
Reign of Evil: Tales of Villainy

I have no intention of establishing premium contracts for this book, so readers can rest assured! Your satisfaction in reading will not incur any costs!!!! I simply ask that you spread the word to your friends so we can embark on this journey together!!!!!! Embark on an unforgettable journey with Johnny, a brilliant young scientist mysteriously transported to a medieval world filled with intrigue and charm. With his sister Cecilia by his side, Johnny navigates a tumultuous society divided into three classes: aristocracy, devout clergy, and humble peasants. Beneath their humble façade lies a dark secret marked by a mysterious symbol they all share. As Johnny faces the challenges of this new realm, his insatiable curiosity fuels an unrelenting quest for knowledge and discovery. Interwoven with the history of this medieval world, Johnny brings with him memories of a distant past where he was a talented scientist in a technologically advanced world. In this previous world, heroes with incredible abilities, similar to those in comic books, protected society and fought monstrous threats. However, a groundbreaking scientific discovery led him to an experiment that transcended the barriers of space and time, leading him to his current fate. Now, he must balance his thirst for knowledge with his survival in this new world filled with surprises, mysteries, and dangers. As his journey unfolds, Johnny faces difficult choices, often prioritizing the pursuit of truth over ethical concerns. His burning ambition leads him to commit controversial acts, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong. Johnny demonstrates an insatiable thirst for knowledge, willing to sacrifice ethical principles and traditional values in his quest for truth. This dark aspect of his character makes him a profoundly intriguing character, leading him to explore uncharted territories and question morality in the name of science and discovery. The character is cold and calculating, and does everything to achieve his goals. The chapter release frequency will be 3-4 chapters per week! My mother tongue is not English, I think this work will need a proofreader in the future.

Jonas321 · Fantasie
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52 Chs

The Awakening of Talents

However, before any action can be taken, a fearless and determined voice breaks the silence of the room. "No!" shouts Cecilia, her expression suddenly lighting up the room and stealing the scene.

Lord Kaloch turns his head, surprised by Cecilia's unexpected interjection. She is one of the few people who developed a talent years ago, although it wasn't considered extraordinary. However, this specific gift was of extreme importance to the lord, and few understood its true application. Not even the Holy Church had knowledge of its real utility. That's why the lord kept Cecilia with limited resources, providing only the essentials for her subsistence until the arrival of the "great day."

"I implore you, my lord, spare my brother; he is my only family! We are orphans, and our uncle cares nothing for us, my brother is all I have left!" Cecilia says with tears in her eyes, her voice trembling and pleading.

The lord, surprised by the intensity of Cecilia's emotion, says, "What trouble! What's your name, boy?"

With an equally trembling voice, Cecilia's brother replies, "Alexander."

The lord, upon hearing the name, pauses and mutters, "Alexander..."

The lord, looking at Cecilia and Alexander, reveals a deep connection between the siblings. He saw the pain in Cecilia's eyes and the courage of Alexander in facing the situation. Humanity and the value of family were concepts that were only taken into account in medieval nobility.

But it didn't take long for one of the less sensitive peasants to interrupt with an insensitive comment: "They are the children of a prostitute! They won't be missed in society!"

The peasants' malicious comment echoed through the room, eliciting a look of disgust from Father Cicero. He had dedicated a significant portion of his life to serving the church and the Emperor's laws, and this kind of harsh judgment deeply affected him. The disapproving gaze on the priest's face was visible, even to those not paying much attention.

"Children should not be criminalized for the sins of their parents," he said with certainty, his voice carrying a tone of authority. "After all, we are all children of the Emperor, and it is our duty to help and protect each other. What is being judged here is the merit of the talents these children possess."

Johnny, observing his father's response, couldn't help but feel a flicker of respect for him. Finally, someone in that room was willing to speak out against the cruelty of the other peasants. It was a glimmer of hope in a world that, for Johnny, was becoming increasingly complex and intriguing.

Lord Kaloch observed Alexander closely, examining him from head to toe. Memories of a young harlot who used to provide him with services crossed his mind. The resemblance between the child before him and that woman was remarkable, and there was a specific chance that he was Alexander's father. The prospect of murdering his own son gave him butterflies in his stomach.

Lord Kaloch, after a brief pause, returned to his golden armchair. He reclined in it, with a serious expression on his face. His index finger began to tap repeatedly on the surface of the golden table, a reflective gesture that revealed his deep unease. The room was shrouded in silence, awaiting his decision, as he grappled with the conflicting thoughts filling his mind.

"Damn it! What kind of luck is this? What the hell is he anxious and indecisive about, but for some reason, maybe he has some dark plan," thought Johnny as he watched Lord Kaloch with keen eyes, trying to decipher the motivations behind his indecision.

"I will decide Alexander's future after assessing everyone's magical layer in the Mana Ceremony!" declared the lord, finally making a decision that sparked murmurs among the children and their guardians.

"I understand, it's not orthodox, but you don't want to lose any resources in your humble territory!" taunted the priest, casting a critical look toward the lord, further escalating the tension in the room.

Lord Kaloch clenched his fist, his eyes flashing with thinly veiled anger, but he soon forced a clearly false smile and said, "Oh, shall we continue the ceremony, Father Cicero? We wouldn't want our witness to get bored!"

Johnny realized that tensions between the powers of the nobility and the Holy Church were evident, and there was much more at play than met the eye. The ritual continued, but the atmosphere in the room was fraught with mistrust and uncertainty.

A few hours later, all the children present had perfected their talent awakenings. The atmosphere in the cathedral was filled with a solemn and mysterious feeling, leaving Johnny with the sense that he had witnessed something of great importance.

The priest, with his firm and imposing voice, supposedly said to the children, "Swear in the name of our Emperor God! Swear that you will never submit to the will of darkness! And that the Emperor's light will be your guide, both in life and in death! Swear secrecy, swear never to tell anyone what happens within the Holy Church!"

In response, all the children raised their voices in unison, making the solemn oath: "I swear in the name of the Emperor!"

The priest nodded with satisfaction and concluded, "Perfect! May the Emperor protect you!"

That moment would mark the beginning of a mysterious and challenging journey for all the children as the secret of the awakening ceremony was sealed, creating a special bond between them and the Holy Church.

The hideous creature, which had mysteriously hovered over the opening ceremony, began to gradually become transparent as the oath reached its end. Its rings spun vigorously, creating an ethereal effect in the surroundings, as if they were merging with the air. This disappearance relieved the tension that had dominated the place, and a collective sigh of relief swept through the cathedral, except for Lord Kaloch and Father Cicero.

The complex relationship between the Church and the Emperor was a closely guarded secret. The Emperor was, in fact, the center of the Holy Church but was in a comatose state or something akin to death on his throne.

The ancient lords of the human empire had strategically employed a strategy, allowing the empire's realms to gain a degree of independence but maintaining strict control over religious affairs. The Church claimed that the Emperor, even adorned on his throne, continued to protect humanity from the horrors of darkness, employing his divine will that transcended dimensions to guide humanity's fate.

This intricate power dynamic and hidden secrets were destined to shape the future of Johnny and all the children who were there. As the cathedral slowly emptied, the eyes of Lord Kaloch and Father Cicero met for a brief moment, revealing an underlying tension that threatened to erupt at any moment. The pieces of the game were in motion, and the fate of the small fiefdom was about to be sealed by forces much greater than he could imagine.

"My subjects, listen to me! In four winters from now, we will test your magical aptitudes. Remember, such an event occurs only once a decade. So, do not miss that day, and that includes you, young man!" The lord directly assigned to Johnny delivered these words, causing Johnny to turn his head, searching for any possible third party who could be the intended recipient of those words, but there was no doubt that he was the target.

"Phew, I have four years to prepare!" Johnny thought in relief, feeling the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders.

"Until then, the children to whom I have promised employment can continue to live with their parents until they reach thirteen winters of age. I will provide supplies according to their needs. Now, all of you may return to your homes!" The lord's words echoed in the cathedral, and the relieved children exited the premises, eager to share the news with their families and prepare for the impending challenge. As Johnny followed the others, his mind was already filled with questions about what the future held for him in that mysterious world full of magic.


Meanwhile, in another corner of the world.

Within a grand cathedral, constructed of stone with colorful stained glass windows, a solemn silence prevailed. Its high arches and majestic vaults bestowed an aura of spirituality and grandeur upon the place. The golden sunlight filtered through the stained glass, creating luminous patterns that danced across the polished marble floor.

Inside the church, a middle-aged man in white robes occupied the elevated pulpit. His speech was passionate and filled with conviction, echoing within the cathedral's ancient walls. The congregation, consisting of devout worshippers, listened with reverence, absorbing his words.

"Dear brothers and sisters! Who here has never heard of Medusa, the woman with snake-like hair, whose gaze could turn men to stone? What many do not know is that Medusa was one of the three Gorgons, identical in appearance and powers. Euriale and Esteno were immortal, whereas Medusa did not share the same grace. And now, you may ask: why the difference?" The voice of a middle-aged man, dressed in white robes, resonated throughout the vast cathedral, clear and penetrating, addressing an assembly of the faithful.

However, his preaching was abruptly interrupted by a bishop in red robes, who entered the ceremony and swung open the temple doors. Like a collective murmur, the entire church whispered in astonishment as they beheld the man dressed in red.

"Who dares interrupt the preaching of Pope Frederico!" exclaimed a member of the clergy, also dressed in red robes, similar to the intruder.

Immediately, the newcomer knelt, holding a sealed letter, and spoke, "Forgive me for interrupting your most holy word, Your Excellency! However, I bring matters of utmost urgency. Saint Clara had a vision and sent this letter, stating that its contents are of the utmost significance!"

The Pope, taken aback by the interruption, raised his eyebrows and, in a moment of transcendence, levitated above the faithful. His white mantle fluttered like the wings of an angel, and his eyes radiated a celestial light. With divine grace, he hovered above the heads of the congregation, accepting the letter with a look of curiosity. The congregation watched with a mixture of awe and shock, and some of the faithful even fainted before the extraordinary scene. The church, with its majestic beauty and solemn atmosphere, became the backdrop for an event promising to change the course of history.

The congregation watched in admiration, and many even fainted, as they saw the holiness hover above them like a deity.

"Oh! The news is extraordinary!" exclaimed the Pope, engulfed in a sea of fervor.

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