
Reincarnated as a cultivation protagonist

I was just a normal guy, had a okay childhood, had average grades, got married had kids. Died of lung cancer in my 30's. Now colour me suprised when I chosen to reincarnate like your typical Web novels fanfic character. --------- Slow pace story.

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime und Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 42: Dinner with the City Lord

"*Sigh!* Still not even half full." I say as I looked at the palm of my which contains a runic circle with barely a third of it glowing, this is connected to the qi gathering formation back at my house. Technically it's just a meter showing how much energy I need until I can breakthrough again, guess I'll have to wait a few months.

Though I am planning on making an underground facility at one of the manors that Hong Yu owns. Seeing this mansh- I mean castle, I don't think I'll be disappointed with what she'll show me.

Looking around the room I was currently sitting on a gigantic bed with red sheets and curtains even the carpet was red, honestly this shouldn't even be called a guest room, its way better than a guest room.

"Guess that's the rich for ya." I say as I brought my hand together and created a orb made out of earth. Releasing a breath of air, I slowly began to change to a silver ish shade soon the silver ish shade took over the entire ball as a notification showed up.

[Congratulations sir you've finally comprehended Metal Qi.] Says my system clearly in a good mood. 'Thanks but I could've done this ages ago." Though if I can do this can I change it into any metal I desire? That'll take me studying their composition, but it shouldn't be impossible it did say metal not iron.

"Well this another thing I'm gonna abuse."

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Master Ken it is Hong Yu my father requests you join us for dinner." Said time city lords daughter from behind the door.

"I see I'll be coming then." Papa Hong wants to see me huh? Well I am tutoring his daughter and he will want to at least evaluate what kind of person I am it isn't that hard to figure out. Walking out the room I follow Hong Yu to the dining room which was huge by the way.

It had a huge table with an assortment of food and drinks sorted out and sitting around said table was the city lord himself along with a woman with black hair and green eyes. She honestly looked like a much mature Hong Yu.

As I saw the city lord I immediately bowed, I need to pay respect to the big man himself. From the rumors I heard he was quite popular with citizens.

"Ken Hai pay respects to you city lord Hong."

The man looked one with a dismissive look but nodded "It seem you know how to pay respects, you may join us for dinner." he replies, I nodded and got up and took a seat.

A few servant then came out and began to share the food.

"Now then Ken Hai, I've heard a lot about you, but I don't particularly care about that." The atmosphere got tense as those words flew from the city lords mouth it was intimidating a shiver went through Hong Yu's spine which straightened her up as if she were a pole arm.

"What I want to know is what is your intent in teaching my daughter?" He asked in a very demanding tone.

"It's rather simple City Lord Hong after your daughter approached me, I evaluated her by asking a number of various questions pertaining to alchemy, after I finished, I calculated how much of the alchemist tests she would be able to complete. Would you like to know much it is City Lord Hong?" I simply replied.

"Hmph! Go on tell me." He simply said as he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms.

"About 40 percent." Hearing this their eyes all widened the city lord tumbled back losing his balance and nearly fell only to catch his balance, even the servant placing the food nearly fell. "It seems everyone knows how hard it is to even past the 30 percent mark."

Such a dramatic reaction. Well that's a cultivation world for ya.

And yeah passing thirty percent is crazy hard and I got full marks, all marks are announced to the public after a day or two. And they're were people who were even lucky to pass it.

"My Yu'er is actually that amazing." Said the man blankly as a look of pride came over his face. The woman who was his wife looked over at her daughter with a smile, while Hong Yu herself looked shocked at this. I'm guessing this is gonna give her a bit of an ego boost.

"City Lord, if I weren't the one who took the title of the youngest to ever past the alchemists test she would've." I replied causing another wave of shock in the dining hall.


After formally introducing myself to the city lords wife Yumin Yao, I had the pleasure of having food cooked in this world and it's not bad it's just it could be better.

"Alchemist Ken is something the matter?" Asked Yumin Yao. I replied "Oh it's nothing it's just that this food though it's good could've been better." I say as I rake another bite.

"Your also a chef?" Asked her husband. I nodded and replied "Well yes you have to learn when travelling on your own after all and cooking is rather similar to making pills is it not. You can't use too much of an ingredient and you have to be careful in what ingredients you use or you'll ending wasting everything."

Hearing this the city Lord hummed "I see well I wouldn't mind tasting your food once in a while then youngster." He replied while he took up his chopsticks and went back to eating.

After dinner I returned to my room used my flame qi to burn off all bacteria it's a good alternative when you don't want to bath. Add the energy from the food to my cultivation, left a clone and went out the window it's about time I check pur those mines.