Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
Anyways, back to the fight in front of me... Duncan was ready to go for another round again while Fabian's veins were about to pop on his head. Vania warned, but I was too far from Duncan to protect him, resulting in Fabian slashing the boy's shoulder.
I leaped forwards and kicked Fabian in the face so he couldn't do a follow-up attack. But Duncan wasn't fazed by the sudden attack as he stood straight and gingerly touched the wound with crimson liquid oozing out.
Just as Fabian wanted to get back up, Duncan grinned evilly as he motioned me to step away. I obliged since I didn't want to anger someone who could pull off a Ted Bundy smile. The child then threw the blood at Fabian.
While in mid-flight, the blood changed into spider threads and sliced through Fabian's arm, cutting the limb into big chunks. It took me a Tick to realize Duncan had activated his Blood Mastery as Fabian cried out in agony.
Unfortunately, as he moved his fingers, the boy wasn't done with his assault. This Dementor Pillar is the definition of someone who woke up and chose violence as his theme for the day. After a better thought, maybe that's why the author wrote Duncan as very secluded from the world.
The enemy cried out as Duncan manipulated his threads to wrap around Fabian's remaining limbs and decided to PULL it using one move. I winced, seeing Fabian writhe in agony from having all his limbs torn off simultaneously. I glanced over to Duncan, who looked like he was having fun.
Uh... Maybe someone needs to get this boy some cars or train tracks. This kid needs to change his hobby if torture makes him grin like this... I'm all up for the phrase, 'you do you,' but I draw the line regarding seeing others in agony with a beaming smile.
Duncan turned to an empty area and gestured for me to pick something from the ground with Fabian's arm still holding it. I rushed over and picked up my old sword after prying it away from the severed limb. I kept it close and smiled to myself in warmth and remembrance.
The memories of my past rushed by my head as I looked at the Sword of Flowery Honors. And the bittersweetness of the fact that I might never see my family again. As the thought dawned on me, I closed my eyes, and a single tear fell out.
Duncan and the Ankou must have known the blade meant so much to me, and I had an emotional moment before placing his hand on mine.
"Don't lose it, okay? I'm glad to see you getting your heirloom back... And if you need a quiet place to come to terms with your past life, I could gladly show you a place. However, it would be best if you didn't let your tears purify this godforsaken land."
"So let's finish this thing before we waste any more feelings on this overgrown baby," assured Duncan and the Ankou.
I blinked a few times before realizing the truth about the weapon I held in my hands. If I continued to keep this with me, I wasn't letting go of my past. If anything, I was harming my future by refusing to move on. If items like these make me sad during a battle...
I would be seen as weak by my enemies. It can trigger my emotions which I hate to have when during fights. As Duncan mentioned, emotions can be the downfall of many conflicts since they can often cloud judgment. Perhaps, I should focus on the things that matter now.
Instead of the past things... It's always good to look back but if I continue to hold this sword in my hands, I was afraid I could never move on with this new life. A new restart in a world filled with adventure, Magecraft and people far different from my previous world.
I have to realize that I will never see my baby brother again, and items like this blade are no longer relevant to me in this world anymore. It's nothing but a keepsake! I stepped forward with the sword and snapped it in half, much to the shock of Duncan.
"There's no point for me to keep this weak blade... It was forged by a person who had killed so many children to fuel his messed-up wish of creating a mansion on top of a hill. The sword doesn't hold any meaning anymore, nor do I need it now. I have come to terms with my past..."
"And I'm happy to say I am sticking with Vania's weapon. Heed my words, Sword Of The Grand Order!" I shouted as I threw away the broken rapier and conjured the longsword with a rainbow blade.