
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 42: Office Report (R-18)

Author notes:

I am back from Christmas! The last two days have been a fun one, cooking food with my mom is, and always will be, an enjoyable experience.

I sure hope you all have been having an enjoyable festive season so far! Now, onto the chapter!

P.S: Pa-treon updated its UI, again! And they freaking made me allocated the wrong Patron chapters, twice!!!

P.S.S: Also, five new images are posted in the album. Enjoy! Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/waZgkRa3UQhqKQBi9


Sardegna is having a rough time, of that the entire world knows. True to the Marshal's words, the Papal state is rightfully attacked and punished on their home turf. Shockingly, in one day, Sardegna's largest naval base, Taranto, was wiped out while many more military facilities in the surrounding area were razed. Their proud Alexander fleet sank without being able to do a thing about their invisible enemy. It has to be known that despite their blatant military aggression, Belka has never shown their hands, yet the result speaks for themselves. Sardegna is sent reeling from the impact of losing a major naval asset, and try as they may, they won't be able to regain their prior power projection. Not with only blockade runners and submarines, they will need more than a few peashooters and lurkers.

But of course, due to the opening moves of Operation Rolling Thunder, Belka is called out by the Ustian Loyalists and the Kingdom of Erusea, blaming the loss of their radar networks on the Reich's mysterious witchcraft. That's very typical of them, but ultimately, the world just doesn't care when frankly speaking both sides are still at war with each other. That and Belka have plausible deniability, for both the Loyalists and Erusea hold no proof over the fact that Belka scorched their backyard prior to the firebombing of Taranto.

So in the end, Belka shuts them down by saying. "Oh no! Anyway..."

That said, while the nations are setting up to enjoy Sardegna's misery and searching for ways to benefit themselves, the person responsible for everything is filing a report to her superior. Namely, her adopted mothers, the Empresses of Belka.

"Ah! Ahn~! Ahh~!" Sensual moans filled the office belonging to a certain Lucifer.

Wait... Isn't the script a bit wrong here? Yuki was supposed to be delivering a report to her mothers, not getting railed from behind by her mama Lu.

"Come on, darling~!" Lu said by Yuki's ear as she slammed her cock deep into Yuki's baby-making room. "I want to hear the rest. You don't want to make your mama, nor yourself, wait, don't you? My cock is brimming with anticipation, awaiting for sweet release. Just like you~!"

Yuki lets out a loud, lust-filled gasp before saying. "Y-Yes, mama!" She fights the increasingly unbearable ache in her lower half, going as far as cutting her report short, just so her mama can stop edging her and letting her climax already. "The Operation will be running for weeks! It will take out targets of interest in batches every single night! Trainyards, refineries, logistical bases,... Everything! It will continue until Sardegna is on the cusp of military inoperable!"

Lu smirks deviously before suddenly hoisting Yuki up with her feet in the air. The Devil then lets Yuki fall down onto her shaft, making her moan with a flushed gaze as her womb swallows the cock down to the base, the girthy member seems to stretch Yuki's walls to its limit. But it isn't painful by any means, rather, Yuki is momentarily drowning in the pleasure of Lu's thick genitalia. The little Marshal, when compared to Lu's voluptuous body, nearly reaches that peak of desire but once again, Lu stops both Yuki and herself from climaxing. Not until the report is finished.

Feeling the pleasant tingle fading away as her mama stops pistoning her lower half, Yuki almost curses uncharacteristically. But she bites it down, opting to finish up everything fast just so she can let herself be fucked by her devious mama.

"The true objective, however, is to force Auschwitz to reveal itself- Ah~! Mama!" Lu suddenly moved.

After fucking Yuki on her office desk, Lu decides to continue defiling Yuki on her throne. Just by sitting down on the throne, Lu's large cock pushes and pulls Yuki's inner walls, teasing but not indulging. For further incentive, Lu pistons her shaft in a marginal, gentle rhythm.

Yuki, feeling the bulge in her belly, is tempted to lay her hands on it, hoping to add pressure on it to garner a swift release. Unfortunately, Lu is faster than her and captures Yuki's hands behind her back. With a smug grin, Lu continues her act of edging Yuki on and on. Coincidentally, Yuki is down to her unbuttoned white shirt. Her normal Marshal attire was torn to shreds by Lu's sharp draconic tail when she first arrived. Her mother then pushed Yuki onto her desk before ramming her raging boner into Yuki.

Soldering through her needs, Yuki says in between moans as her perky breasts heave up and down. "With all the tunnels and trainyards got taken out... One by one. Auschwitz will be limited in their options to pick where and when to appear for a resupply. Mhm~! U-Until finally, there's only one location left that can service Auschwitz! A location of our choosing! T-That way, when we see it fit to confront the pocket dimension, it will be on our terms!"

Lu leans in, leaving a hickey on Yuki's glossy neck, earning a gasp of pleasure from her daughter before saying. "But that's not all, am I right, darling?"

"No!" Yuki shakes her head while rubbing her legs together. Her lewd liquid left behind strands between her legs and fell onto the floor. "I-I am curious! I have a feeling that I need to do something at Auschwitz... I need to confront the Lady behind the curtain! By forcing Auschwitz into the light, I can walk in and hold a meeting with Persephone!"

With her head over Yuki's left shoulder, Lu lays her eyes on Yuki's own, seeing her golden clock ticking ever so regularly in place of her left iris. Going in for a heated, wet kiss, Lu captures Yuki's tongue in a vice grip with her own while ever so slowly speeding up the movement of her shaft. Finally, after a whole minute of exchanging fluid, Lu pulls back, expressing. "If I hadn't known about your broken power, I would have vehemently opposed your idea of facing the maddened Persephone. I think it's a bad idea even still, but I can see it in your eyes that you have made up your mind. Your instinct is telling you to do something, and as a Dragon myself, I would say that trusting your guts pays well, sometimes."

"Mama." Yuki breathlessly replied. With Lu's pace going faster and faster, forcing Yuki's pussy to conform to the shape of her dick, Yuki's mind has gone into oblivion and won't be returning until her bottle-up is sated. As the Devil, Lu can easily gleams the heart-shaped pupil that is formed in Yuki's right iris whenever she is hungry for a good fucking. And just like any good mother, who is she to not satisfy her daughter's every need, even if that need includes knocking up a girl or two in Yuki's belly. In fact, Lu thinks it will be sexy for Yuki to bear a pair of girlie twins, she will cause the entire world to bleed if it means she can see Yuki breastfeeding her children. Yggdra blesses her because Yuki will make for a fine mother.

Thinking that far, Lu has earned herself her largest boner yet as she imagines Yuki with kids in her arms. Lu's cock grows a tad larger than before, befitting her status as the Devil and her race of Dragon. If Yuki was still lucid, she would have noticed her belly bulges out like there were two of her lovers' shafts in her womb, not one. But the massive wave of pleasure that is assaulting her mind though, that she can feel clearly, and is desiring for more.

With renewed fervor, Lu lets Yuki's body fall forward with her arms still being held behind her back while the Devil works her magic by slamming their lower halves together. Wet, meaty sounds fill the air while the smell of sex in its rawest form permeates the office. "Oh my~! Oh dear~! My daughter's cunt is so tight!" Lu commented as she too was starting to lose herself in the heat of the moment.

Despite Lu's impressive member, Yuki's vagina walls contract hard, embracing the cock with unrelenting pressure. With their lewd liquids mixing together after a period of tethering the brink, it's pure pleasure with each and every single movement of Lu's cock. "Dear Yggdra! We have trained you so well! Of the entire family, it's only fitting that my daughter has the best holes out of all of us!" Lu nearly shouted that out. "Can't believe you're only at the tender age of 18! What Marshal? You're only a slut! But you're our slut! My loving daughter, you belong to us and no one else, you hear!?"

With her possessiveness showing off by the glowing of her draconic gold eyes, Lu forces her unsharpened tail inside Yuki's anus. A perk of being the Devil, her tail can be made into a great sexual relief, evidenced by Yuki's loud moans. "Oh~! Ah~! Ah! Ahh!!"

Being railed from behind by two large objects, Yuki now looks every bit like her mother's description from earlier. A slut belonging to the entire family.

Like a dragon exerting its dominance, Lu spreads her legs wide, her back against the chair while slamming herself into Yuki's crevices. Finally, with a feminine but bestial grunt, Lu tightens her hold on Yuki's arms before pulling her deep down onto Lu's ravaging tail and cock. The action forces Yuki to open her mouth, breathless at the suddenness of it. But such an act warrants them both the sweet, sweet release they have so long for.

With an audible rumble inside Yuki's belly, Lu cums thick, hot strands of her fertile milk from both her tail and cock. The powerful, sticky white blasts paint Yuki's inner walls full of Lu's delectable essence. In a corner of her mind, hidden somewhere, Yuki can feel her belly grow heavier and full like she has just eaten a full buffet. That is true, in a way, Lu has many perks as being the Devil, nutritious semen, and a sexual but deadly tail are but two among many.

With her sexes back up a whole lot after edging, Lu keeps on cumming and forcing every single millimeter of her dick and tail further and further inside Yuki. Like the Dragon and Devil she is, Lu loves the act of marking her own with deep, penetrating ejaculations. For a whole two minutes, both Lu and Yuki bask in their own climax, their juices mixing and pooling into each other, spilling from minute gaps in Yuki's pussy and anus and falling onto the throne and the floor.

Finally, Lu goes back down from the high of fucking her daughter like a possessed person. With a hot exhale of her breath, Lu pulls Yuki into her embrace. Now that Yuki is being supported by Lu's tall frame and the members that are still inside her, Lu moves her naughty palms away from her daughter's hands and starts fondling the perky white breasts and pink nipples. Feeling their warm, soft textures, Lu lets out a hungry growl, her members are still hard and won't go down any time soon. "My, oh my~! You sure know how to tempt your mother, darling. These breasts are born, just to be tasted in a good fuck, you know? Now that I said it, I kinda want to turn you around and take a bite out of your hardened nipples."

Lu chuckles as she feels Yuki shuddering at the mention of another session, the mother licks her lips when Yuki's walls start tightening more and more.

Leaning in, Lu breathes her words into Yuki's left ear. "Good girl. You would have made a for a fine succubus under and me alone. Hehe, now I can't stop myself from imagining you being one... But that will be an opportunity for another day. Right now, I will breed you senseless until I knock you up with a twin or Hel returns from conducting ritual rites at her church. When your mom returns, though..."

Lu teasingly bites her daughter's earlobe, saying. "Well, we can continue this in the bedroom."

She laughs when Yuki audibly gulps. Oh yeah, today will be a good day.

As much as I loathe myself for saying this, I am asking for a favor.

I have calculated my current income and tried to plan for the months ahead. However, I was surprised and scared when I learned that, in January and February of 2024, I may be in deep trouble. Why those two months in particular? Well, it comes down to Vietnam loves freaking extended holidays. On New Year and Tet holidays, banks will take a break at the beginning of the months/holidays. When this occurs in conjunction with weekend breaks, the matter stands that my monthly income won't be processed! Not until they're done with taking whatever break they need to.

That means, for the first two weeks of these two months, I may fall under the situation that I have money, but I can't withdraw any. As such, the home won't have any actual food, like, nada. While I can survive on instant noodles (if I still have them by then), my mother who is sick, surely can't.

It pains me to say this but I am asking for your favors, your help, and only if you can spare it. My Pa-treon is still there for monthly donations in return for benefits. Current income 535 USD/month out of 800 USD/month goal.


However, I have also set up a Ko-fi (hopefully properly this time) for coffee tips. This is for one-time tippings if you can't afford a monthly subscription. It's my hope that the money from tippings will be used for an advanced withdrawal to procure emergency food. There isn't any benefit for Ko-fi just yet, not sure how to balance it alongside my Pa-treon. So you can't read advanced chapters, but you can at least check up on some sexy pics XD


Jokes aside, if you can support me monetarily, I hope that you can boost the popularity of my fiction in any way you can. On behalf of my mother, thank you, for everything!

Heartbreak01creators' thoughts