So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"Ah, this is your first time seeing the capital, isn't it Miss Ikarus?"
'It's… definitely something"
Off in the distance, I can see a gigantic sprawling medieval styled city that seems to be endless, the size almost seems comparable to modern cities. It really is impressive.
It's taken us half a week by wyvern to get to the city, also having to stop and set up camp for sleep and to eat as well as things like that. I reckon my stamina would have lasted several days without sleep but I doubt the knight would have been able to stay awake so we had to stop.
"I need to guide the wyvern into the landing zone at the palace so I'll need to focus for a bit"
Just as we were flying over the humongous city, my mind wondered on the lack of other wyverns flying about. It obviously turns out they're a lot rarer than first thought, probably only being reserved for flying knights or other high-ranking people.
'I wonder what wyvern meat tastes like?'
[<-User- has cannibalistic tendencies>]
'Hey, it's not cannibalistic, I think? Ah it doesn't matter; I don't think I've checked out its level yet though. Status'
[Name: Polly | Species: Wyvern | Level: 83]
[Health 4,450/4,450]
[Stamina 7,621/8,000]
[Magicka 0/0]
[Name: Nathan | Species: Human | Level: 45]
[Health 2,100/2,100]
[Stamina 2,259/2,400]
[Magicka 0/0]
'Wyverns don't get magi- Wait, how has Nathan levelled up so much? He was twenty-one last time I checked'
[<Target -Nathan- last status check was four months ago>]
'It was that long ago? I think I'm struggling with dates'
"Miss Ikarus, are you alright? We're getting close now"
Oh, was he talking to me? I didn't hear anything.
"Yeah, all good"
"We here now, I just need to get this beast to land properly. Erm… no offence"
Ignoring him and while looking down, I notice the gigantic fancy palace and we fly off to the side of it aiming for a large flat platform. Once we get to it, he starts pulling on the saddle rope connected to the wyvern and it starts going down.
'It's like a helicopter landing pad'
We land the wyvern on a flat platform in one of the palace's many courtyards with a huge W painted on it. Both getting off the wyvern, the knight Nathan carrying the huge rolled up scroll goes over to a guard by a side entrance to the palace.
"I'm here to provide a report to his highness, can you inform him I've arrived?"
"Won't happen"
"This matter is of the utmost importance; I have really important news to relay to him"
"It doesn't matter, I've even been told to ignore any message even if it's his majesty himself until the prince's meeting is over"
The knight is getting stressful over this, he knows delaying a dragon isn't something he wants to do.
"Just what is keeping the prince so busy he can't receive extremely important and vital information?"
"A woman, that's the reason. They've only just started"
Oh, the prince has an intimate session with a woman going on. I think that what he meant.
"*Sigh*… I'm sorry Miss Ikarus. Looks like we might have to wait a few hours"
"A few hours!? Is that how long he's able to continue for?"
It's takes him a second but then a look of embarrassment appears on the knight's face. He clearly understands what I was talking about.
"No no! It's nothing like that! It's another marriage proposal he has to handle, these seem to happen every week or so. I don't believe he's ever refused a messenger before though"
"So… what do we do then?"
"Erm… I guess I could quickly show you around the city"
"You better not mean like a date"
The thought of going on a date with a guy actually makes me want to retch. Seriously though, I actually feel ill.
"Oh heavens no! Since the city so big, you might get lost getting around. There's no way I would ask you on a date, ever!"
I actually feel slightly offended on how strong he denied the date comment. Hang on, why am I getting offended anyway, do I want to be appealing to men or something? Bleurgh… I might actually puke even just thinking about it. Let's forget I ever even thought of that.
"Fine fine then, let's kill some time"
Close to the marketplace, there's a large group of people looking up to someone on a stand. She is wearing a black long robe and has long brunette hair under a black and white headpiece.
"Who's that?"
"That's priestess-sama"
The knight responds in a way that sounds like similar to admiration, I'm guessing she's a big deal around here.
"Priestess-sama? Is that her name or honorific?"
"No, her name is priestess Charlotte but she prefers the sama part"
'Why would she ask to be called sama? Is she from Earth or something? Status'
[Name: Charlotte | Species: Succubus | Level: 500]
[Health 12,500/12,500]
[Stamina 19,527/20,000]
[Magicka 30,000/30,000]
[<Please note, target -Charlotte- h->]
Before Aesa even has a chance to give me some information on the woman, I'm hysterically laughing at what I was seeing. It's so ironic, she basically looks like a nun but is secretly a succubus. I even have to wipe my eyes; I'm laughing so hard tears are coming out. People in the crowd are now giving me weird looks as well.
"What's funny Miss Ikarus?"
"Aha… *Sigh*, Just the irony"
"Don't worry about it"
Even though I want to know if she's from Earth or not, it seems too risky to take the chances. She's the highest-level huma- no, highest level non dragon I've seen so far. If she's hiding as a priestess or actually is the priestess, then me getting involved with her knowing her secret is dangerous.
"We love you priestess-sama!"
"Please give us your blessings!"
"We don't deserve you!"
A few people are shouting praise towards the priestess. She responds in a really calming and composed manner.
"Thank you everyone. I only do the Lord's bidding; I'm underserving of such praise"
"So nice and so humble"
"You're too kind priestess-sama!"
I've got to leave; I'm going to start laughing again. This crowd are lapping her bullshit up.
"Can we go?"
"Ahem… sure"
The knight looks a little flustered while answering, I think he's got a crush on succubus-sama. I'm definitely calling her that from now on.
While we are moving away from the crowd and heading into the densely populated market, I get out my bag of money out and am curious on something.
"Hey knight, how much is this worth?"
"Huh… Hide it! Hide it!"
He really is looking stressed at me showing him the bag of gold I have, I'm slightly unsure why. I hide it back up once he finishes.
"*Phew*… that really could have ended badly Miss Ikarus"
"Please drop the Miss, it's getting really irritating. Why can't I get out my money?"
"The problem isn't getting it out, it's the amount. You're basically walking around with a large fortune"
"Are gold and silver coins worth that much?"
"Yes, we use iron plated coins as base currency in the empire. Copper is roughly worth ten, silver is around a hundred and gold, a thousand"
"A thousand!?! Wait, what's a loaf of bread worth?"
That surprises me slightly, of course, gold would be worth a lot anywhere you go but judging by how much money my parents had, I didn't think it would be that much, I'm literally carrying tens of thousands! It's not a currency that uses high numbers though, is it? That's why I ask about the bread, to try and get a rough idea on how much everything it.
"A single iron coin"
"Is that it? What about the price of a small house?"
"Erm… between four and eight thousand, I think? The capital is really expensive with houses though"
Okay, I can see the issue now, I've got a bag filled of dozens of gold and silver coins and basically just flaunted my wealth in public. Thieves would love me right now.
Thinking to my parents' money pit, I think they might have more money than an entire country, heck, maybe even have more than the empire. I can see why the appeal of shiny things fades once you've amassed that much wealth.
"Well… lets go spend a load of it then"
I'm clearly joking but the knight takes it a bit too seriously.
"There is a slight problem though… you'll have to go to a bank before you can use any of it for small purchases"
"I doubt a single shop or stall will have a change for that amount. You'll have to exchange your money another time though, being at the bank can take hours with the queues and everything else. We haven't got the time for that"
I've got all this money and I can't actually spend it, is this how billionaires feel? No, I doubt it, they just want more and more money. I'm more than happy to spend most of this on useless crap. Perks of having rich parents… okay, I am a spoilt brat, let's move on.
"I'll just give you a rough idea where everything is located in the city and then we'll head back, I really want to deliver that scroll as soon as possible"
"Fine same"
'Damn it, I really want to steal everything in here'
Me and the knight are now being led through the palace after returning from our venture out in the city. Thankfully, the prince was now finished and we we're actually allowed to deliver the scroll.
Honestly, his tour of the city was extremely underwhelming, we didn't venture far from the main road and the market. I think the only reason he even offered was to see the succubus-sama near the market.
As for my thievery thought, this palace is disgusting, the riches are endless. Priceless statues, shiny artifacts, shiny furniture, everything is shiny! Not even joking, even the stuffed bear rug we just walked over looks shiny, I don't know how they're able to do it. It actually physically hurts.
Every room we've walked through is just making my greed get worse and worse. I'm really struggling not to 'borrow' anything, I can finally understand why Minos is so protective over money. Shiny stuff is just so nice!
"Prince Alistair is waiting for you knight, your trainee can wait here"
Trainee? Oh, my clothing, that makes sense.
"The report involves her; his highness will also be needing to speak to her. If you don't believe me, tell him Miss Ikarus is here."
I think the knight Nathan is starting to get irritated, he came across a little snarky to the royal guard.
"No, I believe you, no need to be snide"
"Yes, there is. We've been delayed long enough and the information I have needed to be delivered hours ago"
"Fine same then, take it out on the prince. I'm just following orders"
This guy is actually more demanding than I first thought, he always came across a little weak willed. Fair play to him, I guess dragons have that effect on most people. He doesn't even stutter in normal conversation.
The royal guard opens the door for us and we enter into a small study. In here, prince Alistair is currently behind the desk looking at some papers. He's wearing a royal set of attire and has a pair of reading glasses on. Like usual, he is still smiling.
"Ah, Nathan"
"Greetings to his royal highness"
He takes a knee while greeting the prince and I wonder if I'm supposed to do the same. Nah, I'm not going to. I think having dragon parents lets me off doing such things, he's only a prince after all. Dragons are better.
"I've already told you that's not necessary… Ah Ikarus, I didn't notice you there. What reason do I have the pleasure of speaking with you again?"
Before I even had the chance to speak, the stress on the knight's face returns and he continues speaking.
"Your highness, Mr. Dermak wishes to change the terms of the agreement. Here is a scroll he's given me"
"That large thing? You don't need to look so stressed Nathan; it probably will be nothing"
"After what happened in that city, my stress is always justified"
"Nathan… ears are listening"
The prince whispers that, obviously, information about the city is still purposely being kept secret.
"Ah, sorry"
The knight then passes the large scroll over to the prince, he unrolls it and starts to read it. While he's reading, he speaks to me.
"So, Ikarus your reason for coming over?"
"I'm guessing father's already put it in words so I'll let you finish"
"Fair enough"
Once the prince finishes reading the scroll, his smile disappears and his face turns serious. He also takes his glasses of as well now.
"Nathan, you can leave me and Ikarus for a while. Tell the guard outside the door to leave and allow not a single soul in the hallway"
"Your highness, tha-"
Before Nathan has a chance to respond, the prince cuts him off.
"This is an order knight!"
"Yes sir"
Nathan leaves and does what he's told. While he's leaving the door to the study, he also closes it just leaving me and the prince in the room.
"Why did you send him away? Doesn't he already know everything going on?"
"The matter at hand would only cause him unnecessary stress… Out of curiosity, do you know what your father has written?"
"Judging from your reaction, he's threatened you, am I right?"
The prince gives off a small chuckle but swiftly continues on.
"Yes, if we cannot cure you, he plans to destroy the city…"
'Damn it father, I told him this isn't the way to go about it'
"…But that's not it. He's also offered something beyond belief as a reward for finding a cure. Something that could immortalize our empire"
I wonder what he has offered them? It's not the money pit, is it? I don't really know what else he can offer them other than that.
"What is he willing to give you then?"
"That… I'm not allowed to say. Your father has said you are not allowed to know till a cure is found"
Father's holding secrets from me? What the hell has he offered them in exchange for a cure? I'm slightly worried now.
As I start to worry, someone opens the door and joins us.
"I said no-one is allowed to come in, those knights are beyond useless"
"Don't be like that Alistair, you know they can't disobey orders from me"
An old man wearing royal attire similar to the prince enters the room, the prince appears extremely stressed and irritated speaking to the old man.
"You've already met one woman today, my boy. Now, you're even talking to another one alone. Are there wedding bells on the horizon?"
"If you're here to sling shit father, this isn't the time. The entire fate of the empire relies on this conversation and you've just come in spreading shit all over the walls"
'Prince Alistair's father? Is that the emperor?'
'Rhetorical question again system. I can't believe he talks to his father likes that; I'm actually impressed. Need to take some advice from him'
The emperor gives of a similar chuckle to the prince's chuckle.
"Don't be like that my boy, I actually like the look of this one. If you propose to her, I'll even give you my blessing"
I actually physically gagged at that suggestion. Marrying a man? I don't care if the entire fate of the world relied on that fact, I would watch the world burn with a smile on my face and still have no regrets.
Okay, that might be taking it to far but if it isn't obvious, I'm extremely insecure about my masculinity. Well duh, I should be! I was a man at one stage. Even if this body is dope, I still ain't going near no man!
Fortunately, both men find my response funny and give it a chuckle. Gagging at a suggestion like that could have ended a lot worse depending on who it is.
"*Sigh*… why are you here?"
"I'm just here to visit my son, does a father need a reason?"
"Yes, especially when that son is commanding the entire empire and has an oaf of an old man who keeps butting in where he's not needed or wanted"
"Fine, fine then. I'll leave you two alone then. Just leave the door open, don't want you two getting up to something naughty"
"Just leave, you're giving me another migraine"
The old man leaves the study while the prince tries to regain his composure, I'm slightly confused on what's happening.
"I'm sorry about him, he's getting senile in his old age"
"I heard that"
"Just go away already… go wander the halls in your pajamas or something"
Even I'm giving a little smile at the bickering son and father. Even if it comes across as a little mean, it's clear its all-in jest, well I think it's in jest, the prince does seem stressed at his father though.
"Just what was that about?"
"Curiosity, he likes to know everything that's going on. Just because he put me control of handling day to day operations doesn't mean he can just do what he wants"
"He's the emperor, right? He can do what he wants"
The prince has now fully regained his composure but still hasn't started smiling again, I think he just wants to get this conversation properly going now.
"Fair point… Now anyway, back on topic. Is there any more information that can be given about your curse? Your father didn't actually go into any specific detail on it"
"The only thing he said was that it's an internal power struggle and that it always ends a dragon's life early"
"Well… a curse that causes a power struggle… that actually sounds like it could be cured easily"
"Wait, you think this curse could be cured easily?"
There goes my expectation for an epic adventure, I don't want to die but returning to the cave this quickly seems a bit underwhelming.
"Easily is the wrong choice of word. In theory, an internal power struggle would be fixed simply by putting both sides in perfect balance, an equilibrium perhaps. Nothing ever works out as simply as that though…"
'Ah, good… I really shouldn't be happy about that. I might be slightly self-destructive'
"… I can already tell that it won't be as simple for a creature that can hold extreme amounts of power though. If you give me several days, potentially a week, and allow me to contact some people, I should be able to find a solution. We really don't have the time to rest and delay over this"
Well… we kinda do. I've got years left before any worry. But I'm not going to say anything about it.
"Is there anything you need before we part ways Ikarus?"
Let's give this a think, I could ask for a place to stay but I kind of want to experience an inn or tavern and the rest of the city. There is something I could ask for though.
"Out of curiosity, how will you contact me when you find what you're looking for? Ah, money as well. I need to exchange some money, don't really fancy waiting in line at a bank"
"Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter where you go in the city, my knights will find you…"
'That actually makes me feel a little creeped out'
"… As for exchanging money, I'll sort that out quickly now"