
Chapter 202.5 – Institutionalized (18+)

"So then Petra, how are we gonn-, mhm…"


Before even fully arriving at the guest room we've been given down in the Underworld, Petra can't help herself initiating the kissing before we even get the door fully closed. That one felt a little forced but hey, everyone knows by this point I like an unexpected kiss.

Quickly as possible like a flash, we're already stripping down all the while locked in constant smooches. You'd think that would slow us down but practice makes perfect I suppose.

Anyways, the interior of this room is reminding me a little of that love hotel we once stayed in, minus the lack of windows and bondage equipment… although, there are decorative chains around the place, I think they're decorative? Regardless, the theme is mostly red and black, and seems pretty cosy all things considered. No one really cares about the bed we're about to mess up though.

It doesn't long for both of us to get our clothes completely off while still making out, something very quickly changes when I feel Petra lightly grab a hold of my wrists, placing them behind my back.

"Wha… g-guessing you want to be in control today Petra?"

My wife just casually bringing around a pair out handcuffs for tactical use as well snapping them across my wrists. If the glove fits as the expression goes, might as well…

"Heh, was thinking more roleplay if you wanted Ikarus. First, might be for the best if I do this quickly though"

Now both in the nude, Petra heads back to the closed door, places up a quick barrier on said door, then gets onto the bed as playfully as she can. Think the main reason she's done that is too soundproof the place, makes sense considering how I like to loudly moan. It's either that or so I can't get away… that fact that turns me on really says a lot about me, huh.

"Hmm… heh, I'm not actually sure what we should do today Ikarus. You have any ideas?"

"*Grumble*… seriously Petra? You get me ready like this, and you don't even know how to continue!?!"

I'm literally still standing here with my arms cuffed behind my back with her seductively looking me up and down, and she doesn't know how to continue? I'd say it's ruined the mood but it obviously hasn't. Get on with it woman and be the domme!

"Heh, don't always have something in mind Ikarus, normally just go with the flow. Although… I guess the cuffs set the mood already… prisoner! Present yourself for inspection!"

Despite trying her best to sound strict and demanding, I honestly can't help but crack a smile when Petra abruptly comes out with that. Guess we're going for a little prisoner-prison guard roleplay today, wouldn't say I particular find the idea hot but we'll definitely put our own little spin on it.

"Yes guard… I'll get around to it when I can be bothered"

"Heh, you're that kind of sassy prisoner, ain't cha? Don't think I'll allow such tardiness around here"

Getting proper hands on and taking me back in an instant, Petra swiftly closes the distance between us and wraps herself around my nakedness, basically forcing a strict hug while behind me. I'm still trying not to laugh from how quickly she comes up with this stuff… her warms hands caressing my body definitely gets my motor up and running though.

"Now prisoner, you better not be hiding or trying to smuggle any contraband within your person. If you are, you better admit to it now"

"No ma'am… there's definitely nothing hidden between my legs and breasts, no no no"

"Playing smart with me dumbass? Heh, you wanting a beating?"

Both of us clearly are struggling to contain a smile with whatever this makeshift roleplay is. This is so unbelievable cringe and I'm all for it.

Thankfully, the warden or prison guard does decide to frisk me up and down, making sure to pat down every limb and body part, eventually even getting down to my most intimate parts.

Two fingers find their way inside, obviously looking for any drugs or weapons, only to finds a wetness that only continues to grow.

"My my, you dare attempt to smuggle liquids in here prisoner? What else are you keeping secret from me?"

'Has this turned into the TSA or something now? Smuggling liquids… urgh…'

Using both hands, Petra stats to rub the top of my clit with one and continues the frisking deep insider with the other, very quickly taming this bad convict. Fuckkk… I already want to cum, that's obviously not going to happen just yet though.


"Relax prisoner, I'm still not done with the search just yet. Let's just hope you're not smuggling any liquid like milk as well"

Her hands go much higher up, reaching a point where two pierced piercings hang from. There's no creative way of describing this I can think of, I freaking love being groped and this is no different to usual, the occasional circling actions around my nipples is making this even better though.

'Urghhh… keep it in Ikarus, the warden might punish me if I don't'

The arousal is rapidly building again, the combinations of being forcibly groped with Petra's breasts against my arms and back, even being this close to her is causing the sensation to be enhanced.

More as a distraction, I'm honestly trying to give Petra some satisfaction as well, but with my hands still cuffed and locked between us like this, I can't really reach where I'm trying to get to. Think the frisking may also be slightly distracting as well.

"Urgh… d-damn it"

One of her hands starts to light grip my demonic horn, sending more waves of pleasure to exactly where you might expect, despite the freaking thing being on my head. Don't get me wrong, it's the good kind of pleasure, just way too stimulating, even for me at times.

Then, she removes the other hand, cupped against my breasts up to my other horn, lightly beginning to stroke that as well. The physical shakes start to show their fangs as I know I'm going to cum soon, I seriously can't do this if this how the roleplay is going to go…

"P-Petra… p-please"

"Oh, is that too much Ikarus? You seem to be positively glowing though"

Already lightly starting to pant from what can best be described as two of the most sensitive points imaginable, even worse than how nipples can get at times, these horns really are a different level. Think back to the time on the sybian, we're talking about an orgasm in world record time here.

"N-No, it's good, just I've g-got no resistance to that. I'll cum once and be done with it"

That's seriously just how sensitive they are, I could imagine I'll want to be done after just one big finish. Insane how I could literally get off just from two things at the top of my head, but I'm odd so it fits perfectly.

"Heh, guess you're pretty well trained then prisoner, was going to let you finish there…"

'Fuck, she wasn't planning for another edging?'

 "… Since you're clearly hiding something valuable though, it's obvious you're in need of a little torture. It's the only way you'll spill the beans"

"And how do you plan on doing that then… warden scum!?"

Nearly blurting out laughing while saying that, I can't imagine Petra's torturing will be anything too bad. I'm pretty much certain on what she's going to say next…

"Heh, why, with pleasure of course. You won't have any secrets left when I'm done with you"

'Called it… hmm… I'm not exactly sure what she wants me to do here though'

The roleplay leads up to a point where Petra unexpectedly places her knee between my legs, somewhat giving me a weird seat to lean upon while she's still behind my back. Sure, I could try to hump or grind against it, that's probably what this is, but it seems hella dopey though.

Regardless, I give Petra's knee a try, aiming myself in the perfect position, albeit awkwardly, and start grinding. Honestly, this sorta sucks…

It literally just feels like friction and nothing of the fun kind, is this what scissoring or dry humping is supposed to roughly feel like? Maybe the fact it's a knee doesn't help.

"Petra… this is a bit shitty if I'm being honesty. It's doing nothing"

"Heh, sorry Ikarus. It's normally better if you've got silky underwear on, so may have forgotten that part…"

'Ah, it's just a consequence of our lack of preparation for this and me liking to go commando as much as I can'

"I guess… I can just return to searching your breasts again prisoner? If I find anything this time around, I promise you'll regret it even more"

'Hmm… I feel like she's struggling with how to follow this up now'

Don't get me wrong, Petra's obviously still the better one out of us two when it comes to this thing, I feel like she's become a little unstuck and the little back and forth we just had going along was more bark than bite. Maybe I can give her a hand this time around…

"Eh, can't I just get you off already Petr-, I mean, warden? This prisoner obviously has been bad and the only way to gain favour again, could be by using my tongue?"


Instead of getting a response, I'm sure she shows a slight amount of surprise which quickly turns into a smile… even though I can't see her face, I know my wife better than anyone really.

Taking the hint, Petra starts to get me on my knees but first, making sure I'm right next to one of the bed posts… hmm, guess my suggestion has sparked another in my pervert wife's brain. We really are perfect for each other.

With the turning of an appearing key and one of my wrists coming free, Petra wraps it behind the bed post, and locks it back onto my wrist. Then, to add onto the scene despite being a little unnecessary, Petra gets something else out of storage…

"Heh, gotta make sure you don't escape my clutches… criminal scum"

"*Grumble*… it's not like you even know what that's from… *grumble*"

'And of course, Petra freaking carries around leg shackles as well… huh, guess it's pretty creative though'

Shackling one leg, and then putting it behind the bed post and then fixing the other like with the handcuffs, I'm completely stuck on my knees in this position attached to the post. It's surprisingly uncomfortable all things considered, especially with the wooden flooring, I'm not too fussed on that right now though. I don't expect to be comfortable.

"Heh, prisoner! You will use your tongue and you will spill your secrets, somewhere deep and dark. Now, get ready because you may struggle to breathe if you don't get that tongue wagging"

"Hmph, you'll never break me, vile vix-, mhgh!"

Not even giving me a chance to hold up some resistance, Petra forwards herself onto my face, basically using me as a crotch pillow. I must resist this corrupt copper and not become a snitch!

Of course, my resistance only last a few seconds when the ever so subtle taste and scent starts to cloud my judgement, I'm not giving her much to go off though! Nice, boring and slow, impossible to get over that hurdle and cum…

"Heh, I warn you convict, I have my ways to make your tongue wag. You'll spill those secrets long before I decide to start restricting your breath"

'I'd like to see you tr-, damn it…'


While I'm obviously not doing enough to get her off, Petra the corrupt warden decides to start gripping my horns, actually making me try and shake her off a little. If you want me to get you off, this isn't the way to go about it, I can't multitask when one of those actions is probably going to make me cum!

Picking up my rhythm or just simple using a better sucking technique, Petra lets off with the rubbing a little allowing me to focus a bit more. Never thought there would be a day I purposely turn down the chance for stimulation but this completely ruins the dynamic if I'm the one getting off!

"Aaaa… I-Ikarus… little shit"

Continuing the licking, Petra's starts to rock a little, giving me the idea to stop when she gets slightly away from me, only to find her start jacking off my horns rapidly, exactly like what you might do to a guy. It seriously is like I've got a third and fourth limb on my head with what she's doing.

'Fuckkk… you evil lovely woman!'

Knowing I can't best my captor, I give up and decide to return to the good at cunnilingus Ikarus Petra knows and loves. It's over now, my secrets are hers, she wins…

The rocking on my face starts to pick up again and I use this sign to get my tongue in, even deeper making sure she gets what she wants. Being used like this really is causing more wetness than I'd like to admit, even if this restrained position is starting to take its toll. My back and knees and starting to hurt like a bitch now.

Regardless, Petra's right at the edge of glory so any second now, the warden will finish her duty…


And how she's been recently since regaining her sight and losing the pain, Petra's orgasm shakes the life out of her, giving my neck a good workout in the process too. I freaking love a good violent orgasm, but I'm not exactly sure if I'm should continue right now, considering how she is basically using my face to keep herself upright. She might fall over if I keep this up.

"P-Phew… good little prisoner, looks like you did your duty to the letter"

Kneeling down alongside me, the post orgasm face and Petra dopey smile always makes me warm inside… ignore the aching Ikarus, I just want to freaking cum now.

"Mhmm… knees h-hurting but really don't care, can I have a little something next?"

"Heh, is that demand or request prisoner? It matters little… guess a reward is in order for a job well done"

Placing both soft hands upon my chest, we both know where this going and I'm all for it now. I don't need anything else, this will get me off quick enough,

The massaging starts quickly, already causing my eyes to roll back into my head. Ever since I got my nipples pierced, everything around this area just feels so much better. Her palms lightly rubbing against my nipples as well is just making this groping even better.

'Wha… g-good, she's not stopping'

Oddly enough, Petra let's go of one breast, only to find her mouth up against the piercing, even giving a slight lick and suck to said nipple. One hand on one breast, her mouth on the other and the other hand wanders down to enter a place almost dripping from anticipation down below. This is freaking amazing…

The orgasm begins to rapidly build up after the ever so subtle pulling of the piercing from her tongue, and honestly expecting Petra to return to her edging ways, said expectation doesn't happen when things still continue to build…

"Urgh… urgh, urgh! F-Fuckkk…"

Shaking out of mind still attached to the bed post, I swear the force of my cuming causes the bed to move, could be my imagination. Sure, this time around we didn't go extremely into the overwhelming abyss, that was definitely worth the unorthodox setup though.

"*Huff*… gosh… I f-freaking love you Petra… can you help me out now? My knees are really starting to play up"

You'll be surprised you can blank out something uncomfortable when someone's got their hands and mouth right where the money is made. I jest but my legs are really starting to ache now, I'll remain here if she wants to continue a little while longer though.

"Heh, sure Ikarus, love you too… we done for tonight then?"

While in the process of unshackling me, I have a little think but the post nut clarity and the aching can sometimes start to cloud the mind. Women get that too… I think?

"Define the word done Petra. I may be okay for now but, for all I know, I might start trying to hump your leg in my sleep next"

Both having a little chuckle, that humping thing really could've spoiled the mood if we let it. With a silky pair of underwear, it could probably work but that goes against my going commando philosophy. It's not like I haven't worn lingerie once in a blue moon though.

"You remember doing that Ikarus? Heh, and nope, might be difficult to do being the little spoon and all"

'Guess she wants to hug into me tonigh-, hang on…'

"Sorry… what? When did I hump you in my sleep? That's definitely a joke, right?"


No response except Petra trying to hold back laughter and also having eyes clearly that were just telling the truth. Even in my unconscious like state, I still can't help but simp hard for her. I need to be a man and grow a pair! Minus the being manly and growing a pair part…

'Eh… happy wife, happy life I guess. I swear I'm more the wife at times though…'