
Chapter 140: Fox Ancestral Pool!

Tang Li Xue, Yaya, and the other three foxes stunned in awe when they stepped into the space gate and entered the Foxes Home for real this time.

They were stood in the middle of the giant stone ring and there were several tens of other giant stone rings inside this gigantic bright room.

Tang Li Xue peeked at the other group of four people who wore the black cape with a hood that stood at the other giant stone ring beside them.

The leader of that group raised the white jade badge and the space in front of them split into two.

They walked leisurely toward the space gate and their figures vanished after they stepped out from the space gate then the space on the top of their giant stone ring restored back to normal.

'Woah!!! So these giant stone rings are like the space portal to enter and exit the Foxes Home?! Cool!' Tang Li Xue widened her eyes in surprise.