
Lucas's part of the deal

Thomas took a deal without much hesitation. He felt a rush of relief wash over him as he gave in. He was eager to see his beloved sister again, and he wanted to erase the memory of her death from his mind. It was a desperate decision, but he couldn't resist.

As the two monsters shook hands, a bright flame exploded from their palms, enveloping them both in a blinding flash. The deal was made.

1-Lucas gives Thomas information about Olivia's whereabouts.

2-Thomas owes Lucas two favors.

This deal was highly disadvantageous to Thomas, as Lucas could ask anything, and Thomas would only be able to accept if he wanted to live, regardless of the favor.

In exchange, Thomas would be reunited with a lover from his past.

Lucas saw a glimpse of hope in the king's eyes as he squeezed his hand tighter and nodded in agreement. Lucas couldn't wait to burst his bubble.

"Good." Lucas released his hand from Thomas's grasp. "Now, let's go." He said as he opened the doors and left the castle