
Reigns Over Me

Hades was still staring at me. Unsurprisingly, there was an emotionless expression on his face. I turned to look at my mom. "We need to clear all these rumors" I told her. There was something going on and by the look on my mother's face, I knew that I was not going to like it. "What is it?" I asked sternly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well" my mother started, not really knowing how to start. "This rumor seems to brighten Hades' reputation" Stella told me, sounding quite reluctant to tell me. "And what does it have to do with me?" I asked, my eyes moving to Hades. "Hades Reigns, getting married to Luna Jenkins, the only daughter of Kathy Jenkins" Stella said, very formally. "Despite the fame of your mother, you grew into a nice and generous woman" she said, making my eyes grow wide in surprise. "Your good reputation, will clean his" She continued. This time, my stares turned into glares. They wanted me to keep this act of getting marriage going so that Hades Reigns' reputation become clean. "And you agree to this?" I asked my mom who simply shrugged. "Sweetheart, it all depends on you. If you agree, then we'll keep it going. If not, you just tell us" my mother said softly. "Think about it" Stella said. "It's beneficial to both of us" she said quickly. "And why is his reputation so important?" I questioned. Hades had his eyes fixed on me. He seemed perplexed to why I was asking this question. "It simply is" he responded nonchalantly. I have to admit that he still intrigued me. "Then why did you ruined it?" I asked. This time, his eyes widened in surprise. "Luna" my mom scolded me again.

Lechna_Baram · Urban
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130 Chs

Chapter 113: Good For me

Two freaking hours.

I slept only two hours as I had to wake up to ho to work. I turned around to look at Hades, who was snoring so peacefully. I had no intention of waking him up. I pulled a pencil skirt and a blouse before walking to my mother's bathroom. I was adamant on not waking him up.

Truth to be said, I didn't want Hades to make a fuss about me going to work.

I quickly took a shower, got ready and used my mother's fancy make up before walking back to my bedroom. I peaked inside to see Hades still sleeping, his body engulfed by the huge white blanket. He was sleeping on his side, with a pillow underneath his hand. A smile formed on my face as I slowly closed the door and made my way downstairs.

My stomach grumbled as I reached the front door. I should probably eat something before heading out but I quickly looked at my watch before shaking my head. I was already late so I quickly opened the door before rushing to my car.

"Such a bad idea" I mumbled to myself as the thought of leaving Hades here alone ran in my head. I started the car, wincing at the loud sound emitted. I never really realised how loud a car could be. I started driving to the office while humming to the song that was playing on the radio.

My mind was occasionally drifting to Hades. It was a mess in my head right now. Hades wanted me back home but I was unsure about how I felt and how things were going. Hades reassured me on his feelings. It was not something that I needed reassurance for. It would be unfair for me to say that he was not truly trying his best to make this work.

My phone rang as soon as I parked my car. I glanced at my screen, then rolled my lips in my mouth. Hades' name kept on blinking. What to expect, was totally unknown. Hades was unpredictable.

"Good morning" I greeted cheerfully.

"You woke up in a nice mood" Hades noted. His voice was still sleepy. I guessed he woke up when I drove away.

"I had reasons to" I admitted, my mind running to all the things he said and did to me. My legs instinctively clenched in want, when flashbacks of his lips all over me rushed in my head. His sleepy groan made my breath hitch.

"You left" Hades muttered. The seriousness in his voice made me instantly frown as I started making my way to the front office.

"I had to. I have work" I admitted as I quickly rushed to the opened elevator.

"You could have woken me up" he continued, his voice sounded monotonous. I internally groaned at how serious he sounded.

"You seemed so peaceful and I know that you were getting some proper sleep after a long time" I explained as the door dinged to let me on my level. I walked lazily to my office, knowing that I was going to be huffing and puffing otherwise. I had no meeting in this early morning after all.

"I would rather wake up and see you than sleep" Hades breathed. I could picture him, his eyes closed and his head buried in the pillow.

"And that's not good for your health" I joked, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"You're good for me" Hades mumbled. I rolled my lips in my mouth, trying to ignore the small butterflies that I was feeling in my stomach.

"Luna" I heard someone suddenly call me from my right. I stopped on my track, my phone pressed to my ear as I turned slightly to see Oliver standing by the door of his office, with a few files in his hand.

"Oliver" I instantly greeted with a huge smile. "Good Morning" I continued as I quickly opened the door of my office to let him in. He offered me a grateful smile as he rushed in to place the files on the desk.

"Oliver?" Hades questioned through the phone. His voice was low. It sounded suddenly cold. I internally rolled my eyes at how fast Hades could switch between his cold and warm sides. My eyes scanned Oliver, who looked quite in a rush. It seemed like he had a million things running in his head. His eyes kept scanning the files' names in such a mechanical way that it made my eyes go wide.

"Oliver" I called him to get his attention. His eyes stopped moving then in one swift way, moved in my direction. His hair was messier than yesterday.

"Yes, Luna" Oliver responded formally, again in such a robotic way that it made me cringe.

"Loosen up" I demanded. Oliver frowned at my words but his facial expression gave away the fact that he was completely lost. "Relax" I added with a shrug. My attention was brought back to the phone that was pressed against my ear when I heard the call end.

Did Hades just hang up on me?

"What do you mean?" Oliver's voice brought my attention back on him. I sighed at my phone screen then stared at my secretary.

"Why are you such in a rush?" I questioned as I made my way to my desk. I motioned him to take a seat as I sat in mine. He hesitated for a few seconds before taking a seat in front of me.

"We're actually late for a meeting, Miss Jenkins" Oliver said hesitantly. "I came late this morning" he continued in defeat.

"I just came in" I announced in disbelief. "I didn't even know that you were late" I continued. "What's truly bothering you?" I asked softly. I had no will to be formal because of workplace

"There's so many things, Luna" Oliver breathed before forcing a smile on his face. "Of course, it's not work related. This job is the best thing that could happen to me" he added.

"Oliver, you can always talk to me if you feel like you need someone" I told him, offering a small smile.