
First Quest

<Quest alerts>

"What's the quest," I asked

<System> The quest: talk to Karuma the Nine Tail Fox

Reward : beginners pact 3+ strength and speed

"So basically I have to talk to Kurama", I asked

System yes

"Won't my mother, Kushina find out if I am talking to him?" I asked

<System> don't worry host the system will take care of that.

"Ok then how do I exactly talk to him"

<System> Starting Mental link...

"WHAT IS THIS" <Kurama>

"How are you doing Kurama", I asked

"You how do you know my name" <Kurama>

"Your gonna find out", I said, "when I am born some Someone calling himself Madara Uchiha is going for to release you and take you under its control and you are gonna kill my parents"

"How do you know this?" <Kurama>

"Like I said earlier I will tell you later", I said

"What do you want from me?" <Kurama>

"Nothing", I said

"Nothing? So why did you contact me" <Kurama>

"So you will believe me when I tell you what I know and who I am", I said in a childlike tone

"System disconnected link", I thought to my self

<System> link disconnected

<Quest complete>

Reward: beginners pact 3+ strength and speed.

<system> would the host like to open the pack

"Yes", I said

<Beginners pack open: 5+ on all stats, one luck draw token, 40 kunai, and 40 shurikens, low earth afitinty>.

"Wow that a lot," I said I surprise, "Now open status"

Name: Naruto Uzumaki ( Chris Robinson)

Age 7 months 1 week

Blood-line: Uzumaki

Str: 10

Spd: 9

End: 7

Int: 7 (30)

chakra: 2000

Healthy fetus.very high chakra. And other stats can be compared to a 4 to 5-year-old child.

Inventory: lucky draw token

Next chapter lucky draw token

tomorrow I will write 2 or 3 chapters and maybe one or two chapter for the journey of the supreme being. which is my first novel so plz check it out

immortalwriter2creators' thoughts