, we all start to make our way towards the part of the building described by the receptionist and during that journey, I can't help but notice just how odd this place is.
First off, it's pretty empty but that is kinda to be expected, most people don't have magical abilities so having an entire building filled with them would be pushing it but maybe you would expect more mages in a place literally called the magi guild.
Most of the floors have the look of something similar to an office building on Earth, just less advanced. I say most, we did walk past a recreational room and a large sleeping quarters as well so it's obviously not completely the same.
The thing is, this place is really odd, the mages we've walked past barely seem to be doing anything and if they are, it seems to be something weird like using wind magic to throw a ball into a basket or even pulling pranks on other members. This guild honestly seems more like a hang out spot for a bunch of mages to chill at other than an actual guild.
I've seen no quest boards with people giving out orders or stuff like that, I know most of the guilds in the capital do that so these lot not even having a quest board makes it even stranger. At this point, is this place even a fantasy guild?
Are most guilds like this in this world and the ones in the capital are exceptions? I get the headquarters would have people relaxing but this is pretty absurd, the knight seems to be in agreement with me and even Petra seems a little shocked at how things now are. Priestess isn't since she seemed to expect this laid-back type of atmosphere, it makes me think what use this place could've even provided for her if they're all like this.
Thinking about it, powerful people do seem to like being lazy in this world, look at my parents for example, for those two it's more trying to avoiding humans than being lazy though.
"Penelope is in there, don't bother knocking"
A male magician says that to us as we arrive at the double doors as described by the reception, he's just as laid back as everyone else learning back on his chair with his feet up on a desk.
Well at the very least, we've now arrived at the office where the woman named Penelope should be at, let's hope I don't need to punch her...