So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
---Still haven't decided if this chapter will be canon or not so the * is supposed to represent that, it's pretty wild...
---If it isn't obvious by the chapter's name, don't read this if you only want the lovebirds!
---For those you do continue on, a warning needs to be made since I've gotten carried away with this. This chapter is too long with buildup, also contains BDSM like the last and Aesa will shock you a little. It's pretty unhinged so hopefully you enjoy? Things will be back to normal after the lovebirds get this out of their systems...
---If it isn't obvious by the chapter's name, don't read this if you only want the lovebirds!
---For those you do continue on, a warning needs to be made since I've gotten carried away with this. This chapter is too long with buildup, also contains BDSM like the last and Aesa will shock you a little. It's pretty unhinged so hopefully you enjoy? Things will be mostly back to normal after the birds get this out of their systems...
"Will Ikarus promise not to overreact?"
Aesa for some reason has been extremely reluctant to say what she wants to do and it's starting to wind me up a little. We've even returned back to our home and she still hasn't said what she wants to do yet, my limited patience can only go so far...
"For the love of God Aesa! Just get on with it already!"
"Heh, it's obviously difficult for her to say Ikarus"
"I know her more than you Petra, getting to the point is not difficult for my system. Whatever it is she wants to do, she can just say already"
Aesa almost seems to look a little moody from me knowing my robotic wife way too much but something like embarrassment doesn't exist within what AI package she has. Should probably stop calling her an AI permanently now, she's a hell of a lot more than that.
"Fine then, Aesa will just be as blunt as -Ikarus-... Could Aesa partake in intercourse alongside -Ikarus- and target -Petra-?"
Wait... Aesa wants sex!?! Okay, I can see why she wants me not to overreact now, I'll just let Petra handle this then.
"Erm... Aesa, we both thought you had no such desire?"
"Until recently, Aesa had no such desires but experiences inside -Ikarus- with target -Petra- have been of exceptional quality and have convinced Aesa to try something new. Aesa would like to experience one in person if possible and only if target -Petra- would allow it"
Petra almost seems to blush a little from that, Aesa's speaking for both of us so there's no need for me to get embarrassed spilling that secret. These 'experiences' have been exceptional so she's only spitting facts.
"Well... I guess it would be okay, Ikarus?"
"Huh!? You're alright with Aesa joining in Petra?"
This obviously shocks me a little, what happened to my jealous lovebird I adore so much? I think I said the same excat thing last time this came up
"Heh, she is part of you after all Ikarus, it doesn't even feel like this would be cheating though and I'm not completely sure why"
I think Petra is right. If we were to include someone a little more human, then that might be pushing it a little but this doesn't feel like that. Maybe it's the clone body more than anything else? I'm not sure exactly why both of us seem to think this is fine but eh, it's not like there's anything to argue on. We both agree.
"Erm... I guess I'm down for it as well. There needs to be some ground rules set beforehand though..."
'I feel bad doing this but Aesa will spoil the mood if I don't'
"...If we're definitely going to do this Aesa, then can you at least try to speak a little different? I can already imagine how much of a mood killer it's going to be when you announce 'Aesa is about to orgasm' or 'target Petra's tongue is amazing'"
"Aesa can easily change up speech patterns if Ikarus desires... like so. Sounding robotic is just easier for you to understand so I'll try and sound more like you Ikarus"
Wait, she can switch it off that easily!? I almost feel a little betrayed she's only just told me this. Having Aesa be a little more human was something I always wanted after all but thought she was against such a thing.
"So, you're basically going to mimic me then? Eh, that's better than nothing I suppose. You have anything you fancy doing Aesa?"
This experience is more for her sake after all, she might as well choose what we do. I'm thinking something along the lines of both me and Petra giving her as much pleasure as possible but that may be a little much for a beginner...
"Vibrator and bondage again like last time"
Seriously Aesa!? Both me and Petra are obviously going to be a little shocked. For Aesa's first-time experience, she wants to do something that intense?
(Petra) "Erm... are you sure that's okay Aesa?"
"Even though Ikarus will refuse to admit it, Petra having complete control over situation is biggest turn on experienced so far"
"Fuck's sake..."
I completely forgot Aesa has no concept of keeping anything secretive to Petra... it wasn't my favourite experience anyways! All of them are equally as good, just that was definitely the most intense...
"Heh, it's really not complete control though Aesa, but I can already think or something you may enjoy. Get onto the bed and I'll get the ropes ready then..."
I guess we're doing this again, it'll be pretty hot to see my clone body tied up all like that though. I'm still a little gob smacked Aesa wants to do this but hey, I'm all for a little Petra perversion...
"...You just going to stand there Ikarus?"
"What? Oh, you want me to help out as well? I'm really not sure how to do it though"
Aesa's already gone on the bed so I guess we're going to do to her what I did last time? That X position again, maybe I can fondle her breast while Petra vibrates the hell out of the forbidden fruit? That does sound pretty dope, not going to lie.
"Heh, no silly, don't you want to join Aesa on the bed? Have the idea of tying you and Aesa together, does that sound appealing Ikarus?"
Petra wants to tie me up again? Oh God, just saying that has become an extreme turn on but I'm not sure I want Petra to know that I liked it that much last time around. Aesa's already told it though.
"Erm... I'm not sur-..."
"Ikarus wants this but she's purposely being reluctant like usual. All she is doing is wasting precious bondage time"
'Damn this freaking system of mine! Stop outing me Aesa!'
"Heh, you really can't hide anything from me anymore with Aesa being around Ikarus. You in or out?"
"Fineee... I'm in"
"Heh, good. This may take quite a while though..."
"Heh, we should've brought Aesa out earlier Ikarus. Having two of you to tease is driving me insane, I'll have to fight the urge to keep you like this forever"
'I hate her so much at times...'
[<Ikarus better shut it and enjoy this situation without complaint>]
'Oi, stay off this channel especially when we're like this face to face!'
Lying on our sides and face to face, both me and Aesa are naked tied up in rope with barely any movement and Petra must be having the time of her life seeing us like this.
I have no idea how she's managed to get us this snuggly tied together with the only real movement we can do is to slightly push our breasts into to each other and move our heads to look around the room a little.
Hands are completely bound behind our backs and our legs are positioned backwards as well; think they call it being hogtied? Just sideways anyway. I really don't know that much except that rope is wrapped around all our intimate parts as well connecting to the bed and each other. Petra is a pervy genius with all this, she really needs to use her talents to solving world peace rather than tormenting the Ikarus clan.
Slight distraction ensues from staring at Aesa when I feel a slight hand rub down against my tied-up vagina...
"My my Ikarus, you're already that excited? It makes sense for Aesa to be since it's her first time, but I haven't even started with you yet. It almost makes me feel like you need a slight... punishment"
"Heh, let me get dressed into something slightly more uncomfortable quickly, then we can start the fun. How far do you want this to go anyways Aesa?"
Oh God, I know Petra's only roleplaying but damn, it's actually making me stutter as well. We've got to reserve bondage for rare occasions in future cause this is a little much. Dominant Petra is something I'm not mentally prepared for, my body definitely is though. Fucking forbidden fruit giving me away...
"Anything and everything is acceptable to both me and Ikarus"
"No, it's f-freaking not! I-Ignore what she just said Petra!"
Aesa, don't be sparring her on! I know Petra's only playing the role but this is going to go too far if Aesa starts doing this!
"Heh, I'll keep what you both said in mind. I'll be back in just a second..."
Petra then walks out of the room presumably to put something extremely erotic on and now, it's just left to me and the clone on the bed. I'd be pissed at Aesa if she wasn't able to read my mind and being tied up together like this wasn't such a turn on.
It must take her a good ten minutes for Petra to return with me and Aesa just staring at each other in complete silence. Aesa doesn't seem to be blushing or getting flustered from this situation yet the longer we stay here, the worse it seems to be getting for me. That freaking rope around my crotch isn't helping as well, Petra's handiwork leaves nothing to be desired and space is a luxury I'm not allowed. It's funny how I don't get claustrophobia from doing this, horniness cures everything I suppose.
And that's when I see something that makes me actually sweat. Dear God, is this actually what my future wife is like? She's literally wearing a black, latex dominatrix outfit! To think they have stuff like that in this world, it's almost a little scary if she didn't look so damn good in it.
Why the freaking hell has Aesa started smiling so much now!? Is that how I look when I start to grin like a madwoman? It's unsettling as hell... shit, I've just noticed something else...
(Aesa) "Wow..."
(Ikarus) "H-Hang on just one second! Do w-we need to agree a s-safeword or something?"
I mean, just look at her! She's literally wielding a freaking whip as well! I'm blaming Aesa for sparring Petra on this much, what the fuck have I gotten myself into!?
"Heh, Ikarus. Do you really think I'm going to do something you're uncomfortable with? Just say no if you don't like anything, can easily change into something less intimidating as well if this is too much"
"Petra should not worry, Ikarus is enjoying this display just as much as I. She just refuses to admit to it. The whip is most intriguing"
"J-Just shut it for a s-second Aesa! Look, I'm all for trying something new but straight onto a whip? We haven't even tried spanking yet!"
That's my main problem! Nothing to do with the sexy outfit that Petra rocks like she belongs in it, that thing looks like it'll hurt!
"Heh, the whip came with this Ikarus and wasn't planning on using it, it just completes the look really. If you're really wanting to be spanked though, then I guess your punishment can be arranged. Does Aesa need a punishment as well?"
"E-Erm... okay..."
"Yes. Aesa does need a punishment"
Petra the dominatrix puts the whip on a chair and then climbs onto the bed positioning herself between our bound legs. Then, I feel the slight rubbing of a rubbery hand on my butt cheek, instinctively I clinch waiting for the impact that seems to be taking forever to happen... there it is!
The two sounds of slapping hands collides against me and Aesa's bottoms and a slightly unsure feeling I didn't expect courses through my body. That's disappointing.
"Ouch! Erm... can you try that again one second Petra, just a little weaker? I'm not sure about this"
But Ikarus, spanking is so sexy, right? I don't really know why but if anything, that seems to have turned me off a little.
Petra does as I ask and smacks both of us again just a little weaker... yeah, I actually don't like this. What a buzzkill.
"Nah... Sorry, Petra, but I'm really not into that. Everything else is great but that just hurts"
Don't get me wrong, having the slight pinch around the bosom area is brilliant but being spanked like that seems to be doing less for me than I expected. It wasn't even that painful really. Like Petra not liking her breasts being touched, I don't like pain around there it seems.
"Heh, don't apologize Ikarus, both of us aren't into certain bits of pain it seems. I think someone else may be a little different though"
Wait... Aesa's freaking biting her lip and looks in ecstasy! I swear she's supposed to be a part of me so having her tastes like this is odd...
Heh, I wonder if this is more the AI playing a part. Think about it, a system that can only experience feelings through me so when greeted with something like pain, it could be extremely overwhelming. Obviously, just not in a bad way for her...
"Haha, to think my system is literally a pain slut! Hit her with the whip next Petra!"
"Heh, you're getting carried away Ikarus. It seems only Aesa deserves a painful punishment then. Are you willing to accept that punishment Aesa?"
"Yes... mistress Petra"
"Mistress Petra? Naughty Aesa, you really are pushing it. Choose one or the other, not both"
"Apologies... mistress, Aesa will learn"
"That's better... slave. You're not deserving of a name right now"
Hang on, what the actual fuck is going on between those two!? Don't you be stealing the show away from me Aesa! This is a threesome after all, don't you be turning this into a full on BDSM session between you and mistress Petra!
"Oi, don't you two forget about me, I'm here as well!"
"Heh, don't worry Ikarus. Say, I can always punish you in a different way as well. How does a vibrator turned up fully sound?"
"Hell yeah! If you're also happy with that p-punishment as well Petra..."
Petra gives me a quick smile, then gets back off the bed to prepare some toys. Despite the slight delay from not liking a good spank, I'm back to being happy and horny again. Maybe it's having such a natural person helping us or the fact I'm basically staring at my own face but damn, this is pretty hot.
Petra comes back over holding four of those little bullet vibrators and I already know where these are going. This woman is literally perfect in every single way and she's about to 'torture' us with something absolutely brutal. Who needs a proper BDSM relationship anyways? This works just as well, even if it seem pretty weird even from my perspective.
"Here's the game us three are going to play. Both of you do not orgasm without permission, no exceptions. I'm not getting any pleasure this time around so this is the least you two can do for my sake"
"I will hold it in then mistress"
"Okay Petra"
"Good then. Let's get this performance started"
Petra makes her way around to Aesa and presumably starts to put a couple of the vibrators deep within her, not like I can really see it tied up facing her though. Aesa seems to turn a little redder from such an action but it's pretty hard to tell right now.
"Naughty slave, you're just as wet as Ikarus"
"Apologies mistress, Aesa will do better"
"You don't even know why you're apologizing, but forget it... your turn now Ikarus, you're going to enjoy this"
Petra circles back around to behind me and I feel her warm gloved hands exploring my forbidden fruit trying to get a hold of her handiwork she's created. Now she's got a hold of the rope, both those small objects about to go inside now...
Feeling the slight chafing of the rope, the two small things slide very nicely into my lady parts and sit inside like they belong there. In some ways, this is even better bondage then everything else. There's no way I'd be able to push them out with the rope being a nuisance and my hands being behind me... fuck, this is getting even hotter...
"Let's see then... I'm feeling generous today so both of you can share the same treatment, except the slave, she needs disciplining as well. Remember, you don't have permission to finish, I'll be extremely disappointed if you do early"
Petra climbs back onto the bed sitting between us while speaking and starts to fiddle on the remotes of the four vibrators... urgh...
The vibes spring to life causing both me and Aesa to quiver a little and keep raising till they hit an unbelievable level of pleasure. This is what life's all about, being a complete sex addict and I couldn't care less...
This is just pure ecstasy, every second of this I wish I could experience forever but it's already starting to build... no Ikarus! You are not going to cum in seconds! Enjoy this for as long as possible...
"Do you like that slave? This is what you deserve"
"Yes mistress! I deserve this..."
While the sounds of the vibrators buzz throughout our bedroom and inside our pussies, I can hear and feel the occasional slap coursing through Aesa and by God, her face looks of pure ecstasy from every time it happens. Petra's purposely slowing the gap down between slaps just simply because Aesa's getting into it way too much.
As for me, these fucking vibrators are already sending me mad...
"Urgh... mistress..."
"Heh, she's a natural at mimicking your moaning Ikarus"
"D-Damn it Petra, urgh..."
This pleasure like usual is way too enjoyable for my body to fight against so this orgasm is building rapidly, I'm trying everything I can to fight it off. It's not helping that our breasts are pressed together and it feels awfully close to groping as well, urgh... damn these cursed squishy things of mine...
"Don't you dare cum Ikarus. Aesa's doing her job so you do the same"
"P-Please turn it d-down then"
"Heh, that's not even on full Ikarus. You can hold it in, just enjoy it or it'll be completely turned off"
She's so freaking evil at times! She's given me a predicament in which I can have everything, or nothing! Of course, I'm going to choose this option, just need to slow done my breathing and focus keeping this in...
I'd rather this then being edged though; I still have the option to just be naughty and do it if I want. I'm not sure what would happen if I came early but Petra would probably find something wicked enough as 'punishment'. No Ikarus, don't be further turned on by that, keep it in, you stupid bird, fucking hell. These vibrators might be harder to fight than a demon lord.
"Could I please cum mistress?"
Without even realizing it, Aesa's orgasm has already built from the vibrations and spanking, she's struggling just as much as me now. I don't even care though, there's only so much brainpower I can use to keep this orgasm from breaking free and looking at my own face is just a further turn on/
"Ah, so you've managed to make your way to where Ikarus is at? Hmm... not just yet slave, keep it in a little longer"
Almost being cruel, I feel the vibrator turn up a little more and know Petra's enjoying this more than she really should. Fuck this, Aesa just received another slap and she's just rubbed against my chest again...
"Please mistress, can Aesa please climax?"
"P-Please Petra, this is t-torture"
Both me and Aesa are obviously trying our hardest trying to keep this in but there's only so much we can do if she's going to make it even harder. I almost want to cry now; this pleasure is turning into pure frustration,
"Not just yet. If you two can be quite for the next thirty seconds or so, then I'll allow it, okay?"
Without needing to give her a response, me and Aesa do as she says and zip it. The only sound that can be heard throughout the bedroom is heavy breathing and buzzing right now, I swear these are getting stronger... fuck this, I'm already shaking like I've already achieved orgasm... not just yet Ikarus, you can do it... urgh...
No idea how long it's really been but this half a minute feels like hours of torment, I'm starting to even prefer being edged now. Please just let us cum Petra...
"Hmm... guess that's been long enough. Keep it in until I do this though..."
Almost in sync, me and Aesa lose all control once Petra switches the vibrators fully up...
"U-Urgh! D-Damn it..."
Both of us violently orgasm together and by God, this might be one of the longest I've ever had, it feels never ending. This is extremely problematic since being this tightly together makes the entre bed shake from me and Aesa thrashing into each other writhing the tight compounds of the rope, it's only making the orgasm stronger.
After getting through it all and Petra turning them down to a low numbing sensation, I'm greeted with an exhausted looking Aesa who really shows just how red this face can get. It really is quite the sight and makes me realize why Petra loves this so much, my face really is sublime looking like that. I'm not trying to be a narcissist but hey, it's difficult to not notice when the face is directly in front of you.
"Heh, that was quite the show you two put on. Ready for the next performance?"
"Okay mistress"
"*Huff* s-sorry Petra, but can I get out now? Another orgasm might be a little much"
This was for Aesa today and I'm... kinda done. I probably could go for another round but now, I'm just tired. This threesome was great and all but I really need a good sleep, there's only so much bondage this bird can do, it wasn't long ago we last did this after all.
"Heh, of course Ikarus. We'll finish this now then since Aesa has surprised me more than I realized. May have gotten slightly carried away there as well"
Can't help but chuckle about that. Aesa must be the fully masochist version of me and I'm pretty happy she has different tastes as well. Petra could probably go full dominant with her and it would honestly be pretty fun to watch. Not saying she couldn't with me as well but it's obvious I'm not a natural with that sort of thing though. Also doubt these will become a common experience but it was quite nice having another with us this time around.
"Aesa can help with that then... thank you target Petra for this experience. That was something I'll never forget..."
And just like that, the clone body disintegrates in front of me only leaving the loose rope and vibrators that were inside Aesa's pussy behind. Despite losing half of the Ikarus double act we have; I'm still surprisingly wrapped up in rope with barely any moment still.
"Erm... you know the vibrators are still slightly on Petra, right?"
"Heh, you're imagining things Ikarus. If you want to be untied, then that's a problem I can't solve I'm afraid"
Even when we're going through cleanup duty and she's starting to untie the rope, Petra still can't help herself. I bet she's purposely going to leave my hands till last as well so I've still got that vibe going along, I guess I didn't say anything about it about when asking to get out I suppose, might as well let her have this.
"Fineee, it can stay in for longer then. Just hurry this up please..."
While she's doing this and I'm trying to focus on something else getting my mind off that painfully low vibrator, a strange thought has come to mind about our preferences regarding breasts. More specifically, about Petra's.
"Say Petra... why don't you like your breasts being touched anyways?"
"It's just painful, like with your bottom Ikarus. It's the uncomfortable sort of thing rather than the pinching pain you like, wasn't always like that though"
At the same time of us conversing, I feel the rope unwrap between my legs and the vibration seems to change without the pressing of the rope keeping it in...
"Urgh... you think it could be down the deal you made? You know, the one with all your pain?"
"Probably Ikarus, it did feel nice before that I suppose"
"Then, once we sort out the pain you get, I'm going to grope the hell out of you to show you how good it feels, alright?"
"Heh, really are a smooth talker Ikarus. Feel like I should turn the vibrator up as punishment. Let's get you out now..."