
Chapter 17: Facing the Strongest Cat

Eve of the fourth month after entering the Tempest Mountain Range.

Hijiri was eating a piece of roasted meat in a cave near a bonfire. Behind him was the enormous carcass of the bear who would have been the ex-owner of the cave.

(Hijiri): "Luckily I brought some seasoning or eating meat daily would have been quite dull."


Two months before he had been fed up with the taste and sleeping on the ground. He made a trip down the mountain to take some spices, cooking utensils, a sleeping bag, and two large scrolls. Then he proceeded to create a sealing scroll and a summoning one. That was because he mused that if he found a decent summon it would be a pity not having the scroll with him.


Having finished dinner, he sealed the remains of the beast in a scroll and went to bed. 

The next day he decided to go deeper into the mountain range. So he resealed the sleeping bag and started quickly moving.

Three hours later he noticed that ahead there was an area in the sky that was devoid of clouds. Interested, Hijiri decided to go to see what was there.

And so, while dodging a lighting bolt now and a wind blade next he arrived to a valley.

Inside the valley, there was a circular lake of pure water and a cave whose entrance seemed like a temple.

As he was thinking about what to do he started sensing an enormous amount of chakra coming from one of the caves.

As the chakra signature neared, Hijiri started sweating: 'I can't believe I met one this soon.'

An enormous paw exited the cavern and soon the figure was out. A 4-meter-tall, two-tailed cat covered in blue fire, yawning and stretching herself in the morning.

The two-tailed beast lazily went to the nearby lake and started drinking. The lake near the cat started boiling due to the heat.

Hijiri was unsure about what to do. Leave? Attack her openly? Ambush her? Talk to her?

In the end, he decided to not resort to ambush but to try to talk to her first instead. Hijiri retracted his senjutsu chakra that he used to appear one with nature and to not be perceived through chakra sense. Then he started descending to the valley.

As soon as he lifted his senjutsu chakra, the two-tailed cat perceived him. She turned herself to face him but didn't put up her guard, probably disregarding him as a threat.

(Hijiri): "Good morning! My name is Hijiri. What's yours?"

The two-tails seemed perplexed for a moment, then she said: "Well, good morning. My name is Matatabi. Young Hijiri why are you here? Are you not scared of me? And how did you know that I could talk?"

(Hijiri): "Well in order. I am here in these mountains to train. I am scared of you but I have confidence that I would be able to flee if things went south. And, in the end, I know about some other multi-tailed beasts and they have two traits in common: their immense might and the ability to speak."

(Matatabi): "That explains it. So young Hijiri why sis you come?"

(Hijiri): "I actually only passed to say hi. But if I can I would request a spar."

(Matatabi): "Are you sure? You humans are quite fragile. I wouldn't like to hurt the first person I talked to in ages."

(Hijiri): "Don't worry, I am quite durable. Are you in?"

(Matatabi): "Fine, it's been a while since I properly exercised. Let's go to the mountain nearby so we don't destroy my home."

On the top of a mountain, a 12-year-old boy and a four-meter-tall flaming cat were standing one against the other.

(Hijiri): "Are you ready? We will start when the rock I launch hits the ground."

(Matatabi). "Ready."

Hijiri threw the rock in the air. When the rock hit the ground the two opponents started sprinting towards each other. They met at the center, Hijiri with the byakugan open.

Hijiri knew that, while his body had been tempered by years of training and from the permanent aperture of the first 4 gates, he couldn't match a tailed beast in a strength contest. So, when Matatabi's paw came, he slipped under it and then delivered a devastating strike where he saw the flow of chakra was at its weakest.

Matatabi roared in rage at the unexpected pain. She didn't think that this human could hurt her.

She decided to take this spar seriously. Her size doubled and her presence became overwhelming. If before she was like a bonfire, now she was an inferno.

Hijiri started sweating both for the presence and the heat. In the show apart from Kurama and Gyuki (8 tails) the other tailed-beasts' performance seemed a little underwhelming.

But at that moment he understood that it wasn't that they weren't strong, it was that their opponents were overwhelmingly fearsome.

(Matatabi): "It seems you have some strength, Hijiri. I will be serious from now on. Do your best, it would be a pity for you to die."

Hijiri started smiling: "Bring it on!"

The battle raged on.