
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Prologue 1-did i really just reincarnate?

~~~Prologue 1:Death and reincarnation

There's a young man who's wearing a black hood,he was walking in the middle of dark street,his facial expression was none.His face was normal,black eyes and black hair.

His name was Kenzuo,he was an orphan,and being an orphan gave him the inspiration to continue on living.

He looked at the crossing light,when he saw that it was green,then without hesitation he started to cross the street,but unexpectedly something happens.

Beep! Beep!

The driver blow the horn,but it was too late,as Kenzuo turned his head.He can only see a white thing, before he flew 5 meters away.


Kenzuo look at the dark sky curiously,why is the sky infront of me? Kenzuo turned his head,and he can see the figure if the driver open the door of the truck,before he run towards him.

But it seems that it was too late! Kenzuo eyelid started to get heavy,until he completely closed his eyes and died by truck-kun.

In white void,

There's a young man with black eyes and black hood, he's standing there dumbfoundedly,and his face was questioning.Where am i?!!

He started to looked around,and he can only see a pure light,and it's sacred radiation.

"Hello,there young man!"an excited middle aged man appeared infront of him,when Kenzuo saw it,he was shocked.

"You're large!"

Kenzuo unconsciously said,the moment he realized it,he continually bow his head,the middle aged man look at him before he laughed.

"Hahahah... Don't worry, don't worry, instead of being worried about yourself.You're more interested on my height!I see,how about i give choices."

"A choices?"

Kenzuo became excited,what kind of choices he will have? becoming rich?or having frame?

"Would you like to go in heaven or hell?or would you rather be reincarnate in another world with wishes?so what's your choice young man!"

When Kenzuo heard it,he was curious,what did he mean by that?and then the memories when he died entered his mind.Kenzuo was in dazed for a moment, before he shaked his head and return in the reality,he look at the middle aged man and said.

"I want to reincarnate!"

He was still young when he died,so he took this as an opportunity to live again,and maybe it become a live fulfilling one!

"Alright, since you want to get reincarnate.Then i'll reincarnate you with wishes,so what's your first wish young man?"

The middle aged man said with a smile,his teeth was so white that it even shine, Kenzuo didn't know if it was just his imagination or not.

Kenzuo pinched his chin,as he started to think what kind of wish,that he wanted.The middle aged aged man patiently wait for Kenzuo,the smile on his face never faded while waiting for Kenzuo.

Kenzuo look at the middle aged man,he already thought that he was an higher being,so he might try to wish for an impossible feat that can human have like him.To be an immortal!

"I would like to have an immortal body,and it can regenerate,i don't want my aged to changed when i reach 16 years old.So is this acceptable?"

Kenzuo asked while looking at the middle aged man,to his surprise,the man didn't even frown as he replied.

"Alright!your wish is good, what's your second wish?"

When Kenzuo heard this,he didn't hesitate to throw what's on his mind.

"Second i want to have a system,since it can help me from my new world,and as for my last wish.....umm i'm sorry but i still haven't decided on what kind of wish i want."

The middle aged man smiled as he walked forward,and then suggested to Kenzuo.

"Why don't you keep it?since it will be helpful,if you're in danger or something."

when Kenzuo heard his suggest his eyes lit up,he didn't need to worry about thinking his last wish.He might keep it,since he didn't know what will happen when he reincarnated,maybe there's some sort of emergency.And this last of his wish would solve it!

"Alright,then i'll keep it! ummm maybe this is late,but i'm Kenzuo."

Kenzuo introduce himself as he extended his hand,when the middle aged man heard this,he teared up.Kenzuo was shocked,why did he cried?and out of his curiosity.Kenzuo asked him.

"Why are you crying?is there something wrong?"

"No,i just felt nostalgic now.It's been a million years since someone extended a hand to her,so he kinda feel nostalgic about it."

The middle aged man shaked his head as he said this,and then he extended his delicate white arm on Kenzuo,they shaked their hands with a smile.

"I am creator of all,i created the planets and the humans.My long last name was Chieko."

But Kenzuo became dumbfounded when he introduced himself,what Chieko?a thousand blessing child? That's a girl name don't tell me that he is a girl?!

Seeing his dumbfounded face,Chieko or the creator of all, already know what's on his mind.So she step forward,without ado,she took Kenzuo hands and put it on his crouch.


Kenzuo was shocked,but he was more shocked when he touch his crouch and felt... nothing? Kenzuo wasn't thinking straight,he look at him and he can see a blonde hair and blue eyes,manly figured.But what did he just touch nothing,and an idea came into his mind.He still couldn't believe that he was a girl!

"You're genderless!"

Kenzuo shouted,but Chieko shooked her head and said.

" I'm a girl in my past life."

Kenzuo was now couldn't think anything,his mind was blank as he stared at Chieko.

"Well,i'm going to give you a clue where you're going to reincarnate at,the world that you're going to reincarnate at was a supernatural one."

Chieko said, but when she looked at Kenzuo blank state,she shaked her head and said.

"Alright Kenzuo,live a happy life out there!"


Chieko said excitedly as she she snapped her fingers, Kenzuo was awakened hy his snapped and excited shout,and his consciousness started to fade,but he can see a girl with black hair and black eyes wearing a kimono.That girl must be Chieko!


Kenzuo wanted to use his wishes like Kazuma,but it was too late,since he's consciousness was drifted off somewhere.

Blink blink!

Kenzuo blinked his eyes while looking at the white ceiling,he stretched his hand and can see a little hands,he estimated that it was 5-6years old.

"Maybe i'm 5 years old..or maybe six?"

~~~Chapter ends

maybe I'll write some of different anime characters

Wazzup18creators' thoughts