
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: entering a dungeon! forest?

After walking around,

Kenzuo found out that he was in highschool dxd verse,so that's why the creator of all said that it's a supernatural one.But what didn't Kenzuo expect was,that he's in anime world.

"I'm in highschool dxd,where there are many strong being.Here i am, thinking that i am strong because of stats,maybe i am strong after entering 1000 stats per agility, strength,and more."

Kenzuo said in dismay,but it suddenly disappeared since there is a system,that was going to help him to become the strongest.

"System,i have 100 points stats right."

[That's right,host.]

"I see,then,show me my status."

Kenzuo said while looking around,if there's people around,but he can only see many trees around.



L/N: Kenzuo


CHARM:8 (Human average adult have 6)

AGE:5 years



STAMINA:4 (Human average adult have 15)

SPEED:6 (Human average adult have 15)

STRENGTH:5 (Human average adult have 15)

AGILITY:6 (Human average adult have 15)

SKILLS:Breaking the boundary, transformation skill,mana control


INVENTORY:2,000 yen

DUNGEON:(UNLOCKED)host can now enter at free will.

Kenzuo smile while looking at his charm,it seems that the highest stats was his charm.

Looking at it for a while, before he became serious and started to think how will he spend the free stats point.

After thinking for a while, Kenzuo decided to distribute the points equally except for his charm.

"System,give my stamina 50 stats points as for my speed give 48,give the agility 48 points too.Lastly my strength give it 49 points."

[ Affirmative,the stats points have now on distributed each respective attributes.The host still have 5 remaining points.]

Kenzuo think about it,and finally decided to put the 5 points into his charm.

"System,put the remaining points on my charm."

[Host,now have 0 stats points.]

The female mechanical voice answered, Kenzuo look at the trees that was very tall based on his view.

"Maybe i'm on athletic class?"

Kenzuo said before he jumped towards the branch of the tree,the tree height was about 4 meters tall.

Kenzuo was amazed on what he did just now,he couldn't help but said in surprised:"Woah!i didn't expect that i can jump about 3 meters.Maybe i'm fastest and stronger than the athletic class,no it should be."

After that he started to jump on another trees,he smiled as he thought that he was a ninja from naruto verse.

Kenzuo couldn't take it anymore and started to laugh:"Hahaha!i never expected that this will happen to me,this is amazing!"

After an hour of hanging on the trees, Kenzuo felt a little tired,so he stop himself from jumping on another tree and sat down on the branch.

Kenzuo look at the sky,the sun was still in the middle of sky,he stopped looking at the sin and smiled.

"The sun was in the middle of the sky,it means lunch time!"

Kenzuo said happily, before he jumped down on the tree.After landing on the ground easily, Kenzuo started to walk while a cute smile hanging on his face.

After exiting the forest, Kenzuo walk towards his house.While walking on the street, Kenzuo felt weird,he felt like someone was looking at him.He wasn't wrong, because when he turn his head he can see that all of the auntie whos pass by was looking at him.He can even hear them.

"That boy was cute, he's just like a little celebrity, isn't he?"Auntie number 1

"Your right,oh!that's right i have a daughter around on his age too.Maybe i can talk about his parents on marrying my daughter?"Auntie number 2

When Kenzuo heard this,he widened his eyes,he didn't expect that raising his charm by 5 points will become like this.

Kenzuo was awakened by a foot step,that was walking towards him.He didn't even turn his head around,and just started to run towards his house.


Kenzuo sigh in relief,when he arrived on his house.he walked towards the door and open it, revealing an old single sofa.His house wasn't that good,but it wasn't that bad with either.Some of the things on house was old like the sofa,and some of it wasn't that old.

Phew! Growl!

When he take a deep breath,an hungry sound came on his stomach.Kenzuo look at his stomach and patted it,he smiled before he walk straight on the kitchen.

"My stomach-chan was hungry,eh?what should i cook for him."

Kenzuo said as he opened the refrigerator,he look at the meet and the vegetable.he wanted to make a food with a soup,so he took a single egg.He couldn't cook well in his past life,since he eat all day was a cup of ramen or a fried egg.As for the meat,it have a high price than the egg so he didn't buy meat,he needed to pay bills on the house,rent,and food.

He took a frying pan,open the gas tank and then opened the gas stove.He put an oil On pan and then crack the egg,after that he started to cook.

After cooking,

Kenzuo put the egg on the bowl,and then put some rice on it.Tada!you can eat now.

Kenzuo wash his hands,and get a pair of chopstick.After that he clasped his hand and said "itadakimasu!"or (A/N:I humbly eat)

After eating,Kenzuo get a chair and then put the bowl on the kitchen sink.

He started to wash the bowl and the prying pan,while washing the prying pan, Kenzuo decided to have a chat with system.

"System,how can i enter the dungeon?"

[Does the host want to enter in dungeon?]

Kenzuo nodded,it seems that he needed to say to system whenever he wanted to enter the dungeon.


Kenzuo said with a wry smile,this system was too excited.And then focus his attention on washing the prying pan.

After washing the prying pan and the bowl, Kenzuo get a towel and dry his hand.

"System,i wanted to enter in dungeon."

Kenzuo said with a smile,this smile was so cute that can make some auntie want to adopt him.


[The transportation will now begin!]

[The host,may feel a little dizzy after he arrived in dungeon.]

[Transportating 100%.complete.]

When Kenzuo heard that,his body suddenly produce a blinding lights,that blinded him for a while.

Kenzuo figured appeared in the middle of forest, Kenzuo opened his eyes and suddenly he felt dizzy,this make him to catch his head.

After a minute,the dizziness he have had disappeared.

He can now see clear things,the image that was spinning before became steady.Looking at the little green figure, Kenzuo blinked his eyes dumbfoundedly.The little green figure was looking at him dumbfoundedly too,since he just appeared out of nowhere.

"Dungeon that was a forest?a goblin?"

Kenzuo said while staring at the goblin dumbfoundedly,but he shrugged his shoulder off and didn't think about it anymore.Since he was here,he needed to have experience in battle.

Without hesitation, Kenzuo stomped his feet on the ground and flew towards the goblin who was about 3 meters away from him.

The goblin raised his wooden weapon and shouted: "Kekekeke!"

Although Kenzuo have a small body, doesn't mean he was at disadvantage,this even gave him an advantage being little along with his agility he can defeat a mob.

Kenzuo raised his fist and punch the stomach of the goblin,the goblin was about to hit Kenzuo with his wooden weapon.But ufortunately Kenzuo was faster than the goblin,so the goblin was hit by Kenzuo fist and flew 5 meters away.


[ Congratulations for host! killing a goblin.

Rewards:Poison immunity.]

A female voice rang Kenzuo mind, Kenzuo didn't seem to heard it he just look at his fist and said excitedly"i can kill a goblin with a single punch!"

~~~Chapter ends (2-4 chaps per week)