
Reigns Over Me

Hades was still staring at me. Unsurprisingly, there was an emotionless expression on his face. I turned to look at my mom. "We need to clear all these rumors" I told her. There was something going on and by the look on my mother's face, I knew that I was not going to like it. "What is it?" I asked sternly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well" my mother started, not really knowing how to start. "This rumor seems to brighten Hades' reputation" Stella told me, sounding quite reluctant to tell me. "And what does it have to do with me?" I asked, my eyes moving to Hades. "Hades Reigns, getting married to Luna Jenkins, the only daughter of Kathy Jenkins" Stella said, very formally. "Despite the fame of your mother, you grew into a nice and generous woman" she said, making my eyes grow wide in surprise. "Your good reputation, will clean his" She continued. This time, my stares turned into glares. They wanted me to keep this act of getting marriage going so that Hades Reigns' reputation become clean. "And you agree to this?" I asked my mom who simply shrugged. "Sweetheart, it all depends on you. If you agree, then we'll keep it going. If not, you just tell us" my mother said softly. "Think about it" Stella said. "It's beneficial to both of us" she said quickly. "And why is his reputation so important?" I questioned. Hades had his eyes fixed on me. He seemed perplexed to why I was asking this question. "It simply is" he responded nonchalantly. I have to admit that he still intrigued me. "Then why did you ruined it?" I asked. This time, his eyes widened in surprise. "Luna" my mom scolded me again.

Lechna_Baram · Urban
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130 Chs

Chapter 115: Own Battle

Hades walked in the office, wearing black pants and a white shirt. His hair was messy, making him look as glorious as ever. His eyes quickly scanned the room before landing on me. I could see a paper bag in his hands as he made his way to me. I remained seated as he approached me. He placed the bag on the desk, turned the chair that I was seated on in his direction. I couldn't help the grin the instantly formed on my face as he bent down and buried his nose in the crook of my neck.

"Hello Mr Reigns" I greeted, lightly kissing the side of his head and still slowly pulling away. His eyes narrowed in my direction.

"I brought you and my baby some food" he told me seriously. "You cannot be careless, Luna. You're carrying our baby" he said. I frowned at his words. "Is this what your routines look like?" Hades started.

"I had a few biscuits" I lamely argued. "And I didn't really have the time to create a routine. You already took care of it" I said while pointing to the food.

"Luna" Hades breathed. "What if I was not here?" He questioned.

"I've come to live with the fact that you're always going to be here" I said as I stood up and lightly pecked his lips.

"I want you back home" he said and stole another kiss from me. His eyes were fixed on mine as his hands rested on my hips. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to go back to him. However, I was just getting my independence back.

Why can't I have both at the same time?

"Give me some time to think about it" I said softly.

"That's what we don't have, Luna" Hades sighed. "Can't you come home and think about it?" He asked seriously. I inhaled deeply, pecked him on his nose, making him briefly close his eyes.

"Give me till this evening to think about it" I suggested. "Now you have to go because I have work to do" I added teasingly. Truth to be said, I just wanted to escape this conversation for the moment. I also remembered that we were in a workplace as I slowly let go of him. He simply nodded, before offering me a small smile.

During the whole day, I couldn't keep my mind off Hades. I had till this evening to let him know about my decision. I was glad that I was in a position where I had a choice. I was in a position to decide of what and where I wanted my life to be. I knew what I wanted and I had the firm idea of making Hades aware of my thoughts. It was already four in the afternoon and I was done with all the meetings. I pulled my phone out and shot Hades a quick text to tell him to meet me for dinner.

'Lobster Cave?' I read his quick response. Lobster Cave was a nice restaurant.

'Seafood Restaurant for your pregnant girlfriend, Mr Reigns?' I texted back with a smile on my face.

'They make good meat too' Hades texted formally. 

'Lobster Cave, it is' I replied.

'I'll pick you up from your mother's at seven?' Hades texted back.

'Sounds good to me'

With that, I stood up and eagerly made my way out of the office.

Hade's Point Of View

"You look a teenager going for his first prom with his first girlfriend that he hasn't fucked yet" Jason muttered from next to me. I stared at my reflection in the mirror before switching my attention to him. Jason has strictly no idea how much of a torture it was to me, to live away from my family.

My Family.

"I need to get her back home" I simply said. I sounded so cold but this was how I have felt all these days without my love by my side. Luna has brought back a happiness that I didn't know I could feel again. 

"Do you want her close to you because of her or because of your child?" Jason suddenly asked. He was wearing a frown that didn't suit his personality at all. This seemed to be a question that has been running in his mind lately.

"I don't want her in my life, Jason. I need her" I admitted, my eyes moved to the floor. "We haven't planned that pregnancy but I know that I stopped picturing my life without her in it a long time ago" I said. Jason's frown slowly faded away as he stared at me.

"Luna is really a keeper, man" Jason said in approval. I smiled while shaking my head. I wouldn't have once thought that I would have fallen in love so deeply with such a beautiful independent young woman who was now carrying my baby.

"How is it going with Ella?" I then asked Jason, to change the subject. Being the centre of the conversation was not really something that I fancied. Jason sighed, then ran his hand in his hair before sucking on his lips. "Explain" I demanded.

"She is" he started but then hesitated, seeming to find it difficult to find the proper wording. "She is a nice girl" he said lamely.

"Explain, Jason" I said, a small frown forming on my face. Jason couldn't be getting bored already. His relationship with Ella was different from the other girls he dated.

Or fucked.

"Man, I could talk about your relationship for hours. I know what Luna thinks. I know what is going on with you guys. I know your relationship better than I know mine" he finally rambled before running his hand on his face. "Ella talks about you, Luna, Julien and Hannah the whole time she is with me. She doesn't even care about what I like" he continued then facepalmed himself. "And now I sound like a teenager who's just gotten his first girlfriend" he groaned in annoyance.

"Luna talks about them too" I tried to reassure. Jason rolled his eyes before shaking his head.

"Anyway. This is my own battle that I gotta fight" he said dramatically, making me shake my head in amusement.