
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 69: Rated 18+ - Edited by Yovis

Author Notes:

This chapter is fun, because it's so stupidly out there because I decided to throw everything out the window. It's also fitting because it's the 69th chapter for this Volume lol.

Good news is that I got SDXL to work so yay for more pictures! (Currently releasing Elysia batch)

Other than that, please support us in whatever way you can, pretty please?




P.S: A fanfic/AU sets in a Starsector far, far away with my writing style, interest?

- Yes

- No

- I don't know, cookie? (Accepting the cookie means Yes)

P.S: Edited by Yovis


While the Polanians are scratching their heads, trying to salvage what's left of a table that got the Kentucky Ballistic treatment, things are very different in Berlin. The Reich Marshal, resuming her interrupted vacation, is lazing about in Yggdrasil's dimension. After Yuki, Mobius, and Einstein have been given an earful by an exasperated Bryn about responsible testing and experimenting, the Marshal is promptly relived of most of her duties. Before Thomas the Train gets back to friendly territory, Yuki will be taking the backseat, or at least the version that piloted the Morgan will. There are still other Yukis running around doing everything else that is not Reich Marshal-related business. Nevertheless, that's beside the point. Right now, it's time for some girly activities for once, and that means...

"PILLOW FIGH-!!!" Even before Yuki can finish shouting, a pillow promptly smacks her in the face, knocking her back onto the gigantic bed. Of the twelve (thirteen) individuals on the bed, Yuki is the first to go down with the first blood being drawn by a surprising participant, Sirin.

Since the night is young and she now has too much free time, Yuki decides to spend time with her younger sisters, with almost all if not all of them adopted into the family in some shape or form. Hence the shocking need for a bed big enough to host all of them, it's why they relocate to Yggdra's dimension to spend the day playing around or just chatting with one another. When the night falls, Yuki turns the bed into a pillow castle, intending for all of them to have a playfight before tucking in for the night. The young Marshal has it all planned out, she even anticipates the potential chaos that will ensue with how the girls may use their abilities. Yet, what Yuki didn't expect is for Sirin, who has been infatuated with her, to immediately smack her in the face with a pillow. It hurts, not physically but emotionally, making Yuki contemplate her life choices very seriously. The fact that Sirin actually giggles at her defeated appearance only serves to stab more metaphorical arrows into Yuki's fragile heart.

While Yuki is temporarily down for the count, the other girls aren't idle as they all spring into action. Ningyou and Mei bolt for Griseo and Daria, with Ningyo already deploying spells that can boost the physical abilities of her girlfriends in all but name. Bella jumps over to Sirin's side as usual for the pair. Similarly, Bronya floats over next to Seele protectively, though the latter's eyes and hair shading can be seen flickering from blue to red intermittently. Lastly, Mash hobbles over to Rozaliya and Liliya, mostly because she feels responsible for keeping the twins from going overboard. Disclaimer, while Liliya may act as the common sense for Rozaliya, this is not always the case. There are precedents of them both becoming a bundle of chaotic fun energy, needing a fair bit of effort to calm them down. Mash, fearing such a repeat, stays near them to rein them in if need be. The Shielder does not want another set of luxurious furniture to be destroyed by the twins.

Anyway, with the girls divided into camps, the battle then begins in earnest. The first to take action is Bronya. Utilizing her power in creation, the floating girl conjures multiple velvety white pillows decorated with small Takodachis. Sending forth her barrage, Bronya indiscriminately bombards the other camps in a shower of fluff.

Not willing to be outdone, Sirin opens many portals in the paths of the pillows that are aiming for her and Bella. When the pillows fly into the portals, they are redirected toward the other groups. Sending them all either blocking or dodging.

Mash's team has herself holding up a giant pillow and blocking or batting the incoming projectiles away. For counterattack, Rozaliya and Liliya move to grab the discarded pillows and either chuck them at the other teams or try and chase them down.

Bronya, being on the receiving end of her own attack, has Seele to count on. The latter is quick enough to tackle Bronya out of the way before Veliona takes over. Veliona, in a flurry of black and red, starts punching and kicking the pillows back over to Sirin.

Bella, not willing to let her sister face Veliona and Bronya alone, rushes to intercept Veliona. While their protectors are tangling with each other in close combat, Sirin and Bronya trade shots with each other at long range. Sirin uses her spatial ability to throw pillows while Bronya just creates more to retaliate. The intensity of their battle is too much for Ningyo's and Mash's teams to interfere. As such, the last two groups opt to trade blows with each other instead.

While Mash, Rozaliya, and Liliya have higher base stats than Ningyo and her team, Yuki's first sister utilizes spells to even out the playing field. Though quite hard to learn and employ nowadays, body enhancement magic is versatile and effective. It's something that Ningyo has learned with ease and finally has the chance to show off. Buffing herself and the others in her team, Ningyo brings the fight to Mash's cohort. Mei and Griseo hang back to pepper Mash with their own set of spells and pillows while Daria and Ningyo take to the front, entangling with Rozaliya and Liliya. What is baffling to Rozaliya and Liliya is that Ningyo and Daria are just too good at stopping them. One has to note that Rozaliya and Liliya are enhanced by the surgery made by their mother Cocolia, yet to think Ningyo and her love interest can go toe-to-toe with them is a shock. The twins don't really understand that both Ningyo and Daria train a lot to improve themselves. Even young Griseo and Mei in the back are not an exception. With them all living in the grace of Yuki in one way or another, they always strive to be better and not stagnate so that Yuki won't ever be disappointed or sad. It's their responsibility as Yuki's family members.

Regardless, the pillow fight has somehow developed into an all-out war between Yuki's sisters, with each faction trying their best to outdo the other. Soon enough, it's not just pillows being traded but also spells and non-lethal projectiles being tossed around. Even Mash has to bring out her very best to stay atop of the game. At this point, it's a miracle that the terrain of this battlefield, the pillow castle, is still intact. Still, it's easy to see that the situation has come to a stalemate between all parties. Even when they all pull out their special and hidden abilities, none of them can overpower the other, at least not in this setting. What all can say for sure is that each of them is having fun with a wide grin or small smile on their faces. This is the first time they have played around to their heart's content without caring about the consequences. Such fun is elusive for them all as their abilities and skills are either deadly or have set them apart from their peers. Even the most normal girl of the group Daria, can't exactly fool around like this due to her being an officer cadet with the skill to match.

Fun as it may be, the girls forget to keep an eye out for the previously knocked-out participant. It comes as a shock to them all when the battlefield tempo they have all fallen into is disrupted by a precise yet chaotic burst of time dilation. Pillow projectiles suddenly speed up midair while the girls' footwork suddenly slows to a halt. The unanticipated disruption forces the girls to either get hit by the speedy projectiles or fail to dodge an incoming swing of the fluffy weapons. Either way, it's an immediate knockout for the girls, making it a perfect ambush by the previously forgotten Yuki.

As the girls crumble down beneath the weight of the pillows exaggeratedly, Yuki stands tall, jutting out her chest proudly. To think they all get taken out at the same time. The younger girls feel ashamed to have underestimated this foe of theirs. Moving to finish off her sisters one by one, Yuki stops atop Sirin.

"Any last words, betrayer?" Their oldest sister asks with a sweet smile and closed eyes, sending shivers down their spines and something else.

Sirin gulps, unsure whether she should be excited or scared when she sees Yuki's expression. "Ehm... Mercy?"

Honestly, with Sirin's limited knowledge of the subject matter, she still manages to appreciate Yuki's beauty, especially when viewing from below. Is it wrong for Sirin to feel down bad for Yuki who is wearing a form-fitting gown that accentuates her body? Sweet home Alabama, this girl is beyond saving...

Whether Yuki knows Sirin's intrusive thoughts or not, no one knows for sure. What they do know is that Yuki is tapping her chin a few times before saying. "Nah~!"

She then swings a Takodachi pillow down onto Sirin's face, finishing her off for good.


Fun stuff aside, the pillow fight ends in a sleepover for all of them. As they all cuddle up in their pillow castle for the night, Sirin suddenly wakes up to a sense of loss. Having been sleeping in between Yuki and Ningyo, Sirin is befuddled when she doesn't see Yuki to her right anymore. Lately, Sirin has had the habit of going to sleep and being hugged by someone. Usually, it's either Bella or Ningyo or in rare cases her orphanage mother Cocolia. Yet, Sirin finds her best comfort in Yuki's embrace so she seeks out Yuki whenever she can. As an understanding big sister, Yuki never says no to her, and tonight is also no exception. Yet, when she sees no trace of Yuki anywhere, Sirin is understandably curious.

Lightly hopping off the gigantic bed she's on, being careful to not wake the others, Sirin goes on to track Yuki down. Being introduced to Yggdra's dimension before, Sirin is familiar with its layout. She first checks the bathroom before moving on to the stargazing area, ultimately ending up near the kitchen. Smelling the aroma of recently brewed tea, Sirin hazards a guess that Yuki is in the kitchen chilling. Yet, when she approaches the slightly ajar doorway to the area, Sirin halts upon hearing weird sounds and moans. Sirin's immediate instinct is to turn back and head off to sleep, yet her curiosity wins out as she still hasn't seen Yuki yet. Hence, Sirin tiptoes to the slightly opened door. The closer she approaches, the louder the moans and weird noises become.

Standing next to the doorway, Sirin finally figures out the sounds she has been hearing. The voices unmistakenly belong to Yuki and their adoptive mom, Hel, while the weird noises are meaty and wet as if some fleshy things are slapping against one another. Her interest piqued, Sirin peers through the open crack in the door, witnessing a sight that would burn itself into the young girl's mind forever.

The subject of Sirin's explicit interest right now is none other than Hel and Yuki engaging in a sexual act with one another, with Hel being the dominant one of the two. Sirin blushes madly, chiding herself for not realizing what they're doing sooner. The girl and her sisters already know about the birds and bees talk, having received one in many of their tutoring sessions. Yet, knowing and seeing are different. So, with an intense sense of curiosity, Sirin spies on the pair that is drowning in their coitus. She is both shocked and intrigued by the sight of Hel pistoning in and out of her big sis' babymaking room with a large member. Their clothes are either haphazardly discarded or torn in some places. Now that's some Rated 18+ stuff there and Sirin has somehow stumbled upon such a thing.

Drawing on her limited knowledge of adult matters, Sirin identifies that her adopted mom is using a sexual spell to grow a phallus, using it to mate her big sis silly. The sight of her sister being pounded from behind as she lays over the dining table on her stomach is oddly exciting for Sirin. Mother Hel, in her gentle yet dominating manner, thrusts her member deeply into Yuki's womb. Sirin watches as Hel muffles big sis Yuki's lewd gasps by putting her fingers into big sis' mouth. Unable to voice anything other than incoherent moans, big sis Yuki seems to melt under Mom's well-endowed figure.

Sirin can't help but stealthily gulp when she sees the absolute bliss on Yuki's face as her eyes glaze over while her mouth seems to suck on Hel's fingers. From where Sirin is, she can also see clearly the part where their sexual organs are connected, with them both dripping liquids under extreme arousal. The sight of Mommy Hel's big cock bulging big sis' belly with each thrust is extremely stimulating. The pleasure both of them feel must have been so great that they both seem to be lost in their own world. Oddly enough, Sirin finds herself feeling envious of them both.

Yet perhaps the most captivating of all is when Hel reaches a hand underneath Yuki, groping one of her breasts strongly before another hand moves to pull Yuki's face up for a deep kiss. In between their sensual exchange of tongues and saliva, Sirin is mesmerized at how fast Hel starts moving her cock in and out of Yuki's folds. Ultimately, with a last searing kiss and muffled moan, Hel drives her cock deep into Yuki's uterus, pumping thick and hot ropes of cum for the umpteenth time.

Sirin has no idea for how long have they had sex but she knows that her big sis has been at their Mom's complete mercy for some time. The proof of this is Yuki's swelling belly and the copious amount of semen leaking out from her womb. Even with Mom's impressive size, her lower member can't keep her essence contained in big sis' folds.

As Sirin's big sis and adopted mother ride out their orgasm by pulling each other closer, the young girl can't help but reach a shaking hand down below her pajama. Sirin is mortified to feel a wet patch forming beneath, yet the girl understands that after viewing everything, she herself is aroused. While a normal person may question the reality that Hel and Yuki are committing something akin to incest, their entire family is anything but normal so Sirin ignores such questions entirely. Sirin instead forces herself to calm down, using the chance that her Mom and big sis are still intertwined with one another to stealthily escape.

After seeing such exciting debauchery for real, Sirin finally realizes why her big sis tends to be a tad too lovey-dovey with the rest of her family. Big sis Yuki and the others are mixed in a polyamorous relationship. A shocking thing to be sure, one that Sirin feels dumb for not realizing this sooner. Regardless, Sirin can't help but feel hope that there's a chance for her, after all. Really, if even their adoptive mother can bang Yuki, what's stopping Sirin from doing the same in the future? Sirin will just be following their established precedent, after all.

Unknowingly to all, a mischievous smirk can be seen on Sirin's face as she hobbles silently toward the bathroom. Her thoughts are meant for the future, for now though, Sirin will have to get her arousal in check after everything. It won't do at all for big sis Yuki to look at Sirin and think that she is a pervert.

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Heartbreak01creators' thoughts