
Reincarnated against My will in My Little Pony

This is a story about the most pessimistic guy you will ever meet Freddie is 16 year old antisocial loner with major anger issues who dies and is Reincarnated in My Little Pony by a God for his own amusement. (I made this out of boredom I own nothing all characters belong to Hasbro except for MC)

Preston_Shaw · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Somewhere in the Everfree Forest, a young colt stands up that colt is Fred "Oh god I feel weird why am I oh right if I ever see that guy again huh but whatever let's just move on nothing I can do except get stronger yeah I will get stronger than anyone else in this stupid world then I will I will do what seriously this is just a stupid show you little girls and middle-aged perverts what I know about this show is a few episodes and those stupid Equestria girl movies wait."

A malicious smile full of bad intention spread across his face or muzzle I guess "There is a place with humans a world filled with humans where I could be human that's it I will go there and people there can't use magic if I grow strong enough I could rule over that place there no way I am staying here with those ridiculous ponies and their plot armor I will go to the world on the other side of that mirror."

"But it won't open for a while until then I must grow stronger and avoid the main character of this girly show don't wanna end up a target no to see about my strength" Fred walks or trots over to a tree and then hits it with his front left leg the tree shattered to pieces as if struck by a bolt of lightning.

"Holy shit I didn't even try plus I am only six in pony years by the time the canon starts I will be sixteen and if I train okay then maybe taking over a whole world won't be so hard then now what about magic" fred points his horn at a large boulder and then he focuses and thinks in his head a red bolt of energy hitting the boulder his horn starts to glow a dark red then a laser shot out of his head throwing him backward and reducing the boulder to dust.

"Ow okay then I am pretty powerful now time to start training gonna be a long 10 years" Fred gets up and dusts himself off then walks deep into the woods with a look of determination on his face.

(10 year time skip what you thought I would show it all ppppffffftttttt no way)

From a clearing, a large stallion with a dark red coat and a long flowing black main steps out this is our MC he is a giant three times the size of Big Mac with a feral look to him.

"It's been 10 years now time to wait," said Fred as he lays done looking at the old castle that the main characters go to at the beginning of the series he looks up it is night time but no image of a unicorn is on the moon it began a little while ago if memory serves correctly they cross that rope bridge and head into the castle all I gotta do is wait for them to arrive then after they leave that's when I know to move a week or two after this is over I will head into town and wait for the day the mirror to the other side opens.

In the meantime I could learn magic from Twilight I have lots of power but not a lot of control when she goes to the castle for whatever reason on the day the mirror opens I will ask to go alone with her then head in there to conquer easy as that hehehehehehe diabolical.

Just gotta gain their trust and then backstab them easy peasy especially since their so trusting for a place to stay I will ask Applejack since I am so strong fieldwork will be a breeze plus since I will live with Applejack getting to the others will be easy oh deception such a fun game its all about patience I am like a cobra waiting for the right time to start...wait here they come now.

Ok, they went in now wait till coming out then fellow them to town because I am completely lost it took me a year to find this castle if I don't follow them I'll be lost in this forest forever but you're probably wondering how does a big guy like me follow them without being noticed well if I had a stealth skill it would be maxed level.

There are actually some nasty predators in this forest so I learned how to hide and hunt turns out I can eat meat just fine maybe because I am a unicorn and not a horse but whatever.

A bright light and some screaming can be heard coming from the castle okay looks like they won with the power of friendship or whatever no time to follow them out of these damn woods.

The main six exits out of the castle unaware a large red stallion was stalking them as they head back to town Fred stops at the exit to the forest he looks to the distance and sees the town "I will wait on the outskirts until a week or so then heads towards the apple pony's farm then after that its the waiting game yes everything is coming together hahahahahahah 😈.