Title explains everything. Guess I should say my character will be based in certain verses. Nah, lemme rephrase that. My character will be set in a universe then when the time is right, he'll travel to different verses. Or if he wants too.
Nolan had placed his right hand on her back while placing his left on the back on her head. "I'm...so sorry..." Nolan blamed what had happened to her on himself. If he had just opened his ears for even a nanosecond, he could have probably prevented waht happened.
"If only I had... I should have seen something like this happening. I'm such an idiot.." He held her tighter while falling down onto his knees. She fell with him as well, wrapping her arms around him for comfort. She didn't care about the other woman on his back as she thought he had saved or rescued her too.
"I-it's not your fault! Its me... I should have been more careful and less trusting! Don't blame yourself.." Her throat throbbed while speaking which only darkened both their expressions. "I'm such...a failure of a hero..." Letting her go, he stood up while throwing Selina off his back.
"Wha..?" She stared at him. What she saw wasn't the normal deep blue pupils but red. Hell fire red. "<I'll be back..>" He started hovering above the ground. His voice had become deep and dark. His face had been blurred out as well, giving him a villainous look.
This was called his 'Zero State.'
He had little to no control over this mindset and would 'harm' anyone who he deems a threat. "W-Where are you going- Ack!" She coughed up blood followed by yellowish liquid coming out from under her skirt. She tried ignoring how frightening he was, but her body wouldn't allow it.
"<Don't follow me>"
He flew into the ceiling and out the underground cave. Flying out the peak of a mountain, everyone on the island had turned their heads towards the floating man with red eyes. Upon seeing it, they were forced to look down.
In the control room, some were resisting the urge to look down as well.
People like Diana, Hal, Barry, Billy, Oliver and Bruce however could manage to keep their heads up. 'N-Nolan?! Shit, he's in his Zero State!' Hal gulped while pulling his phone out and dialing someone. They picked up his call and Hal said, "Do you guys see him?! Diana, go stop him before he kills someone!"
The group had a group call. "Y-Yeah.." Diana stopped doing what she was doing and flew towards Nolan. Nolan saw her coming and when in range, he had shot his heat vision at her. Diana couldn't react and was hit by it, sending her into the ocean.
The group saw this and covered their mouths. 'We're...screwed..' Nolan looked around the island until he saw 5 certain people. His body then flicked and was now standing in front of those 5. They had their heads down, but being so close to Nolan had pinned them down on the muddy floor.
'S-Such pressure!' Nolan then pointed to the one in the middle, saying, "<You're the one who deserves punishment..>" The one in the middle, Henry, couldn't speak, knowing of his impending death. Nolan flew towards him, grabbing him by the neck, then into the sky.
"N-NO! DON'T KILL ME!" Nolan flew higher and higher ignoring his pleas. Going above the clouds, he stopped and stared into Henry's eyes. <"I don't kill the innocent. Only those who have done things to hurt them..">
He worked his hands up to the side of Henry's face. "PLeaSe..." Begging one last time, Henry felt the air in his lungs diminishing. "<She begged too. And yet, you didn't stop. Now, die..>" Henry screamed as Nolan used his left hand to grab the side of his body.
Using his right, be grabbed the top of his head and yanked. Henry's head came off quite easily but Nolan wasn't done. As you know, after your head is decapitated, you're still conscious for a bit. Nolan took this chance to shot a beam of red into his eyes.
They passed through his eye sockets, through his brain then into 'space.' His head had then exploded into paste and got all over Nolan, some even going into his mouth. <"Does this make you people happy..?"> Nolan looked out into the blue sky.
<"You wanted this, right?"> Using his heat vision one last time, Nolan starting turning. In the horizon, his heat vision hit nothingness and yet, the sound of destroyed electrical wires were heard. <"This whole thing was just a simulation. Ever since we got on the plane..">
The sky split in half followed by the roof falling. The roof could be said to be the entire sky of the whole world so it falling down to earth would kill every single person on the island. As it fell down, Nolan put his hand up, catching it essentially.
The people couldn't see this as it was all happening above the clouds. <"I'm done playing your games. End this. NOW!"> He threw the roof back up, causing an explosion of sorts. Nolan ignored all of this and slowly started floating back down.
His once blood hell eyes turned back to deep blue, signaling that his Zero State was no more. His face had reverted back to normal as well. In the command center, all the adults were left with flabbergasted looks. "Call her... We can't contain...that..." They all hastily agreed and left the room.
Nolan flew back down through the whole he had made in the mountain. He soon landed back in front of the girl who had been pulling the white stuff off of her head. 'It's not..?' Nolan bent down and examined the white fluid on the ground.
'This isn't...wait, this is webbing? Miles? Did miles save her or something..?' Upon seeing him, the girl jumped out and clung onto him. "I-I don't know what you did,..but thank you! Thank you so much.." Nolan smiled and nodded. He then proceeded to help her get the silk off of her head and clothes.
"I guess...I wasn't...you know.." She heaved a deep sigh while holding onto her shirt. "Sorry..for putting you through all of this. I'm a complete stranger and yet, you helped me. I don't know how I'd be able to repay you.."
Nolan placed his hand on her head which caused her to close one eye and blush. "You don't need to, okay? Just promise me that you'll be more careful next time.." She completely closed her eyes and nodded with a bright smile.
'Do I regret killing that kid? No, not at all. They can lock me up for all I care. No one...should ever do that to someone else. Its inhumane..' He had fully accepted the fact that he'd receive some sort of backlash from this, but that didn't bother him.
It was immoral and he'd kill someone a million times over if needed.
"Oh, I've never caught your name. Mines Nolan. Yours?" Nolan helped themselves up and decided to pat the dust off of her clothes. "U-Uhm, it's Saki. Nice to meet you,..Nolan.." Now that she knew the name of her hero, she could say her mission had been accomplished.
"Saki, huh? That's a beautiful name. Well anyways, it's nice to met you, Saki. Please take care of me.." He bowed down to her then went over to Selina. He tied her back onto his back then extended his hand out to Saki.
"This free for all is over with. Shall we go?" She nodded and took his hand. Nolan then pulled her into his embrace, telling her to hold on tight. She did and he soon flew out the hole he had made.
'I came to this place to train myself in how to save others. I didn't expect to be saved myself. Though, this feeling...what is it? Deep admiration?
I feel so safe around him. Is this how that girl feels. Like having a suit of armor on, I feel like I can do anything now..' She put her head deep into his chest as a satisfied smile had formed on her face.
'He really is...my hero.'
(An: Thank you to everyone who made it this far. You guys are my motivation to keep going and posting chapters. I truly love you guys, I mean it.
Have a good night, morning, evening and so on.)