Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
I'm not so sure why Karna would have the attack to defeat the Demon King, Ravana, but here we are. The next spell would be based on Karna's archenemy's power, called Arjuna's Tale, Agni's Blessing. This spell would summon a bow and a single arrow to unleash the attack.
Both spells use the Element of Fire again. The symbol for this Order was a lance crossing a bow with black outlines and pink background. The Sixth Order was my favorite as I've always been interested in Arthurian lore, and using the Holy Lance was a great experience.
The Holy Lance, Rhongomyniad, and the Utopian Fortress were based on King Arthur and his Round Table legends. The Lance can hold down the entire world; the other is a shield against all the world's evil. Both are extremely powerful and draining to use.
The two spells are used separately; one is for protecting my brethren, while the other is for destroying everything on site. This Order uses my Light Elemental Energy pool though that would be one of my weaker Elements.
Nevertheless, I'm still quite happy to use this Order. The Fortress is still one of my arsenal's best defenses, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. But I've got some way to go before fully unleashing the real Holy Lance by breaking all 13 Restraints.
The symbol for this Order was a crown in blue outlines with a white background.
Finally, the Seventh Order consists of the Firestorm of Uruk and an unused spell called Defy The Laws Of Creation. I think Vincent would be delighted to know that he has a partner who can pull out spells of Mesopotamian Legends and use them in battle.
The Firestorm of Uruk was an excellent attack against the World Serpent, unleashing the treasury of the King of Heros, Gilgamesh. It worked better than predicted and wasn't too destructive despite being a row of Cannons.
Legend has it that the Cannons that line Uruk were filled with the wisdom of the people at the time and that firing it would be the same as everyone unleashing their power all at once.
The only sad part about this was that I would choose between King Arthur's Holy Lance and Gilgamesh's Ea since it would be the most powerful thing I could ever come up with. Ea, otherwise known as the Sword of Rupture, is a weapon given to Gilgamesh for only him to use.
Thus, I understand why Vania can't possibly give me that spell to use. Ea is considered a Divine Weapon, like Rhongomyinad, so its power transcends the heavens and Earth. Once unleashed, its influence was said to split Heaven and Earth. A massive overkill. But I'm just rambling...
As for the second spell... I was unable to access it. The only clue I have about the attack was that it uses the Primordial Salt Sea Goddess, Tiamat, as its primary focus. It was padlocked for some odd reason, despite the fact I could use the second stage of the entire Original Spell.
A notice on the giant lock stated that I needed to gain more levels to use the spell. The symbol of this Order was a building called the Ziggurat, Gilgamesh's Palace, in shining golden outlines and a black background.
So that's all for the first stage. I wasn't going to touch the second stage because I don't have most of the spells unlocked yet, and they've been greyed out too. However, now that I've read these Orders, I realized that most of my attacks were fire based.
And each Order represents someone essential or well known in history or a specific Myth. Thus, to simplify things, I'm going to rename the Orders and try to find a link to them.
The naming would be from First to Seventh, French Revolution, Rome, Pirates, Victorian London, Indian, Arthurian, and Mesopotamia. The only link among these seven would be that they are neither confirmed nor denied facts about World History.
Legends of old, stories that I've been told. But the question was still hanging... Why all these particular myths? Okay, following what Z said about Original Spells, they are related to the user based on their thoughts or past. But those things aren't a part of my memories.
The only thing that remotely resembles a connection to me would be that all of the Myths mentioned are the ones I was interested in.
Alas, no matter how many thoughts ran through my head, I still couldn't determine the true meaning of my Original Spell and how it was related to me. Eventually, I drifted away into nothingness. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked by a smiling Mordred staring at my face.
My reflexes kicked in, and I threw a punch right at the Knight, which she quickly caught.